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Making doctor appointments alone #alone #neurologist #BackPain

It’s tough doing ALL of my medical care alone. Seeing a neurosurgeon again. Hoping for new technologies to treat painful spine opportunities #neurospinesurgeon #Scoliosis #Arthritis #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #sciatica #musclespasms #HerniatedDisc #DDD #BackPain

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Physical therapy pacing #Fibromyalgia

**Asking for Help** hello all. So I've started physical therapy three and a half weeks ago, and for a while it was going really well, surprisingly well. I was doing more than I expected I could do thanks to my medications | was recently put on.

But the physical therapist obviously keeps pushing me harder and harder I've told her how much of a flare she keeps putting me in every session. I'm trying to be collaborative to come up with a treatment plan that includes pacing for my fibromyalgia.

My PT is not used to working with chronic illnesses. She doesn't understand pacing or doesn't seem to. I don't know what to tell her to help her to understand the necessity of it.

Not only am I having a hard time saying STOP and NO with authority, but when I listen to my body it feels okay, feels shaky and tired but the pain is manageable during the appointment. Fast forward 8 hours and I'm shaking, teeth chattering, and gagging from the pain.

I need help on how to navigate this! I don't know if this is just trial and error or what.

How do you all deal with pacing? How have you all managed physical therapy over the years?

Many thanks!!

#HerniatedDisc #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Fibromyalgia


My pain

I'm not sure what to do with my back at this point. Does anyone have a spinal cord stimulator? Has anyone used a TENS machine? Which works best? Does anyone have a herniated disc at their L2 L3? Has anyone had their discs collapse cause there was nothing left but bone? I'm just tired of being in pain. I can't go through another surgery. I have failed surgery syndrome. I just need the time to make an informed decision without being rushed. The injections don't seem to work anymore. I'm running out of options and there are many treatments left for me. #laminectomy #spinalcordstimulator #HerniatedDisc #ChronicPain #imtired #imscared


My struggle

I'm having what I think, hope and pray is a flare up from a herniated disc. I can pinpoint the pain and I usually feel like this when I sleep on the left side, which I did this weekend after I had severe stomach pain. I can generally shake it off with ice, heat and medications but this time I can't stop the pain. It feels like the pain is sending lighting bolts to each side of my body. I have discs out on both sides. I know something is off. When I lie down the pain seems to get moderately worse and then a little stiffness, then horrible pain, then none just like that. I've always had numbness on the right side when walking, but the left side is giving me pain through my toes and on the top of them when I walk. I had radiating pain down through my thighs and at the end of my shift when I put pressure on my feet to stand, pain went through both sides of my back like lightning bolts. I have a new job starting and I'm worried that a ESI won't do much good for long. I can't believe this. I might can try a cream but so far heat cream hasn't helped much for this. #laminectomy #HerniatedDisc #I 'mscared #I 'mworried