It's been awhile; I need to see some familiar faces...
I think the bleeding is over,
But I’ll never be the same,
There’s a pain in being sober,
It’s a time I never overcame…
So, into the pillow I scream,
I don’t want them to hear me,
It’s not another bad dream,
Life, why won’t you let me be?
A tangled mess within my mind,
Like spiderwebs and fear,
Why can’t this world be kind?
Warming words I need to hear…
Please tell me it’s not too late,
I want more than a bitter fate.
#MightyPoets #MentalHealth #Agoraphobia #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #PTSD #Diabetes #SuicidalThoughts #Cancer #ChronicPain