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#Spoonie Thoughts #8

Totally thought I posted this yesterday..oops. My spoonie thoughts are getting fun lol ya'll don't even know the madness that goes on in my head. For more, visit the link in my profile #ChronicIllness #SpoonieThoughts #spooniewarrior #Spoonie #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleIllness #chronicpain #fibrowarrior #Fibromyalgia #chronicillnesswarrior

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You know you're a #Spoonie

I rarely wear make-up. Like, REALLY rarely😂😂 I opened up my make-up bag to a mask because they are so prevalent in my life, even when #covıd19 isn't around. During flu season, masks are a common thing because the flu is also dangerous to those of us who are living with chronic illnesses. That probably made us one of the most prepared demographics for this virus. We live it all the time, so I can't help but feel a little like this time is also a lesson in compassion for humanity. Let's just hope they learn it (shh I can hope.) For more from me, visit the link in my profile #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #AloneTogether #stayhome #ChronicIllness #fibrowarriors #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #SpoonieThoughts #Spoonie #Fibromyalgia #chronicillnesswarriors #fluseason

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#SpoonieThoughts #6

Some more Spoonie Thoughts for you💜 Eventually they'll be so many that I'll have to give them their own section on the website😂 I have another "Negotiations with My Body" in the works, too. The comical battles with my body always make for a good read. For more, visit Written by Dida (link in profile) #ChronicIllness #fibrowarriors #fibrosucks #Fibromyalgia #invisibleillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllnesses #fibromyalgiaawareness #ChronicPain #SpoonieThoughts #Spoonie #writtenbydida #MentalHealth

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Living with #ChronicIllness

In the interest of not letting the chaos take over completely, here's a virus-free graphic😂😂 This happened in my head yesterday. For more, visit the link in my profile or search for Written by Dida pretty much anywhere. #ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #InvisibleDisability #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaawareness #fibrosucks #spooniewarrior #Spoonies #SpoonieThoughts #writtenbydida #AutoimmuneDisease #Diabetes #nervepain

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#ChronicIllness #SpoonieThoughts #4

More thoughts from my head. (This internal dialogue of mine is 24/7) Sometimes the thoughts aren't so bad, and sometimes they get angry, sarcastic, bitter, etc. And I refuse to be ashamed of any of them. I deal with a lot more than many people do. I've seen a lot of tragedy & drama because I was just created to be the person who is there for people. When I was young, I was convinced I could help fix all the problems in the world. When I was still healthy, I rarely stopped moving. I was always busy with someone, somewhere, or working, or going to school. Somewhere in all that, I learned an important lesson- I can't fix everything, and if I kept trying- it was going to break me. Now, I just want to make a positive impact. So, I do all these graphics, and keep my site going, in hopes of doing that. For more, visit the link in my profile #ChronicIllness #SpoonieThoughts #spoonielife #Spoonies #ChronicPain