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Morning Coffee Anyone #minions #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine

Good Morning Family

Have you had you cuppa yet today?☕

Just checking I dont want to make you angry 🤣🤣🤣

Coffee has it uses even the cup apparently 🤣☕

Keep smiling Mighty Family laughter is great for the soul.

Love n hugs Tj
❤🤗😘🌸💮💐 #Giggles #CheckInWithMe #giggleswithafriend #coffee #minions #Smiling #Lovenhugs #checkonyourneighbours #Stayinghome #positivementalattitude #Bekind #Selflove #Kindness #Chronicpainwarrior

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https://V.E Day 75th Anniversary #good morning #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mightys

Today is a National holiday in the UK
Because it is https://V.E day the 75th Anniversary.
We may still be in lockdown but we can still celebrate the occasion.
Victory in Europe

Remember they spent over 4 years in a strange lockdown.
After the first World War there was Spanish flu. That sent the world into lockdown just like we are doing now.

Each time we came out and Triumph the Evil.
Just like we will this time.
Have heart
Never give in
We will win
We will beat it this time round Too.

Love n hugs Tj
#Commpassion #Love #Hugs #checkonyourneighbours #VE75thAnniversary #HangOnInThere #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #LoveandCompassion #Bekind #loveyourself #ActsOfKindness #HaveHeart #Stayinghome #staysafe

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UK only #NHS #VolunteerReponders

Good Morning Mighty Family

I'm going to do something different this morning

This is the UK new NHS volunteer program the set up to help in response to the lockdown.
Here is a UK only phone number And a story from an email I got this morning.
As I am a UK volunteer chat check responder.

0808 196 3646. UK only

June Hartle, 83, Oxfordshire receives daily check-in and chats and said: I am very lucky. A nurse from my local surgery rang me to tell me she had referred me to the NHS Volunteer Responder scheme and I have been very well looked after. I can't speak highly enough of it!

If you are in the UK and have a family member or friend you'd like to refer to the service please use the phone number above. Or you'd like to use the service phone up. It's a free Service.
All the volunteers are uk people who have volunteered they are also picking up prescription and collecting shopping and picking people up from hospital too.

#MightyUK #MightyMoment #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Bekind #lovingkindness #lonleyness #Chatting #Chat&check #Ukonly #Friends #Family #Love #Kindness #Stayinghome #volunteers #PhoneUp #FreeService

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Hugs Any kind #CheckInWithMe #Hugs

Sending You

Big hugs
Little hugs
Snuggle hugs
Loving hugs
Healing hugs
Comfort hugs
Whatever kind of
Hugs you you need
This should
Have it covered
Especially for you.

I could use a Hug too

Love Tj 💖❤💘😘😘😚😗🥰 #free hugs #loving hugs #snugglehugs #IloveyouHugs #Bekind #Chronicpainwarrior #Insomnia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #Snoopy #needhugs #shieldinguk #allalone #lovingmyselfagain #selfcare #Kindness

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Keeping Busy This Week Baking #Chatspace #baking #Distractions

Morning Guys & Gals

How are you today?

As you can see from my pic, this is what I've been baking this week. As few carrot cakes with cream cheese icing; some cheese scones and a fruit loaf done in my bread oven. No I wouldn't have the energy or hands to do all that kneading.🤨🥵

I grated all those carrots and that was enough for a three hour rest on the sofa 🤣😂.

So what are you doing to keep you busy? What are your distractions.?
You've met my 2 pups Pepper and Pedro.
So along with my baking, which I do to give out to my neighbours. Which they gobble up.😋😋😋😋❤.
What are you up too??
Show us what you are up too
If you want to in your own post or post your comments below and let's have a chat.

Much love Tj 😘😋❤🖐🥕🍰💞😽💖🧐🤓😉😁🐕🐶🐈🐱🐾🐾🍞☕🎂🍪🍩
#CheckInWithMe #baking #livelife #Love #Hugs #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Chatting #Ventaway #Kindness #hobbies #Pets #Tj #Stayinghome #Stayingsafeathome #NeverAlone #Beingalonetogether #

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Hello Everyone #Howdy #Hiya #GoodDaysBadDays

Good Morning or hiya
How are Ya Today

I love the words let go of what you cant change. It's hard to do sometimes. But boy is it good to do.

Like life right now.

Make the most of today.
Much love to you all. Hugs all round. Tj 🤗❤💞😘🌞😎😌🌹🥀🌺🤛 #NeverAlone #Alwaystogether #LIVELIFELOVELIFE #Bekind #Hugs #Love #loveyourself #ChronicPain #RareDiseases #checkonyourneighbours #Stayinghome #stayingpositive #mightywarriors #KindnessMatters #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #TrigeminalNeuralgia #kindnesscounts

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My Super Power What's Yours? #Chatspace #minions

I Can go from lady to crazy in 2 seconds dont underestimate me...........................

You know my super power

Now tell me yours.

Let's have some fun 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tell me your super power what can you do????
Super power

#Chatting #Talking #Love #Hugs #Superpowersrus #Minionssuperpowers #checkonyourneighbours #Stayinghome #Beingyou #Kindness #Bekind #Kindness #Positivity #NeverAlone

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Good Morning Friends #CheckInWithMe #sundaymorning

Hello its Morning Again The Birds are singing 🐦🕊and the sun is trying to break through the clouds 🌥

Its another day in our new world of trying to learn how to live in lockdown and living mostly at home. 🌏

So Friends new and old as you can see from my pic, this is what Friends Stands for.

It doesnt matter whether you are a new friend or a friend of 30 years, a virtual friend or a next door neighbour friend. All friends mean the Same.

So I'm raising a cuppa to you my friend ☕ coffee . It is morning. What did you think ???!!!
Much love Tj
#Friends #Family #Love #Hugs #peace #Respect #checkonyourneighbours #Fightforyou #Loveyou #loveyourselves #RareDisease #Anxiety #Stayinghome

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Slinky do you remember Them #Slinkies #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine

Slinkies what fun they were when we were kids pushing them down the stairs.
They only cost a few £€$
Some people are like slinkies!!!!!!!! #Fun #Sundayfun #sundaygiggles #Love #Hugs #Stayinghome #Havingfun #Justforlaugh #RareDisease #Family