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Providing Quality Healthcare Services

The Pocono Community Pharmacy is a dependable healthcare facility located in the middle of Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania. This drugstore at 1656 US-209 #6 has been a staple in the neighborhood for quite some time. The pharmacy is dedicated to providing superior pharmaceutical care to its consumers and is led by Olivia Barkley, a Doctor of Pharmacy. Pocono Community Pharmacy has established itself as an important resource for the people of Brodheadsville and the surrounding region by providing a broad variety of services and putting an emphasis on patient health.

An Easy-to-Use and Friendly Setting:

Pocono Community Pharmacy takes great satisfaction in the friendly and relaxed atmosphere it has created for its clientele. Pharmacy employees are warm and welcoming, and they are committed to helping you with all of your medical requirements. The pharmacy's streamlined design eliminates unnecessary friction for clients by making it simple for them to find the items and services they need.

Knowledge and Competence:

Olivia Barkley, a very competent Doctor of Pharmacy, runs Pocono Community Pharmacy. Olivia is the head of a team of caring pharmacists and medical experts that are devoted to their patients' health thanks to her extensive education and expertise in the field. With their knowledge, they may conduct thorough pharmaceutical consultations, answering concerns and giving helpful advice about drugs, drug interactions, and correct dosing.

Pharmaceutical Care:

Pocono Community Pharmacy has a wide variety of OTC and prescription drugs to serve the region's varied medical requirements. The pharmacists are there whenever you need them, whether it's for a refill, a new prescription, or to help organize your complicated drug schedule. In addition to providing medication counseling to encourage the safe and effective use of medicine, they work closely with healthcare practitioners to ensure that prescriptions are filled correctly and on time.

Tadacip 20mg by Cipla:

Pocono Community Pharmacy offers Cipla Tadacip 20mg among their selection of pharmaceuticals. The active component in Tadacip is Tadalafil, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in males. Cipla, a trusted pharmaceutical firm, is responsible for its production. Cipla Tadacip 20mg, like any new drug, should be started only after careful consideration and discussion with your doctor. The helpful pharmacists at Pocono Community Pharmacy may elaborate on the drug's purpose, recommended dosage, and possible adverse reactions.

Added Facilities:

Pocono Community Pharmacy does more than just fill prescriptions; they also provide a wide variety of helpful medical services. Vaccinations, checkups, medication synchronization, treatment management, and prescription refills are all part of this package. The pharmacy's goal in offering these services is to improve patient's ability to take an active role in their treatment and in preventing illness.


Olivia Barkley, Pharm.D., has helped Pocono Community Pharmacy in Brodheadsville, PA, become a respected healthcare provider. The pharmacy is well-established in the neighborhood because of its dedication to top-notch service and the wide variety of amenities it offers its customers. Pocono Community Pharmacy is committed to expertly and professionally serving your requirements in all aspects of healthcare provision, including the provision of prescription drugs, healthcare consultations, and access to essential healthcare services.

Most common user reactions 1 reaction

#6 month scan

So today I go again for my 6 month scan. Always in the back of my mind that the cancer is recurring and I will hear the news again.

Most common user reactions 1 reaction 2 comments

I'm trying #Depression

I'm trying to get better. I've started medication #6 for depression. It's helped some ways. I've smiled more according to the people around me. I don't find myself picking at my skin so much anymore. I've been standing up for myself a little bit.
That would be great, if it was real.
People see what they want to see. I still find my smile hideous. I'm closer than I've ever been to falling back into SH. And now I'm told I'm mean now. That hurts the most. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to not be a doormat anymore. Do I think I can be mean? Absolutely. But when I see it, I own it and I apologize. People around me don't understand how hard it is to adjust to different medications and I can't just be normal at the snap of their fingers. I'm trying. I don't know why but I am. If I had it my way, I'd be gone and not trying to do anything


You may have PTSD/CPTSD if…

So I’ve noticed those with CPTSD and PTSD often report similar experiences. I hadn’t realized how typical my own were until I read others stories. So I thought I’d make a list of common shared experiences in those with PTSD/CPTSD…

#1 Your abusers and told you the abuse was normal and everyone does it ergo you’re being dramatic.

#2 You blamed yourself without even realizing it. Let’s face it we don’t walk away thinking it’s our fault clear as day. That’s illogical. But we walk away with doubts that eventually dig into our heads while we’re not even paying attention. The next thing we know we think we’re inherently bad and deserving of being treated as such.

#3 You switch back and forth from having sympathy for you’re abuser to believing they’re evil incarnate.

#4 You wonder if you’re too damaged to think for yourself. If you don’t have experience in what’s right then can you know what’s wrong?

#5 You avoid watching any movies or tv shows with extremely painful emotional expressions yet are strangely drawn to them.

#6 You wake up feeling panic and/or anxiety and expecting something terrible to happen to you every day.

#7 You struggle to set necessary boundaries with others because you worry they’ll reject you. Perhaps you feel you’re not worthy of boundaries.

#8 You don’t trust anyone and struggle with emotional intimacy. Perhaps you feel scared everyone is going to hurt you.

#9 You have chronic migraines, irritable bowels, and/or body aches all the time.

#10 You need to be in control of everything at all times so you know what’s up. Even things that to others seems inconsequential.

#PTSD #CPTSD #Trauma #Abuse

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The Mighty’s Top 10 Most-Read Stories of 2021: #6

As the year winds down, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate our 10 most-read Mighty stories from 2021. These stories collectively have been read by over 600,000 people from all over the world. That’s over 600,000 people who found stories that they not only resonated with, but were able to find comfort, resources, answers, and for some a starting point in their own health journeys.

Here’s #6 on the list in case you missed it (it’s an especially relevant read for Mighties in the disability community): themighty.com/2021/01/biden-trump-rule-social-security-disability

Thank you to Mighty Leader, Super Contributor, and event host Leslie Zukor for reporting on this important development from the past year. #ChronicPain #DisabilityBenefits #DisabilityAdvocacy #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #Disability #MentalHealth

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Meme #6

Be careful what you wish for 🌝😏

#anxietygottago #panicdisorder #panicattack #anxiety #anxietymemes #MentalIllness #halp #anxietydisorders #memetherapy #anxietyisnojoke #psychology #Depression #ocd #eatingdisorder #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmememes #therapymemes #prozaclife #serotonin #memesdaily #humourbasedonmypain #humor #anxietea #anxietyrelief #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #lifewithanxiety #lifewithanxietydisorder #Mentalillnessfeelslike

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#SpoonieThoughts #6

Some more Spoonie Thoughts for you💜 Eventually they'll be so many that I'll have to give them their own section on the website😂 I have another "Negotiations with My Body" in the works, too. The comical battles with my body always make for a good read. For more, visit Written by Dida (link in profile) #ChronicIllness #fibrowarriors #fibrosucks #Fibromyalgia #invisibleillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllnesses #fibromyalgiaawareness #ChronicPain #SpoonieThoughts #Spoonie #writtenbydida #MentalHealth


What my son with special needs taught me 💔❤

Following is the list of the ten things out of many more which my special needs little boy taught me, its been three and half years that hes no longer with me,but still continues to teach me about resilience, hope,miracles and strength. #1 . MIRACLES HAPPEN: I started believing in miracles ,coz I got to see them quite often, the developmentally delayed hypotonic child who couldn't raise his neck at ten months became the wonder boy who would be jumping up and about. #2 . YOUR CHILD BECOMES YOUR BIGGEST STRENGTH: My son showed me courage like a warrior I never knew he could be,he taught me to over power week emotions,made me rational, more logical, made me aware of my inner strength, the harder it got the tougher I became. #3 : BE KIND:One of the best things he taught me was to Always Be Kind, at times he was laughed upon, made fun of, but he would always respond with a smile and would often say Sorry,I've learnt to say Sorry and Thankyou, sometimes a bit too much. #4 :STUBBORNNESS BECOMES YOUR FINE TRAIT :When you are living with a medically complexed child ,and you have all the other issues to deal with also,Stubbornness comes from within, you need to be head strong and stubborn. #5 : YOUR INSTINCT IS ALWAYS CORRECT: Even if it's a teeny tiny gut feeling Go for it,theres something super powerful about a Mothers instinct, even if the labs or scans tell differently, follow your gut instinct, it comes from the heart. #6 . YOU DONT PANIC ANYMORE: Even though the stormy waves will be gushing to and fro in your life,you learn to remain calm,not panic ,take charge, amidst , my sons dangerous seizures, with constant falls,cuts and stitches,I discovered the New Calm Me. #7 :YOU LEARN EVERY DAY HOW TO BE A BETTER MOM:Learning becomes apart of you,no matter how learned you are, your child gets to become your biggest teacher,you learn the lessons of patience, strength and unconditional love, your child will make you the advocate, you always wanted to meet. #8 :YOU WILL BE MAKING EXTRA ORDINARY NEW BEST FRIENDS:Along the journey of raising my little boy, I met similar and stronger moms,who continue to inspire me till date with their strength, wit and hope. #9 :YOU'VE GOT THIS: No matter what the world,or Google,or doctors or therapists tell you, You've always got this, You become your biggest support,every time you get knocked down,you'll stand up stronger than before. #10 . ACCEPT and LET GO: sometimes ,comes a point when the journey is also about braving through the most painful moment,After all the storms you've sailed through, you also learn to surrender, to the will of Al Mighty, You surrender and you let go, only for the memories to give you new strength.