Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Groups connect Mighties around shared health conditions or hobbies/interests. They can be public or private depending on the topic.

Groups for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Groups connect Mighties around shared health conditions or hobbies/interests. They can be public or private depending on the topic.

20 Groups
19.5K members
19.5K members
We’re sure you’re being bombarded with news related to the coronavirus. It may feel like a lot of noise. You may not know what to believe, how serious to take this information and/or how to react. Maybe you’re feeling incredibly anxious. We want to help — by sending you the latest updates, sharing helpful tips or simply offering some virtual support.
323 members
COVID-19 Long-Hauler Support
323 members
This is a public group where we can share experiences, learn from and support people who continue to experience new health issues after having COVID-19.  Sometimes called “post-COVID syndrome” or “long COVID,” there is still a lot to learn about how our long-term health is affected by COVID-19. Whether you are experiencing ongoing symptoms or just want to learn more, this is a safe space to connect and exchange stories, questions or helpful resources.
1.3K members
Grief Isn't Linear
1.3K members
This group is dedicated to Mighties who are at any stage of the grieving process, and have experienced loss in any shape or form (no matter how long ago). Maybe you’ve lost someone you loved, a pet that was your whole world, or are grappling with the absence of the “normal” version of you that used to exist before an illness. All shades of grief — and the roller coaster of feelings that accompany them — are welcome here. We might not be able to make it better, but we can sit with you in the meantime. P.S. Here’s a quote we love from author Nora McInerny about grief: “Time is irrelevant to grief. I cannot tell you that it will feel better or worse as time goes by; I can just tell you that it feels better and worse as time goes by. The only guarantee is that however you feel right now, you will not always feel this way.”
995 members
POTS Warriors
995 members
Having others who really understand your chronic illness is so important. POTS is not all in your head, you are experiencing this, we are here to help you through this journey.
20.5K members
Spoonie Life Hacks
20.5K members
Chronic illness can change the way you navigate everyday tasks -- personal hygiene, chores, work, managing finances and more. That’s why we’re here to spread the knowledge and help make life with chronic illness a little bit easier. Get advice from people who’ve been there by asking group members for their tips and tricks! Or share your own spoonie life hacks -- you never know who could benefit from your suggestions.
64.3K members
52 Small Things
64.3K members
Whether you’re a seasoned self-care pro or you’re new to our community, 52 Small Things is our weekly self-care program with a Mighty twist. Every week we’ll challenge you to a new self-care task. Some might be more on the pampering side, such as exercising your creative muscles or indulging in a “guilty pleasure.” Other might be what’s referred to as “boring self-care” — you know, tasks that might not feel as exciting but prioritize your well-being (like cleaning or practicing personal hygiene). In this group you can find all of our prompts — past and present. Share your experiences and encourage others along their self-care journey by posting here with the hashtag #52SmallThings!
50.5K members
Distract Me
50.5K members
While we can’t always take away the pain or discomfort, we can distract each other until it passes or feels more manageable. Get daily distractions from The #DistractMe Dogs (woof woof!). Or post in this group if you need something or someone to take your mind off whatever you’re going through. We share puzzles, games, watch movies together… you name it. Suggest an activity!
36.5K members
Let's Talk Depression
36.5K members
Depression is… not the best. Whether you have an official diagnosis or are undiagnosed, all of our experiences are valid and welcome here. Not sure what to post? Let us know why today is tough, or a recent win you had. We want to celebrate and support you as you navigate depression (because it’s so much more than sadness). You are not alone.
14.8K members
14.8K members
You’re not alone if you don’t have a diagnosis yet but experience physical or mental symptoms that are very real and valid. In fact, there are many of us. If you experience symptoms related to a diagnosis but don’t quite check off all the boxes, think you have a condition but have it yet to be confirmed, are one of only a few people with a rare diagnosis, or are simply still solving your own medical mystery, this group is for you. Let’s encourage and support each other as we continue our search for answers.
14.1K members
Recovery Warriors
14.1K members
This is a safe space for anyone in any type of recovery to give and receive support from fellow Mighty recovery warriors.
8.6K members
Make Me Laugh
8.6K members
Laughter is universal. Make Me Laugh is a place where anyone can come if they need a laugh or a smile. Many of us struggle with multiple illnesses but laughing and smiling is something everyone has in common. Come laugh with us and share your funny stories or post a funny picture. Anyone is welcome.
7.7K members
Mighty Minute
7.7K members
Need a quick break? Take a #MightyMinute by answering our daily posts (or making your own!). Each post-it prompt is one small way you can make every day a little more Mighty for yourself and other members of the community. Respond whenever you have a minute, and don’t worry if you miss a day.
4.4K members
The Mighty Craft Room
4.4K members
Welcome to The Mighty Craft Room, where anything goes! This is a place to share your inspiration, whether it be knitting, crochet, macrame, needlepoint, drawing, painting, sculpting, etc. We love to see patterns, finished projects or works in progress. We’re glad you’re here! Our one and only rule is to please treat others as you want to be treated. Oh, and HAVE FUN!
3.7K members
3.7K members
This is a group to help the members to get thru tough time . Kind words Positive thought .There is power in numbers Let do this together
3.7K members
Let's Talk Anxiety
3.7K members
Anxiety looks different for everyone. It can be something you carry with you regularly like a dominant diagnosis, or a symptom that pops up alongside a chronic illness or during an uncertain time or period of grieving. It’s also more than just panic attacks. Anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating or stomachaches. In our Let’s Talk Anxiety group, we welcome anyone who experiences this condition, whether you’ve been formally diagnosed or not. Connect with folks who get it and share your (anxious) story in a safe, judgment-free zone.
3.1K members
This is a safe space to talk about your multiple health challenges. Whether it’s Mental Health &/or Physical Health, disability, sacrifices & limitations or addiction struggles you will likely find others who have the same or similar challenges. This is a great place to empathize w/ others, ask for support, & get support yourself. You also can ask for advice, encouragement, & support for things ldealing w/ doctors, insurance, different diagnoses you face, hospital stays, surgeries, & What's going on for you (GOOD & bad!) There are questions posted to the group regularly about things like self care, depression, anxiety, gratitude, disability, new diagnosis, insurance, chronic pain and then great group discussions! Please read the new posts and offer support or even just a ♥️, ☀️, or 💡can make someone feel heard and acknowledged! You can scroll through past posts that are insightful & helpful plus dozens of posts & stories at the top in blue link “Saved by the leader” Come join us!
2.6K members
Mighty Pets
2.6K members
This is a place to celebrate all that our beloved pets mean to us with fellow Mighties who understand what special bonds we Warriors form with them.
1.4K members
Watch With The Mighty
1.4K members
Are you a TV and movie fanatic? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this group we talk about our favorite fictional characters, as well as analyze how popular shows and movies portray mental illness, chronic illness and disability.
1.2K members
Caregivers' Corner
1.2K members
Caregiving is a difficult task that often goes unnoticed. In this group we can ask questions, share triumphs and struggles (or just vent if you need to). If you are new to caregiving, or even if you have been doing this a long time, join us for a supportive community full of people just like you.
3 members
Welcome! This group was created for those healthcare workers struggling with long covid. This is a safe place to share your experience, how long covid has changed your everyday life, and helpful tips and tricks for dealing with the variety of symptoms long covid can cause. Healthcare has always been a family, this one is just online. All positions in healthcare are welcome