Mercy New by Melanie R.
As You wake me in the night,
to speak to me as I write,
brightness covers darkness,
Lord, we thank You for your light.
Each morning
mercy new,
the dawning break of day.
The bread was broken for us,
to restore Your Mighty Way!
Your returning day approaches,
guidance needed most-
Your light has seen us through it,
Our lampstand; Heavenly Host.
A lighted path before us;
Not lost,
You led the way.
Opened eyes;
burning bright…
we praise Your Holy Name.
Father in Heaven,
The light that guides and shows us the way. Thank you for kindling Your Light of purity and allowing Your divine burning light to be seen. Seen to light the way of our path, to shine our testimony in the midst of great heavy darkness the way The Light of Christ anointed our faith.
One spark lights an entire room. Your mercy is fresh and new each morning as The Light of The World. The Great and Mighty Lampstand of constant presence shining before this world! Your light shines above the darkest shadows and empowers us to have the strength to overcome, as you have overcome every work of darkness! Praise God! Your Holy Light pours wisdom and chases darkness out. Heaven let your light shine down on us! We thank you for bringing mercy, life, and light in each dawn of day.
In Jesus’ glorious name,
Psalm 106:1
Praise The Lord! O give thanks for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
1 Peter 2:10
Once you were not a people, but you are now the people of God,… which had had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
The Way, The Truth, and Life!
Shine your light! Give Light!
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