World Suicide Prevention Day

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World Suicide Prevention Day🌎

September 10th is world suicide prevention day. Over 1,100,000 people die from suicide every year worldwide. As a mental health advocate and writer, I made a promise to continue spreading my mental health journey to bring awareness. In 2020 I got my first tattoo of a semicolon from Project Semicolon which means-“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life.” I’ve felt what these people felt. I understand what runs through the mind when a person literally hits rock bottom. I’ve survived a few attempts and when I was by myself screaming to God, “Why?” He made me open my Bible to show me the verse of Psalm 46:10 which reads: Be still and know that I am with you.🤍 it’s by this verse I live by everyday and I constantly have to remind myself to BE STILL.

To my family, friends, doctors, nurses, and to those who have been following my journey since the beginning-thank you for seeing a light in me that I couldn’t see for the longest time. If I learned anything in my healing journey that I can share with y’all, it’s this:

•how you respond to a situation matters
•if you want to change your bad habits, start by changing the system that flows into the results.
•deep breathing is important!
•self care is everything, so take care of yourself
•it’s OK to take off work if you desperately need a mental health day
•it’s okay to not be okay
•be kind to your mind (you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind)
•be patient with yourself you’re doing the best you can

God said, “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through fire, you will not get burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” (Isaiah 43:2)✝️

Please choose to stay because your life matters. Keep going because better days are ahead. If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal, there is access to plenty of resources for help.

•National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: call/text to 988.

I’m praying for all of you who are struggling mentally. I promise there’s a light at the end of every dark tunnel. Remember: God gave the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. Besides that, go LSU! #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #breakthestigma #mentalhealthmatters #Suicide

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Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
There are so many things I wish were different. We can’t change the past but hopefully we can help share your light with others.

You had this cosmic light 💫 about you Ryan. Full force, all in vibe. I want the world to know that you are more than how you died, more then the struggles you fought. They don’t define you.

You were literal sunshine ☀️ that brightened our lives. Your energy radiated passion and love. You wanted to help others struggling because you knew their pain, how hard the judgement from others hurt your very soul as you tried to start new.
I wish people could have empathy for those that feel depressed, hopeless or anxious. Maybe they would realize it’s not laziness or lack of motivation but a real disease.

They can’t see it but the pain is there. Believe those you love when they are struggling, be there for them. Even if you just sit by there side. You don’t need to talk, they will if they are ready. Knowing they aren’t alone, especially in their time of need could literally save their life.

Be a light of Hope for others. You never know what someone is going through.

#wspd21 #youarenotalone #anotherdaywithyou #stopsuicide #youmatter

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#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #CheckInWithMe #SuicideSurvivor

It’s #WorldSuicidePreventionDay and I just so happened to come across this thing I wrote a few years ago... my reminder to #keepgoing no matter what.

I keep making it through, all the heartache and pain of life.. I’m still standing. Because I stayed. Living is not easy, but more often than not, it’s worth it.

I still have so much to say and contribute.. so I’ll stay. Even when it’s hard and especially when it’s brutiful (as a wise woman @glennondoyle says). I don’t want to miss this brutally beautiful life.

#reasonstostayalive #reasonsispeak #depression #mentalhealthwarrior #stigmafighter

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World Suicide Prevention Day! #keepgoing #SuicidePrevention #WritingThroughIt #CheckInWithMe

It’s #WorldSuicidePreventionDay and I just so happened to come across this thing I wrote a few years ago... my reminder to #keepgoing no matter what.

I keep making it through, all the heartache and pain of life.. I’m still standing. Because I stayed. Living is not easy, but more often than not, it’s worth it.

I still have so much to say and contribute.. so I’ll stay. Even when it’s hard and especially when it’s brutiful (as a wise woman @glennondoyle says). I don’t want to miss this brutally beautiful life.

#reasonstostayalive #reasonsispeak #depression #mentalhealthwarrior #stigmafighter


World Suicide Prevention Day

If you feel that life is unimportant and that your existence is worthless, please do not hesitate to reach out for help. I can understand you and I strongly believe that your presence is important. You are not alone.


I wrote this on World Suicide Prevention Day. Thought it might be helpful to put here for anyone scraping for scraps of hope.

Right now I’m drinking an Ethiopian pour over from Merit in the heart of Texas. The weather is perfect. No seriously, it’s heaven. I may even buy a yellow snapback from this shop. Yellow has never been my color but it’s pretty dope and I’m feelin impulsive. After this, Kara and I are gonna pick up the best Detroit-style pizza you can find here and drive north to visit some family. None of these details are exceptionally exciting to you I suppose. But I’m content. I’m enjoying each moment of this miraculous mundane day. I believe these moments and days are worth living for. I’m learning to see Jesus in them more and more. Then there are the exceptional moments. The moments where God does things so specific that you can’t help but believe He did them just to prove how much He loves you and knows you. Like the time I got to see Jaws on the big screen—in 2020—at the only open theater in town—and on the last day it was showing. These moments are worth living for too. And you, despite all your flaws and fears are God’s beloved, and He has a plan worth living for (even when it doesn’t feel true.) #Depression #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #SuicidalThoughts #Anxiety

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#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #WSPD 10/09/2020

#WSPD my friend died by suicide last year, i still haven’t even started to process her going. I have has suicidal thoughts every day for the past five years - going between active and passive. Chronic suicidality is so tiring, and it feels like nobody understands unless you are mid attempt. I feel like I am beyond help. I am in #emdr to try and help me process some of my trauma but so far I am stuck trying to break through my #obsessivecompulsive personality barriers to get there. I am over half way through and I feel like I am wasting so much time. I feel so unbelievably lonely, nobody understands. I am in the same depth of #Depression as the day the trauma happened. I am so frustrated by my #Asexuality and sex-repulsion not understanding why i am petrified of anything remotely of that nature. I am never going to be able to live a life in this society or ever be a functioning adult in any sense. I am just so scared. I am being a horrible friend to all of my friends at the minute. I am not seeing anyone as i want to be cautious about #COVID19 and friends are messaging me but recieving messages stresses me out so much that i just ignore them all and hope they will disappear. Everyone must hate me for ghosting them. #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #PersonalityDisorders #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide


Reflections as a Survivor #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

Despite the Pandemic, stressors, and other situations that cause anxiety and frustrating that bounce off my mental illnesses, I found myself wondering if I am happy with my life. It feels like there is so much happening that I am unsure if I am happy or if I’m going through the motions just because “you’re supposed to,”

There is just so much noise that blocks the thought of “Am I happy?” I honestly don’t think I am, however I am not buried in the darkest of times without the tools to get help when I need it most.

I know that I go to very dark places with or without the consent of my brain. I do know that I am equipped with a much better, user-friendly tool box that I can share with my loved ones who support me. I do know that I try my best to voice when I feel like I’m drifting off. No one is perfect, but I continue to learn.

Before my formal diagnosis and treatment, I thought I had life under control somehow. I had one of the scariest nights that didn’t include psychotic features. I remember my parents driving 4.5 hours, somehow speaking calmly to help me stay calm. My sister helped, as well, but I omitted details at the time so she wouldn’t be scared; I always wanted to be the role model big sister so I was too scared to ruin the image. I had a few friends comforting me,

I am beyond lucky. They all, before equipping their took bags, calmly helped ground me. They didn’t make me feel guilty or bad because of my situation. I am more than grateful.

This was probably a little disorganized. The point that I wanted to say is even though day to day life can seem to be boring, lonely and I may not be happy, is that I have a superhuman toolbox that is worth the galaxy.

I am a survivor, I continue to work on my mental health. I continue to work to learn from others’ perspectives .

My family are survivors, they continue to love and support one another without judgement, They are the reason I was able to survive and continue to thrive.

So suicide prevention thoughts? Get yourself a hefty toolbox for life. Mix it up with family, friends, soul mates, music, long drives, learn to enjoy silence, coping skills, a sweet treat, and a cute journal with gel pens, for science. Empathy is for lovers. Take care of yourself. Talk about your story. As survivors, it is great to share a moment for those in need.

There are many prevention methods, please explore them, share with your toolbox, and be safe and well.

My door is always open, #grateful #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #Bipolar1Disorder #Support #Survivor

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World Suicide Prevention Day #SuicidePrevention

As its world suicide prevention day, I know that people go through certain things that hit them harder than you can believe or begin to understand. I've lost family members, a very, very close friend and seen the trauma others have experienced.

Please believe me, what ever it is you're struggling with, you're not alone. I suffer terribly with mental health issues. I'm still far from ok, but waking up in the morning is the best thing in the world. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. Whatever demons you're facing, you are stronger than them.

