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Self Care Camping Retreat anyone???

Hi guys, i’m just wondering how many followers i have who live in the UK and maybe open to organising our very own #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Retreat for 2 nights of course! 😍🙋‍♀️💚🏕️🗣️💬🙌💥🌍🤞💐✍️📚🌊🌳🚶‍♀️🧘‍♀️

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good evening friends, I’m sorry it’s been quiet in here, iv been away on small camping retreat with my son and his partner. #recharge #restore

#MentalHealth #Retreat #self #Nature

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#Stress cures for COVID

My husband just lost his job (like everyone else) and the shots I’ve been getting for migraines have been postponed until my specialist can safely open up her office again.
Which means, for now, #Migraines galore! So I had to think of something relaxing for us to do ASAP and all I could come up with was “we need to get away from this!”
So we did.
It had to be safe... so no people.
It had to be clean, and germ free, so again, NO people (no hotel.) So car travel was ok, but camping was the best solution! We got a really nice air mattress and drove to a place I reserved online. It was lovely. Just don’t forget bug spray. #calm #Retreat #MentalHealth


Some Silver

Life is weird. The COVID-19 Pandemic is horrible. But for some reason through it is a silver lining for me, big time. Strange life would hand me healing during this time.

As you all know, I'm chronically ill and very immunocompromised. I have to stay at home all day most days anyway. So, it's nice to feel like my existence is "cool" now. I think I'll start a blog for people about how to not go completely bonkers during excess isolation.

I've been having a really bad year (brain tumor, car failure, etc). I've longed for a term of classes at only eight credits. But unfortunately I am unable to go at that pace because of the way my financial aid works. This next term will be different. I spoke with my financial aid office and they said my scholarship won't be reduced because of the pandemic. And our first month of classes will be remotely delivered. And since my lab works with human participants, we won't be doing much research next term.

As you can see, this sets me up for a much more relaxed schedule next term. I've needed this for so long. I can finally achieve my full form as a hermit. I plan on doing lots of sleeping, art, Netflix, and work on my research.
Now I don't have to worry about when my next major medical steps take place.

I hope you all are hanging in there. 💜

#COVID19 #positive #IllnessAndCollege #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicFatigue #RheumatoidArthritis #Immunocompromised #MentalHealth #Autism #Retreat


Recommended retreat or program for ptsd? #PTSD #Recommendations #Program #Retreat #Australia

I have chronic pain, depression anxiety all the fun stuff... I NEED to find a retreat or program that will give me an intensive under-the-microscope approach to it all and dive into some big change & tools to drive me towards healthy. I have been struggling through suicidal thoughts daily & my beautiful little girl deserves a healthy mummy.

I can’t possibly risk causing her pain by losing this battle, no matter the cost, I need this. I’ll raise the funds somehow. I’ll do whatever I have to for my baby girl 👧🏻 #Fundraising #Mentalhealthretreat #Therapyretreat #IntensiveOutpatientPrograms #noprivatecover #Pensioner #Soleparent #Ptsdretreat #Ptsdtherapy #Ptsdrecovery #Spdpelvicpain #Adhesionrelateddisorder #Abdominaladhesions #ChronicPain