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Why does it always feel that the weight of the world is on my shoulders?

So, why does it always feel that the weight of the world is on my shoulders? Also, why does it seem that even though I’m already beaten down and out that more is then thrown at me…as tho to rub salt in the wounds or to mock and spit on the beaten lady who clearly is distroyed without help or hope in any sight? Why does our world say that one makes a mistake we believe in secon chances and want people to improve and grow from this negative situation, when despite the changes I’ve made and no matter the numberous positive good selfless deeds I’ve done, that same world holds my past constantly over my head and keeps me from truly moving forward….ITS as to say sure yes change do better but never again shall you rise above any true level like out of poverty or low level placement….no matter my educational achievements nor my willing once positive drive to succeed and to help others equally be successful?! #Depression #why #MentalHealth #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Poverty #ADHD #PTSD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Grief #AnorexiaNervosa #Migraine #CheckInWithMe #InsideTheMighty #MightyTogether #somuchmore

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'round my neck

I just posted this poem on another post but realized it's 4 months old so here it is again

#PTSD #MightyPoets #BipolarDisorder #somuchmore


hand 'round my neck
not in a sexual way
hand 'round my neck
c'mon, it's only the start of the day
hand 'round my neck
tight as a noose
I try & I try
But can't break his thumb loose
up at his height, I beg silently
I pray to any entity
for him to release me
barefoot heels hit the wall
barely five foot three is no match
too small
for his six two tall
But someone in the universe
must have heard
& had my back
bc out of nowhere
my body lands, slack
deep down I know he's not done with this attack
he had screamed in my face
that I was to die
and that he'd then leave this place
go tell my family 'hi'
out of state
facing my fate
-ACS 11.2021

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OMG I feel like such a loser

I have to be in bed by 6pm because I just can't take the pain anymore. I work so hard to get to 6 and still feel like a loser when everyone else in my family is getting together for fun. # # #chronicillness

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Now and Forever More #MightyPoets  #Love #Hope

Who takes care of you when the dark shadows of the world are knocking at your door.

When your light is dimmed, your blind and you can't see anymore.

Look inside, you'll find that beautiful bright light. It's there inside, growing and waiting for you to connect and explore.

It's hope and love, just open it, they are knocking at your door. Reminding you, you are enough, you are loved and you don't have to be scared anymore!

You have the power to save yourself, you always have. You are beautiful and so much more!

#MightyPoets #Love #Hope #YouAreBeautiful #Healing #ShadowWork #light #enough #Grow #scared #Scars #somuchmore