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I need a break from...

Managing your health? A person or a place? A responsibility that feels like too much right now? Tell us what you would press pause on today if you could. ⏸ And please remember that there’s no shame in needing a break — you’re a human who can only handle so much at once! (We are too.)

#MightyMinute #Take2 #Break #TakeaBreak #CheckInWithMe #mondaymood #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Autism #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Cancer #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #AutoimmuneDisease

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What have you been bottling up?

Maybe it’s a feeling or thought you’ve been experiencing a lot. Or perhaps it’s a reaction to current events or circumstances in your personal life. Whatever the case may be, please know you don’t have to carry the weight alone. This is a nonjudgmental space to set it down. 😌

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Parenting #Cancer #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Fibromyalgia #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #LymeDisease #AutoimmuneDisorder #Recovery #mondaymood

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What are you up to this week?

Got a lot on your plate? One step at a time. 👣
Have an upcoming doctor's appointment? We know the drill. 🙌
Looking forward to something? Let's hear it! 🤩
Struggling with your health right now? We're here for you. ♥️

Let us know what this week has in store for you!

#MightyMinute #mondaymood #todolist #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Autism #Cancer #Depression #Fibromyalgia #52SmallThings #selfcare #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MightyTogether

Most common user reactions 2 reactions 250 comments
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What’s one reason why “staying positive” isn’t always possible?

When you live with a health condition or disability, seemingly harmless phrases like “keep your chin up” or “look on the bright side” can actually be invalidating.

That’s why we want to know the reasons why “staying positive” isn’t always possible for you as a way to remind others that it’s OK to not be OK sometimes (and we shouldn’t feel bad about it!). Let's meet each other with empathy and understanding today. 🤗

#MightyMinute #mondaymood #MondayThoughts #Toxicpositivity #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #ChronicPain #Autism #Parenting #Cancer #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #RheumatoidArthritis #Migraine #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Recovery

Most common user reactions 7 reactions 138 comments
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What does your “best” look like today?

When you live with a health condition or disability, every day can look a little different. Sometimes you can get out of bed and conquer the world (or that mountain of dishes), and other days you feel lucky to open your eyes and slowly peel yourself off the pillows.

However you feel today, we’d like to meet you where you’re at. Let us know what your “best” looks like so we can cheer you on. 🙌

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Anxiety #Depression #Parenting #ChronicPain #Cancer #Autism #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #mondaymood #Migraine #mybest

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What has recently taken a toll on you?

Tell us what's been weighing heavy on you lately — changes in routine due to the pandemic, an event you weren't expecting or maybe a flare-up in symptoms. We're here to hold space for you today.

P.S. If you have the energy, send an encouraging message to other Mighties who might be going through something difficult right now. 💌

#MightMinute #mondaymood #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicPain #Cancer #Autism #Parenting #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #Lupus #ChronicFatigue #Recovery #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #CheckInWithMe

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What are you hoping for this week?

It's a fresh week, which means another chance to try again! Tell us what you're hoping for in the coming days — whether it's an event, a change in your mood or for your symptoms to ease up. 🌱

And in case we haven't told you this lately: We're rooting for you! 👏💪

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #Disability #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Parenting #ChronicPain #Autism #Cancer #Anxiety #Depression #mondaymood #MondayFeels #Hope

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I can’t stop thinking about ____________ right now.

What’s on your mind? 💭 Consider this a safe space to share — the good, bad or anything in-between.

If you have the energy, send a message of encouragement to other Mighties who might be in a difficult headspace.

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #mondaymood #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Parenting #RareDisease #Anxiety #Autism #Cancer #Depression #ChronicPain