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#ChronicIllness Warriors have been fighting this forever

Those of us that live with chronic illnesses that keep us from being able to function like the average person have been fighting this fight for YEARS. Companies have refused to allow us to work remotely, even though it has been possible for decadeS now. We are in the year 2020. We had these capabilities in the year 2000 (may have been complicated, but we had them.) We've been able to do this since the 80's but yet many companies still don't allow people to work from home. We still have to struggle because we can't find enough remote work to make a livable income. With the exception of jobs that require physical labor or actually touching a person, just about everything else can be set up to where it can be done from home. Think about how many jobs that is. For more from me, visit the link in my profile #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #quarantine #togetherathome #AloneTogether #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #writtenbydida #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #spooniewarriors #Spoonie #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia

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As #ChronicIllness Warriors we need change

I keep seeing people say we can't do anything about the way things are, but we CAN, if we all decide we aren't going to accept how things are any longer. Just because things have always been a certain way, doesn't mean it HAS to be that way. We can be better. We can make things better for EVERYONE in this country if we all speak up and use our voices in every way we can. This is even more important for those of us who have chronic conditions. One thing this pandemic HAS proven, is that there is MUCH more they could be doing to let us do just about anything from home, rather than acting like it's too much trouble, or can't be done. They also should now see the need for many more solutions, and we need to insist upon them instead of just accepting that this is how things are. They don't have to be. For more, visit the link in my profile #COVID19 #covıd19 #election2020 #vote #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Addiction #Relationships #money #writtenbydida #pandemic2020 #AloneTogether #stayhometogether #athometogether

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#ChronicIllness After #COVID19

Since I'm all about finding the humor and any sliver of anything positive to hold on to when crappy things happen (while also acknowledging reality. You know I can't be one of those "positivity only" people. Life can suck,)- this virus will at least give us #chronicillnesswarriors some fuel in the future when someone tries to act like how we have to live is completely acceptable. I sincerely hope there are many changes coming that will make things better for all of us, based on the experiences able-bodied society has had during this crisis. I'm sure there are some that will still act like it's nothing (they are probably some of the same ones violating guidelines right now,) but I can hope😂💜 For more from me, visit the link in my profile #AloneTogether #stayathome #stayhomesavelives #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllness #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarriors #Spoonie #spooniewarrior #writtenbydida

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#Anxiety Cards #April2020

I make these cards every other month so that they continue working for people. Switching up the questions and look help focus the brain after you've used them several times. I have them posted on my website, completely free to access, for anyone that needs them. There is an Easter version this time (thinking about putting out a "light" easter version, too) along with the original and dark versions I always offer. They are great for getting you through panic attacks, or just to help you focus when anxiety is relentless- which can be especially helpful with the current state of the world. Hope they can help!💜 Visit the link in my profile and choose Anxiety Cards from the Menu #MentalHealth #Spoonie #InvisibleIllnesses #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #writtenbydida

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#SpoonieThoughts #6

Some more Spoonie Thoughts for you💜 Eventually they'll be so many that I'll have to give them their own section on the website😂 I have another "Negotiations with My Body" in the works, too. The comical battles with my body always make for a good read. For more, visit Written by Dida (link in profile) #ChronicIllness #fibrowarriors #fibrosucks #Fibromyalgia #invisibleillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllnesses #fibromyalgiaawareness #ChronicPain #SpoonieThoughts #Spoonie #writtenbydida #MentalHealth

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Living with #ChronicIllness

In the interest of not letting the chaos take over completely, here's a virus-free graphic😂😂 This happened in my head yesterday. For more, visit the link in my profile or search for Written by Dida pretty much anywhere. #ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #InvisibleDisability #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaawareness #fibrosucks #spooniewarrior #Spoonies #SpoonieThoughts #writtenbydida #AutoimmuneDisease #Diabetes #nervepain

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#COVID19 #Employers

I cannot tell you how irritated I am getting with people not paying attention to the guidelines, and not taking my own cues when I clearly step away from them over and over. If visual cues are added to floors, it will make them more likely to follow the guidelines because it shows that the business is taking the virus seriously, and that NOT distancing yourself is unacceptable at this time. PLEASE do your part if you have ANYthing to do with businesses still dealing with the public. If you are just an employee, show this post to your supervisor. There is also plenty of video clips I am having to send links to of multiple government and health officials saying social distancing is absolutely needed. I am willing to help anyone convince whomever is in charge because the only way we are going to keep this thing from devastating the country, is to start doing these little things that will have a significant impact over time. Please be responsible. PLEASE. Visit the link in my profile or find Written by Dida on Facebook for more of my graphics, articles, tools, support, things to do to distract yourself, etc. #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #SocialDistancing #ChronicIllness #Spoonies #stopthespreadofcovid19 #InvisibleIllness #Fibromyalgia #writtenbydida

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#Fibromyalgia and your #ImmuneSystem

Some of you may disagree with me, and I'm 100% fine with that, but my 15 years of research, and experience living with Fibromyalgia, make this my conclusion. Almost every case study about Fibro that I have read has had something that made it mostly nonsense. Many were based on information that has since been found to be incorrect, and others were just about aspects that have nothing to do with figuring out where it comes from or how it progresses. They don't have a full picture of this disease yet (and yes I call it a disease,) and the industry seems to not really even care to find out- even though it affects so many. The stigma surrounding the word Fibromyalgia has impacted the medical industries desire to get to the bottom of it. Many would rather just keep using the Fibro diagnosis as their go-to for when they can't figure out any other cause for symptoms and it has caused us to not be able to get proper treatment. We need more research. We need to know exactly where it comes from, why it happens, and what all it can impact, because it's much more than they currently acknowledge. For more, visit the link in my profile or find me on other social media under Written by Dida #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaawareness #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #InvisibleDisability #writtenbydida

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#ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Addiction

I did both of these things, so please believe me when I say I've been there. I spent years going to school, working, and also going to clubs, and sometimes working at them, too. Then, I spent years working every hour I could force my body to (after my symptoms started.) I was always a firm believer that you could have it all as long as you weren't lazy. And, in some cases, that may actually be how it is, but in many, we can hurt ourselves mentally and physically by pushing too hard, or partying too much. Don't keep telling yourself everything is fine when it isn't. If you're pushing too hard, concentrate on some self-care. Make it a priority to start a simple, short daily routine that can help you start taking care of yourself. If you're partying too hard- you could end up worse than just run down. You can easily end up addicted, in jail, or dead. Don't go there. If you already have, it's time to realize you're wasting your life and get help to get clean. For more on all of this, visit the link in my profile #writtenbydida #Selfcare #getsober #denial #fibromyalgiaawareness #Fibromyalgia