How to? Make regular friends or join nothing about mental social community when you have social anxiety, depression, and anxiety disorder.
how can you make friend when you have social anxiety and always have this perceived intrussive negative thought about other people?
I have tried to get into the circle of friendship with my besties, but then I snapped. My anxiety was too overwhelmed with the mambo jumbo, as I have to be able to smile all the time and follows the trends or fad in this circle.. too tiring. So I left them...
then I tried to join the social community about entrepreneurship which I like to learn about because I think I am better at avoiding the friendship one, but then someone said something that I thought it was annoying.. well, my mind keep trying to say it was nothing but I just cannot accept it, because it was annoying at least from my own anxious perspective. so I left... again...
This kind of sweet flight mode is like a pattern, and I did not realize it until now.
So, this anxiety wont even give me the chance to work on my social anxiety.. I thought if I try to get a little by little to cope with it, I might be able to be my self again...
Anxiety kills my happy personality.
Is this even treatable?