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My Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- My Book Giveaway Competition and a peek at Chapter 21…A Drive Down Memory Lane

I've been a contributor to The Mighty for over 6 years and had over 40 articles published. To say thank you to my followers and readers, I'd like to give you an opportunity to have a gift from me.

July is my birthday month, and I’m very excited to announce I’m running a competition on my podcast and my blog to give away a copy of my book:

“My Medical Musings, A Story of Love Laughter Faith and Hope, Living With A Rare Disease “.

All you need to do is listen to a podcast episode, or read a blog post,and leave a review or comment.

There will be three episodes/posts throughout July, each giving an opportunity for you to enter the competition.

Heres the link to the first competition blog post episode:

Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- A Book Giveaway Competitio...

Here's the link to the podcast episode:
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Podcast/Blog Party Month - An E-Book reading from my book... Chapter 21, A Drive Down Memory Lane.

I would love nothing more than a Mighty subscriber to be the recipient of my book.

Love, Sam x

#BookExcerpt #bookgiveaway #competition #Birthday #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #bonedisease #brokenbones #RheumatoidArthritis #Colostomy

Podcast/Blog Party Month - An E-Book reading from my book... Chapter 21, A Drive Down Memory Lane. by Medical Musings With Sam

July is my birthday month, and I’m very excited to announce I’m running a competition on my podcast and the blog to give away a copy of my book: "My Medical Musings, A Story of Love, Laughter, Faith and Hope, Living With A Rare Disease " All you need to do to enter the competition is listen to a podcast episode and leave a review or comment on either Spotify for Podcasters, Apple Podcasts, or Audible or your usual Podcast listening app. If you are not a podcast listener, you can also leave a review in the comment section of the blog post at, also being published today, and you will also be added to the competition draw at the end of the month!! So, without further ado, here's the first e-book style excerpt from my book: Chapter 21, A Trip Down Memory Lane
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Being broken sucks!

Well I had a awesome day and went to this beautiful park by the river and Loki got to play with Mac his biological brother!! (They look like twins!) It was so nice!
Well we got home and Loki's beautiful lady was out waiting for a little visit and he was so excited he pulled and unfortunately I don't think I was probably holding his leash and broke my finger! I was crying like the biggest baby!!
My poor boy is acting strange like he is in trouble and been by my side!! Gosh my Loki is SO dirty playing in the river and the mud and he has to sleep like that for tonight! Thankfully my daughter will give him a bath tomorrow!!
So nervous because the last time I broke myself I ended up with a massive blood clot in my leg and I almost lost my leg and life. It was the smallest fracture, they could barely tell and then I was fighting for my life! So toes crossed this doesn't get any worse!! #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness ##ChronicPain #Pain #brokenbones


Seeing if I'm not alone.

Does anyone else have chronic broken ribs? They take so long to heal that more break before the last ones heal so you are always broken. And all it takes is a sneeze and snap another one breaks. The pain is constantly excruciating and it makes breathing so exhausting and taxing. What do you do to survive this torture? #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #tiredofbeingsofragile #ChronicPain #Cantsleep #CRPS #rsd #Osteoporosis #Scoliosis #brokenribs #brokenbones #cantbreath #cantdothismuchlonger #nothingcutsthepain #Insomnia #Losingmymind #ineedafriend


broken dominant arm while just starting college

worst time to have a broken arm that you had to have surgery on and have a long arm cast I broke my left ulna with an open fracture 3 weeks ago and I had to have surgery and I am left-handed I just started my first college course, an algebra course, chosen by my mom, who is my guardian I told her that I wanted to do a different class first explaining that it is a terrible class to do with a broken dominant arm but she wouldn't listen now I can't work out the problems because I can't write. #MadelungDeformity #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #southpaw #brokenbones #OsteogenesisImperfecta #lefthanded #MedicalZebra #College #CollegeHumor #ceds #741741 #Autism



Whether you've got a runny nose, a broken bone, an STD, or cancer....know this; you are being hugged by the angels of life at every moment. Regardless of who you are, you ARE loved and you matter in this world. Your pains, hurts, tears, they all matter. I am sorry that you are in a position of illness today but hang in there, sweetheart. You have the strength to get through anything and you will! Whether you're here on this earth for 1 second or 1 century, you mean something to this universe...tomorrow will be another day, just keep fighting and never give up. May love surround you today and forever. Big hugs
#sick #doctorsoffice #illnesses #sickandtired #youareloved #Never alone #coldandflu #sickchildren #Cancer #std #brokenbones #scaredofdoctors #strength #youarestrongerthanyouthink