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Recovery, 1 month since the end. 18.05.2022-21.01.2025.

A month was yesterday since the end of a horrible traumatic period of my life, especially the last two years, with an extremely traumatic event, of losing a dear person to those who tormented me all this time. So how have I been doing since? I'm freed. It took time, but grateful to have nothing to do with these people again. And people can be saved only if they choose to. And I chose to.
And I am grateful to the amazing company I work for, And my coworkers. To my family And friends, to my activities. To you all for the support. And here is my #photodiary about the recovery.
1. To signify the end And also for security I painted my hair red. 2. My theology books. 3. My dance shoes 4. My town 5. My leotards And costumes 6. My pharmacy books 7. My sign of hope, the spider 8. My music instrument, 9. Part of my new tattoo.
#Trauma #Recovery #Gratitude #Survivor

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Recovery is a process. #Depression #Recovery #Anxiety #Relationships #Hope #MentalHealth

Yesterday we drove 7 hours from Sydney to the town of Mallacoota. We are staying with good friends. 5 years ago this small town was engulfed by unprecedented bush fires. 300 homes were destroyed and 4000 people from Mallacoota and surrounding towns were evacuated to the beach for their safety. The navy had to send ships to rescue the residents.

This morning walking on the beach I saw this blackened tree that had been burnt in the fire but surrounded by new growth.

Our hard seasons might look barren and devastating. Yet, eventually hope of a new day comes. Hold on. Hope is calling your name.

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Looking for Volunteers to Share Experiences for Mental Health Awareness Book

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a book project that explores the journey from suicidal depression to self-transformation and happiness. The goal is to share raw, real-world thoughts and feelings to help others who may feel alone or want to better understand this mindset.

The book will include anonymous contributions from people comfortable sharing excerpts of their personal journals, thoughts, or reflections during difficult times. Contributions will only be identified by year of birth, countries of residence, and the timing of the entry (e.g., Born 1990, UK/Canada, Written 2017). The aim is to show how these experiences can affect anyone, anywhere, and to help others feel seen, understood, and less alone.

I’m incredibly grateful that a few people have already come forward to share their stories, and I hope to include as many voices as possible in this project.

This project is not about data collection in the traditional sense—it is not a survey, poll, petition, or anything of the sort. It is not for formal academic research or a for-profit venture. Instead, it’s a heartfelt initiative seeking personal, voluntary contributions to promote awareness and understanding.

If you’d be willing to share your experiences—or know someone who might—please reach out. Thank you so much for considering being part of this.

#MentalHealth #Depression #PTSD #Recovery

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Looking for Volunteers to Share Experiences for Mental Health Awareness Book

Seeking Anonymous Volunteers who are willing to Share their story and experiences for Mental Health Awareness Book.

We’re now just a few voices away from bringing this vision to life. If you’ve experienced depression, PTSD, mental health struggles, or periods of self-transformation, your story could be the inspiration someone else needs. The book will feature anonymous contributions—just journal excerpts, thoughts, or reflections—identified only by birth year, countries of residence, and when the entry was written (e.g., Born 1990, UK/Canada, Written 2017).

This isn’t for academic research or profit—it’s a deeply personal initiative to help others feel seen, understood, and less alone. If you or someone you know might be willing to contribute, please reach out. Every voice matters.

I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who have already come forward to share their stories. The response has been incredible, and I’m deeply grateful for the courage and honesty of those who have contributed so far.

#Depression #ADHD #PTSD #MentalHealth #Recovery

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is AutisticAdventurer 🦔. I'm here because I am really struggling with thoughts of sh. I am sh free ❤️‍🩹 for 96 days 🗓️ a record I haven't had in a really long time. I don't want to relaps but feel so low 📉, I don't want to talk to anyone about it or at least I am scared to. That's just why I am here. 📍

My physical health is dettoriating I can barely stand at times. I am in my exam period 📓, but don't know if I can study much longer because I feel really low and it hurts me so much. Also almost every examperiod I relaps and I am asking myself if it is still worth it? 🤷

ASD brings a lot of challenges. 🙄 I am also diagnosed with bipolar II, but think I also suffer from complex ptsd because I relive certain moments over and over. I really don't know... The weird thing is the moments I relive are most of the times the moments not of trauma that happend but about the consequences of it, like ending up in ER... 🏥

I really want to be a teacher 👩‍🏫, but I am in 2,5 of the 3 years study, but I don't know if I can stay because I feel really unwell.

I want to travel the world ✈️🤸🌍, saved up since I was 14, now I am 21 y/o. Right now is that my motivation to keep going. I really want to be here.

Also because I joined a scouts 🥾🧭 I have a reason not to leave my life in Belgium behind and find it hard that there are things in my life right now holding me back. There opened a new position in the group, to organize a lot etc, but that is for three years and I am only staying here for two more years. Also because of my asd I can't always handle pressure, so I don't feel I am up for it even though I really want it.

Can anyone give me some advice? 🍀

#MightyTogether #BipolarIIDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #MentalHealth #Selfharm #Recovery #actuallyautistic

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Easy Does It

There’s a chapter in my book detailing my love affair with cigarettes (yes, that’s a shameless book plug but trust I have a point) and if I’m being honest, it is a battle that comes up quite often.

And it comes up most often in times of stress and if there is one thing I have been experiencing in the recent present…it’s stress.

I mean- but aren’t we all.


Raising kids is hard and I think raising teens might be harder. Navigating this world that gives us access to all the things presents its own unique challenges and throw in the fact that we are technology-parent-pioneers…

…well let’s just say mistakes are made and tears are shed.

My go to for a quick stress release has always been cigarettes and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t effective so trust when I say no judgement, smokers.

However, in my experience, relief in the short term doesn’t always provide relief in the long term.

There’s-like-research and stuff that says smoking causes all kinds of problems like lung disease and cancers and just a host of things that if I had a choice- I wouldn’t choose and I guess the truth is I do have a choice.

Not to mention, those teens I’m raising, they’re watching.

They’re noticing.

They are taking stock at how their mother handles stress and if she chooses unhealthy coping mechanisms well then it kind of passively permits them to do the same.

Short story long- a few months ago I picked cigarettes back up because the stress of it all begged for release and when my kids started questioning why there was a smell of smoke (because you can’t hide that stench no matter the effort) I decided that they deserved a better role model and that prompted me to want to make a different choice.

My feed has been full of other accounts sharing the magic of running and the way it can help the mind and let me tell you that I am open to a lot of things but running has always been an “are you insane” proposition but per usual the influencers were effective at influencing.

I decided to start running. Well, if we’re being honest, it is more of a slow jog.

But now I’m signed up for my first 5K and I have been reconnecting with a friend who runs who also happens to offer beautiful support in the hard and my kids have been joining me on occasion and I *think* the long term benefits of running are just better than the consequences of smoking.

Ok. I know they are.

Anyway. I am sharing this to tell you how easy it is to choose a quick release.

A bad habit.

An unhealthy coping mechanism.

It’s easy because instant gratification.

But y’all, we’ll pay for that quick release in the long run (oh would ya look at that pun) Yes, it is harder to choose movement over cigarettes but it does feel better.

I am finding joy in something that never would I ever have thought could be joyful and I just want to tell you that the draw to substances (like nicotine) is powerful but so are we.

It is all hard friends. But- even if it doesn’t feel like it- we get to choose our hard.

Keep going. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
#MentalHealth #Recovery

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