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How will you respond?

No one said life would be easy.
No one guaranteed us anything.
I didn’t ask for the #CPTSD the #ChronicDepression the #MajorAnxiety I didn’t ask for the #UlcerativeColitis the #CrohnsDisease the #diverticulosis the #Diabetes
I didn’t ask for being part of less than 1%of the ENTIRE WORLD having both inner ears damaged beyond repair. I didn’t ask for the #Tinnitus ringing so loudly in both ears I sometimes can’t hear what ppl say. I didn’t ask for any of this. But I have them and more
They way I see it?
I have 2 choices
I can learn to live with what I have and take #ONESTEP 🦶🏼at a time to do my best. Even if it’s minute to minute
I can be a victim, feel sorry for myself, “woe is me”
I’m learning that I can’t control everything. This is a hard one for me.
I like to know what’s going on, what will happen, I over analyze EVERYTHING and then do it again. It’s a viscous cycle
My mind always races
What about this? What about that? You should have did/said whatever this or that
I’m sure a lot of you know the “Coulda Shoulda Woulda” game we all play
STOP 🛑 ✋🏻
Take a deep breath
My therapist told me something recently that “clicked”
She said “Focus on the things you CAN control, not the things you can’t.” She was right. I’m a #workinprogress but I’m trying 🙂
When I start to focus on what I CAN control, my #Stress levels go down just a bit. The #AnxietyAttack is at bay just a bit longer and I feel just a bit better.
It’s amazing what can happen when focused on what I can control and #letgo of what I can’t.
This is one of my favorite #mantras
Which one will you choose?
I’ll choose to RISE again and again
Whoever is reading this remember:
#Youareamazing #YouAreBeautiful


#WarriorStrong 💚💜💪🏻

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Now and Forever More #MightyPoets  #Love #Hope

Who takes care of you when the dark shadows of the world are knocking at your door.

When your light is dimmed, your blind and you can't see anymore.

Look inside, you'll find that beautiful bright light. It's there inside, growing and waiting for you to connect and explore.

It's hope and love, just open it, they are knocking at your door. Reminding you, you are enough, you are loved and you don't have to be scared anymore!

You have the power to save yourself, you always have. You are beautiful and so much more!

#MightyPoets #Love #Hope #YouAreBeautiful #Healing #ShadowWork #light #enough #Grow #scared #Scars #somuchmore

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Good Morning ♡

Good Morning to anyone who is needing to hear that today , to anyone who doesn't have someone to give them that good morning with a smile or even a text !
Good Morning to you all ♡
I hope you feel better today ,
I hope you realise how strong you are,
I hope you can get through anything in your way today ,
I hope you know you matter ♡
I hope you know you are beautiful ♡

#youmatter #MentalHealth #Endometriosis #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #mighties #Dailyinspiration #Insomnia #YouAreBeautiful #StayStrong #Bekind


You Are Enough. #Selflove #ItsOKMan #YouAreBeautiful

In case you needed to hear this: You are enough. You are worthy of love, kindness, and respect. You are worthy of happiness. You are not your illness, suicidal thoughts, triggers, tics, or disability. You are YOU. As my favorite actor, Jared Padalecki says; You Define You and Always Keep Fighting.

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Out of place .....

That way when you look at an object or a picture or anything at all that makes you notice something there is either different from all the rest so stands out or something is missing....thats what I feel when I took this photo....
Is it beautiful because its the one part that stands out or is it an unknown feeling because it is out of place ....
Not sure if any of this is even getting my point across but its the way my head is going tonight ....
I think it is stunning and love the fact it stands out....

#youmatter #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #Endometriosis #Insomnia
#StandOut #speakout #DailyReminder #YouAreBeautiful

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Peaceful ♡ #youmatter #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #Endometriosis #TheMighties

I love when I I can feel completely calm and relaxed that my head doesnt spin as much and the knots in my tummy stop .... I can enjoy just being me and at peace ....

Hope you all have a lovely day ♡
#youmatter #MentalHealth #Endometriosis #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #alone #Bekind #youareimportant #YouAreBeautiful #loveyourself

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Self love is the best kind of love

My silver lining of 2020 was realizing that the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself, and there’s nothing more powerful than the power of self love. Loving yourself is everything you need to sustain a meaningful life. It is accepting yourself unconditionally no matter what, which frees you from the burden of needing acceptance from anyone else. Loving yourself is realizing that every compliment and every kind gesture from others is just an add on to what already exists. It allows you to become more loving towards others and makes you want everyone to shine because you know for a fact that it will never dim your light. The energy that comes with loving yourself is magical that will inspire others to glow as well. The strength that comes with it is fulfilling that will make you acknowledge your worth and value. Self love isn’t being selfish. It’s respecting yourself enough that makes you not settle for anything less than what you deserve. At the end self love attracts the love of others and shows you that you are lovable with all the imperfections you have. The truth goes with this saying “no one can love you the way you love you” and you owe it to yourself.

I love you Rana♥️

#Selflove #Selfworth #worthy #loveyourself #lovemyself #beyou #Loveyou #YouAreBeautiful #Respect #happy #Happiness #MentalHealth #SilverLinnings #Empowerment #growth #Healing

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Self love is the best kind of love

My silver lining of 2020 was realizing that the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself, and there’s nothing more powerful than the power of self love. Loving yourself is everything you need to sustain a meaningful life. It is accepting yourself unconditionally no matter what, which frees you from the burden of needing acceptance from anyone else. Loving yourself is realizing that every compliment and every kind gesture from others is just an add on to what already exists. It allows you to become more loving towards others and makes you want everyone to shine because you know for a fact that it will never dim your light. The energy that comes with loving yourself is magical that will inspire others to glow as well. The strength that comes with it is fulfilling that will make you acknowledge your worth and value. Self love isn’t being selfish. It’s respecting yourself enough that makes you not settle for anything less than what you deserve. At the end self love attracts the love of others and shows you that you are lovable with all the imperfections you have. The truth goes with this saying “no one can love you the way you love you” and you owe it to yourself. #Selflove #Selfworth #Love #beyou #YouAreBeautiful #Empowerment #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Respect #worthy #loveyourself #grateful

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