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PLEASE pray for me today

Christian prayer warriors out there: Would you please pray for me today? I have a very important appointment, and I still don't feel settled on what to do, the decisions I have to make. Please, pray for The Lord's will to be honored. Nothing will be easy, but He knows what's best in all ways, in the long run. Thank you SO much, in advance. #Christians

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Blessed #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OppositionalDefiantDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #CheckInWithMe #Christians

1st John 4:4–> You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.!!!!! 🌎 !! We got this mighties because we serve a awesome God Amen 🙏 it’s all possible because of Him !!! WE CAN FACE TOMORROW BECAUSE HE LIVES!!!!!! I love y’all and good morning 🌞 mighties @xokat and @wheelie_wonder_a I wanted to wish both of you a good morning and remind each of you that Jesus Christ loves you and I love both of you the way Jesus Christ loves us!! I pray that both of you have a blessed and wonderful day with minimal anxiety or chronic pain I pray for healing ❤️‍🩹 and deliverance in your lives in Jesus Christ mighty name amen 🙏 Now that also applies to everybody else on here I pray for yall every night before bed because I love you all so very much and I want all of you to have a sincere relationship with Christ and I always pray for everyone to be saved and in Christ and I pray for healing in every single one of your lives I pray for you all to have strength and comfort and peace to be anxiety free, pain free, free of depression and fear I pray 🙏 every night for all of you wanting each one of you to be healed,delivered,saved by the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BLOOD 🩸 MAY YOU ALL BE BLESSED AND HEALTHY IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN!!!!!

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How To Be A Good Steward On Social Media? #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Christians

My faith’s denomination is very stewardship centred and I’ve put a lot of thought into how I can be a good steward for Jesus…even when I suffer from mental health problems and chronic pain.
I’ve never been in a position where I can actively evangelise to someone, or even give them a smile for the day.
Because of this I’ve felt ineffective as a good steward. But what is available to me is social media…and I wonder how that could be used to bring hope/healing to others?
I want to focus especially on mental health and suicide prevention. I’ve been tempted to take my life on and off since I was 12 years old, but I resisted it because I could not destroy what Christ loved. I want to give others hope in Him as well as some self-worth/respect etc…
Anyways that’s just my thoughts for now. Take care everyone and I hope you had a Happy Easter.

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Heart Attack Last Night #Christians On The Mighty #Depression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Cancer #Diabetes #autoimmune Diseases

Last night I had a 2nd serious heart attack since the one in 2000. I’ve been having slight afib flutters periodically for weeks but my limited time with my GP last week was taken up completely with a much more urgent issue, and my cardiologist app’t is only weeks away. WHOMP! 🧨⚡️Outta nowhere!!
I’m going thru these deep crying times, because I know I have to find a good home for my beloved 1 yr old cat right away. And I JUST told my children I was diagnosed with cancer last week! One conversation was especially difficult, although I’ve talked with them about my failing health and plans for my death. I know now, it can be seriously closer than I thought, and I know it is coming. Tomorrow certainly is never promised. I have a lot of cleaning to do. I’m posting this while resting. Will wait till after Easter to talk again with my kiddos and grands, God willing. “Be still and know that I AM God.” 🙌
Well I’m here until I’m not and Surfing Life with The Lord is One AMAZING RIDE! Trust in Him with All your Heart , Live Confidently, Love 💕 Yourself as He loved you before He gave you birth, then love One Another all day, everyday and pass it on. Pray non-stop by offering your life as homage to the glorious person He made you to leave your “Specialness”-imprint in this Life, as no one else BUT you ever can! Surround yourself with Peace and an abundance of Joy, & give that healing hope all away often. Be the Blessing you want to receive to those who least deserve it. With thanksgiving and praise to God, Our Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, His Son and Lord, thru the infinite power of His Holy Spirit, Amen. This one was really rough. Till whenever, blessings.
Thanx for listening. ♥️

Sacredsavage @ iameveryoneeverywhere

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Mount Calvary by Melanie R.

Mount Calvary

They don’t mind to see me-
my blood and body thinned.
My bruises of the beatings,
physical weakness I’ve been in.
Wrapped up in all their doings,
walking by.
Obscured to all the suffering,
the price –
the prayers I’ve cried.

I’m up here on my cross,
I wish that they could see,
the moments that I suffer through the pain…the misery.
Have they come to mock me?
Rather than reprieve?
Do they like to see me suffer?,
with every breath I breathe?

Said if I was anointed,
meander my way down-
If I’m a chosen one of God,
put on my rightful crown.
They plundered and they pilfered,
all that I had left…
and only came to watch me die
atop this mountain cliff!!

No broken bones
but wounds to bear.
Water and blood,
A scar formed there.
A symbol of true suffering
brought down upon The Mighty King.

It’s done –
it has been finished!
His story that will reign!
If we share in of His suffering,
our glory’s shared in pain.

He kept His scars
hands, feet, and side
to prove His love,
His sacrifice.

To all my friends,
it won’t be long.
Put on your cross,
and just hold strong!
Trust Jesus has the victory,
saved since that day on Calvary!

#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MitochondrialDisease #sjogrens #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MightyPoets #Christians #MightyTogether #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #AxonalNeuronalNeuropathies

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#Christians #Anxiety #Selfharm #Suicide Jesus is on our side.

I found this today on my Facebook page.

Many of us Mighty members struggle with the obstacles of life.
So I post this to remind us, we don't have to manage this on our own.

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A rambling mans’ thoughts on a Superbowl commercial

Hebrews 4:15
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin

There was a Superbowl commercial that was linked to an anti LGBT group. We’ve all all noticed a bunch of 3rd hearted people, who sadly still assume they’re Christian taking anti LGTQ stances. Now here’s the thing. Women are pretty common to human beings and it’s pretty common for them to be sexually interested in men. So for Jesus to be able to relate to women, the logical conclusion is that Jesus had to have lived his whole life with both same sex and opposite sex attractions. He would have to have grown up with them so he could relate to us as kids, teenagers and adults. This tells us that there’s a whole lot more to the story than we may realize or have been told.

Anyways, just a thought for you to consider.

As always, wishing you lots of hugs and the love of many nurses ❤️‍🩹🪢❤️‍🩹🪢🥰🟰❤️🟰😇
#LGBTQIA #Christians #MentalHealth

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Why I journal

It fights the lonliness, it fights the mundanity, it fights the night, it amuses me, it helps me to see that being yelled at really is an issue, sometimes it allows for gratitude, it incites a poem or two at times, it alleviates thoughts of worthlessness and suicide, it's comforting, it hopefully inspires, others write and there is a writing community, it fights fear and tear, it's cold out, it allows me to ask questions of myself or even others, it puts things in perspective, it fights for right and rights, there might be someone in the same boat, there might even be a parenting community, or caregiving community, there's often something of the day's posts to post on, it's therapy, Christmas time is hard, a good movie to watch is one with Paul Walker, Susan Sarandon and Penelope Cruz, kind of how lonely people come together at Christmas time, one visits the hospital, one's a cop or paramedic, and one's kind of an escort or at least a woman who would hope for her own family life, Christmas time is different for all of us, a lot of people turn their backs on the world, family, responsibilities, even food, some have no choice, I keep reading that suicide rates are higher in January than Christmas time, but I find that hard to believe, yeah Churches are open but as someone who tends to cry every Sunday there but one, I get how not even that could reach us, even if we are Lieutenant Dan sitting in the back, Pubs, Places to Visit the Sick, Malls, Shelters, who knows if it is all enough, how lonely were Sundays when stores were closed on them, how lonely is Thanksgiving um Black f ing Friday or Boxing Sledding Sleeping in Day, and who gets to go out on New Years only the lucky few, faithful or unfaithful marriages, synglehood, nursing home bound, hospital bound, suicidal, in pain, depressed, happy, Bipolar, Schitzphrenic, all struggles made especially harder by the Christmas season, so Peace to you

#Writing #When Writing Helps #Lonliness #Christians

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Quick update #Christians #Faith #Hope #Depression #MentalHealth

It’s 3am. I just wanted to update you on my last post. Not long after posting we got a breakthrough so I took the post down. I was in a horrendous situation and was struggling to get heard. My screams of pain and tears didn’t seem enough to get things happening.

There was a lot of pain and angst in the post and I didn’t want to distress people unnecessarily.

When I provide my feedback to the hospital I will explain how 80% of the time they were excellent, 10% very good but the 10% that was atrocious must be looked at so no one else has to suffer.

Thank you for your prayers.

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#MightyPets #Christians

Melvin is doing great! It’s amazing how well he has recovered! Thank you all who have been praying for him!