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Tik Tok discriminates against people with disabilities

Recently I've been watching a Tok Tok channel with my daughter. The other day when we went to view said channel we were informed that the user had been banned due to multiple community violations. Now I found this very disturbing because I can't think of any good excuse they would have to ban this user. He's an 18 yr.old Christian with cerebral palsy & one of the kindest & happy people you'll find despite his disability. After watching many videos & people commenting the only thing I can think of is he was banned due to people bullying him. After reading an article from the about Tok Tok punishing users with disabilities rather than the perpetrators this is the only conclusion I can come to. After reading some more I've found this is not the 1st time he's been banned. He has almost 700k followers so I know I can't be the only person outraged by this. Is there anything we can do to fight this? This is so wrong! #checkinwith

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These are my Fav Fidgets ❤️ #Autism #MentalHealth #SensoryIssues

These are my fav fidgets! X
The Pop it I use if am anxious and gone very low and helps with not self harming ❤️.
Infinity chain, simple dimple,Poo stress ball - I use for work when am about to have meltdown which stops it or tones it down.
Going into town tomrrow to meet my friend 👯‍♀️❤️, going to take the infintiy chain and simple simple ❤️ xx Going to try and persuade her to get a pop it❤️ #Autism #MentalHealth #SensoryIssues #checkinwith

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A STUNNING experience for sure!

Picture yourself there. Warm in the bubble with this incredible expanse of winter surrounding you. Suddenly, a snow storm hits. Swirls of powdered ice come into your view. Though it seems like it would be cold as the finely dusted snow piles higher and higher, you are at peace in your bubble. Nothing can touch you. You are at ease and have never before felt so at one with yourself. At last, you have hit your stride. In a winderwonderland ❄🌫❄

#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Insomnia #Arthritis #Lupus #Depression #RareDisease #Asthma #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Disability #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Endometriosis #ChronicIllness #Lymphedema #MightyTogether #checkinwith #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #DistractMe



My son recently got married, my daughter found her dream job and works a lot of hours. I raised them to be independent, take wing and soar... I just didn't plan on being divorced and too tired to date our do alot of activities. So I spend a great deal of time alone these days and have days when loneliness and depression really drag me down. The doctors say they've tried all the meds and this is as good as it gets unos I want to see a pain specialist but I don't want the opiet path. Sigh...guess i3 Neff neededto whine and you guys are the only ones I have. #Depression #lonely #empty nest


Seeking help, and not finding it

I’ve just been listening to the news in the UK regarding Ceara Thacker, a 19 year old first year university student who, in 2018, after months of seeking help from her GP, her university, the NHS and every source she could find, passed away after taking her own life. The help she sought was for suicidal thoughts and a ‘credible’ suicide attempt. She was turned away at every avenue, every professional who she went to for support, including being judged ‘not at risk’ by the NHS and not seen by a mental health specialist for over two months. Her mother, speaking on the steps outside court after the inquest into her death, spoke about how scary it must have been for her teenage daughter to know she was a danger to herself, and be unable to find help - anywhere.

On my second attempt to get help from the NHS mental health system, I was lucky. At age 28 I found myself in a place where I didn’t trust myself and I was aware enough to seek help. I was offered group CBT, got a short course of counselling and most importantly, was prescribed a low dose of sertraline by an astute and understanding doctor, a collection of events which I believe saved my life. The first time I sought help I found the opposite. I was 16 and frequently self harming, struggling socially to a point if daily panic attacks and in a very dark place, and when I finally garnered the strength to seek help from my doctor I was told ‘teenage hormones’ and ‘you’ll be fine. Get some sunshine and some exercise’. It took me 10 years to go back. 10 frequently dark and difficult years. The story about Ceara and the difficulties she faced brought this all back and I thought how close I came to being another statistic.

This is my first time posting here but I felt I had to get this out. And to remind people to #checkinwith the people around them. Because the health services are overwhelmed. Poor mental health is an epidemic and they can’t keep up. But being there for those around us might change a life, or save one. And if all else fails listen to Shane Koyckzan ‘Instructions for a Bad Day’ - favourite quotes include ‘a simple smile could be the first aid kit that someone is looking for’ and of course, ‘the sun and moon are still there, and always there is light’.

Stay safe out there folks and be kind. X

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#checkinwith me. It’s a good day to be alive

I woke up with a lot of #Jointpain . And well just pain in general. And a lot of #nausea .. it’s been a rough health week.

But yesterday I finally saw blossoms on the trees. ( and got to go take pictures!) and today when I woke up.. I heard birds chirping, the sun danced through my window blinds, my 80 pound Bernie-doodle was snoring by my side. And it just reminded me.. what a blessing it is to be alive..

Sure every day may not be good.
I’ll never know a day without pain.
But there is SOO much #good in every day.

So many reasons to fight

Life is worth living my friends. Life is definitely worth living


BPD ruins everything #checkinwith me

I wish people would understand that I am not my illness. I dont like special attention and being told to calm down. Yes I do have a disorder but I am still me. I try not to make excuses for my problems and I just want to be treated normally.

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