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Healthy distractions

Music is one of our best defense against fate. Our condition may be chronic and our bodies will eventually fail us but music 🎶 will always be there.🙂🙂🌄#neurogenicmuscleatrophy #chronicalidynia #peripheralneuropothy #herniateddiscs #ChronicPain #Disabled

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My time

I know that I have to make a shift in my life. My back is my most serious concern. I feel that I'm too dependant on others and it hurts my soul deeply. I want them to live and enjoy life without worrying about how I will feel especially when we go out. I don't want them adjusting their happiness to accommodate me. I just want to scream and I mean loud. I want my body back. I got a surgery and now I have failed back surgery syndrome. I just want to move and lose weight and stop fucking crying about the pain. I want a better job and my own place. I just want to leave this world happy. I drove today and I hit a bumpy road a little too hard and I'm worried that will cause more pain. My young man was so happy that I appeared to be back. I love my young men and I want more for them. I want them to live not just for me but for them. If they hurt themselves helping me then I would just be dead on the inside. I worked dead end jobs for them to help provide and be there for my family, now I don't know how long I'll be able to work or walk. I'm a loser and sometimes I feel if I were dead then things would be better. I can't take this fucking pain. I can't take it. #laminectomy #BackPain #herniateddiscs #I'mtired #imscared


Go away

It's been about a month since I've had a good flare up. I started pain management again and we're back on track with the injections. This time it took a few days to kick in but I knew that I still had work to do. I concentrated on using my core muscles and began to relax. My main back pain was from cramping or strain from being constipated. I stay sore from the surgery. I slept on the side with the newest herniated disc and have been in pain for 3 days. I didn't get my muscle spasm medication called in and this time around I have no pain relievers. I'm hurting all across the bottom of my back on both sides. This is the first time in years that the whole bottom has hurt at once. It's usually one side at a time. I'm struggling to keep my hours at work. I make just enough to cover some bills and the rest goes to Dr. appts. No one can pin point the pain. I've been to the specialists and I don't want another surgery. I'm down and defeated. I just want to enjoy life. I thought I'd be working out and losing weight by now but I'm struggling. I can't afford to get mental help and I'm at the end. I need help or answers. I can't take being poor, in pain and overweight. I'm really beginning to think of an exit cause I can't do this. #BackPain #laminectomy #herniateddiscs #ChronicPain #I'mtired #imscared


Spine Cord Stimulator

I had the Nevro HF10 device implanted in September of last year. Since then, my pain flares reduced from all of the time to only every couple of weeks where they change the settings again. Their website shows nothing but good results, and the patient reviews are amazing! 90% of patients achieve significant pain relief according to the studies and I just don’t know why I’m not one of them. I’ m even doing a gofundme now for a wheelchair since I can’t afford anymore of my medical costs and this was the last treatment they could try for me. I’m in therapy to accept a daily life of pain. Has anyone else experienced this?

#Nervedamage #Arthritis #spondylosis #lumbarspondylosis #batterednerverootsyndrome #DegenerativeDiscDisease #herniateddiscs #Neuropathic Pain


Nerve Damage

I went to pain management today. I got some pretty good options. It seems that my l2-l3 is acting up. I have never had an injection for this area. We will try this route before surgery. My S1 is being compressed but hopefully these injections will help. I do not want the fusion. My back is burning and pain is radiating through my legs. #backproblems #herniateddiscs #nervepain #lumbarback

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I woke up to this post this morning while still in bad pain after a long night of tossing and turning from my lumbar nerve pain. I thought to myself this post is so true and so powerful I gotta reshare it. Pretty much sums up life with an illness or illnesses pretty well.... #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #herniateddiscs #bulgingdiscs #InvisibleIllness #Pain #Spoonie


Having a hard time

Hello. This is my first post. i
I am in extreme constant pain that is making me feel so hopeless and like i will never be able to afford any of the surgeries that might help. I am very down right now. i also struggle with anxiety/insomnia and depression. i feel like the pain is consuming me and I see no hope. Thank you.

#ChronicPain #herniateddiscs #DegenerativeDiscDiseas #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Anxiety #Depression #Insomnia


Having a hard time

Hello. This is my first post. i
I am in extreme constant pain that is making me feel so hopeless and like i will never be able to afford any of the surgeries that might help. I am very down right now. i also struggle with anxiety/insomnia and depression. i feel like the pain is consuming me and I see no hope. Thank you.

#ChronicPain #herniateddiscs #DegenerativeDiscDiseas #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Anxiety #Depression #Insomnia

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Things I've Learned

It's true that you never stop learning or growing. It hit me hard today that I've grown so much from what I have learned this year. It's ok to cry or vent to someone as long as they have your best interests in mind. When I'm happy I light up the room. I can smile and it becomes contagious. Even through the chronic pain, I still become a beacon of hope for someone. I learned that my actions hurt others, cause there are people who really care for me. They hurt cause I'm in pain and my being sad hurts them too. I learned that despite how I think, I am somebody who is loved. I have folks who admire me just because I didn't give up when I've struggled. I'm stronger than I look and feel. I'm blessed to be here. My faith is my guidance. And lastly I've learned to let people go. To let those go of this who I love but they don't love me. The people who I love but they can't stand me. You can't force someone to love you or want to be around you. I learned that the hard way cause I'm wearing myself down trying to be someone that I'm not. I'm worthy to be loved and when the time comes it will happen. If it doesn't I'll be ok. In the end I will be alright. #Suicide #Depression #ChronicPain #Heartache #wanttobeloved #lonely #betteroff #DegenerativeDiscDisease #herniateddiscs #Postsurgerydepression