I can let what’s happening define me or refine me.
As the years have gone by I have had to change my life drastically. My family has had to change theirs. When someone in your home has multiple diseases & there are no cures, it doesn’t just affect me (the sick one) it affects everyone I love. I have had new symptoms start & am now being tested again. So, more waiting. I’m bed ridden for 90% of my day & in a wheelchair for the other 10%. I’m not going to lie, there are days it’s just to much. It breaks me & I just can’t take it anymore. And that is when I need God to pick me up & carry me because I just can’t anymore. There are no words. The pain, the sickness, the loneliness, the frustration you feel when your body turns against you & won’t do what you want it to. When you’re destructing from the inside out. Then there are days I can handle it. I put on my happy face so people don’t see what is really going on. My family knows, because they know me to well. But I won’t let what’s happening define me. It may be shaping me, molding me into someone I need to be. I do believe all of this has a purpose. I don’t know what it is, but God does. And his ways are always better than mine. All I know is- I want to be, “Those who have walked through the fire leave sparks of light wherever they go.” - Unkown Muse from a Mystic # Chronicdiseasewarrior #Fightingthegoodfight #NeverGiveUp #warrior #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AutonomicDysfunction #ChronicKidneyDisease #MultipleSclerosis #ChronicMigraines #MenieresDisease #CentralSensitizationSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #ChiariMalformation #Godisincontrol #Family