Are the doctors trying to help you or just traumatize you even more?
When I was 15, I attempted suicide. After two weeks in the hospital, I got transported to a psych ward, and the things I’ve experienced there were HORRIBLE.
The staff was mean and shouting at us 24/7. Any smallest inconveniece made them bully us, degrade our persona and attact our selfesteem.
They used their guidelines against us and often twisted them to hurt us. This one time they just randomly perscribed me new medication without even telling me the name. So I refused to take it. And in response? They took advantage of the fact that they are allowed to make you undress yourself when under the suspicion of self harm, if it’s in your card. (Note, I did not have SH in my card) But it has to be the bathroom or somewhere private. Where they forced me to be naked instead was the middle of the hallway and the nurse even grabbed a young boy (7 y.o.) and made me stand in front of him. NAKED.
They were secretly listening when you were on your phone with family and then giving you punishments when overhearing any slightest complain.
So I’m curious. What is your experience with psych wards and the doctors? #PsychWard #Doctors #BPD #SuicideAttemptSurvivors