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How Do You Say "Lost" in Every Language?

How Do You Say "Lost" in Every Language?

I speak four languages fluently. Spanish, Guarani, Portuguese, and English. In college, I took a semester of French and wandered through Paris, piecing together phrases from my lessons, testing the limits of my tongue. But fluency is a fickle thing—it’s not just about words, but about being understood. And if that’s the case, have I ever truly been fluent in anything?

I was born in Paraguay, a country where Guarani became an official language in 1992. By then, I was already 8 years old, but my journey with Guarani had started long before. Long before it was accepted. Long before it was allowed.

My mother forbade me from speaking it. She wanted my Spanish to be perfect, untarnished. Guarani, to her, was a limitation. To me, it was a door. One that led to friendship, to belonging, to a world just beyond my reach.

So, I learned it in secret. A tiny act of rebellion, a desperate grasp at connection. I don’t even remember how I found a Guarani dictionary, but I did. And I poured over it, memorizing the words like they were spells, hoping they would conjure a place for me among my peers.

But language does not guarantee belonging.

I learned Guarani because I wanted friends.

And I still had none.

I was the weird one—too much, too intense, too hyperactive, too… wrong. I wouldn’t understand why until decades later, when at 29, I was diagnosed with ADHD. And now, at 41, I am certain that I sit somewhere on the autism spectrum too. But back then, I had no labels. Just rejection.

So, I turned inward. If no one would speak to me, I would listen.

That’s how I learned Portuguese—not in conversation, not in friendship, but in isolation. My bedroom became my sanctuary, my television my companion. I grew up on the border of Brazil, where six different Brazilian channels played for free, their voices filling the silence where friendships should have been.

I absorbed Portuguese like a sponge, the way I had with Guarani. But this time, not out of rebellion, not out of hope, but out of loneliness.

Guarani was the language I learned because I longed for friendship.

Portuguese was the language I learned because I had none.

At 16, I left Paraguay. The United States swallowed me whole, and suddenly, English wasn’t a choice—it was a lifeline. I learned it the way one learns to swim after being thrown into the ocean: desperately, without grace, without a moment to think.

And yet, no matter how many languages I carried in my mouth, I still found myself misunderstood.

Fluency is not the same as connection.

I could translate words, conjugate verbs, construct perfect sentences. But the rhythm of human interaction, the invisible rules of friendship, the art of simply belonging—those things never came easily to me.

Instead, I became hyper-focused on romantic relationships, believing that love could fill the spaces friendship never did. But even there, I faltered. I was present, but never fully invested. I loved, but never stayed. No relationship lasted beyond two years. The pattern repeated itself in jobs, homes, entire cities. I was always moving. Searching.

And then, there’s the greatest irony of all—I speak multiple languages, yet I struggle to communicate.

Not because I lack the words. I have too many words. But I never learned the ones that matter most—the ones that make people stay, the ones that make them understand me, the ones that turn conversation into connection.

How do you say “lost” in every language?

Because that’s the word I know best.

#MyStoryMatters #sharingmytruth #breakingthesilence #unspokenwords #writingtoheal #neurodivergentvoices #adhdawareness #AutismAcceptance #invisiblestruggles #mentalhealthmatters #EndTheStigma #lostintranslation #languageandloneliness #youarenotalone #healingthroughwords #Findingmyvoice #fromsilencetostrength #writingthroughpain #multilingualmisfit #fluentbutmisunderstood #thepowerofwords

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Daily Videos to smash the stigma – Follow My 31-Day Challenge


I used to suffer from social anxiety. I don't anymore, as I've been actively working on healing from it the past couple of years through seeking professional help as well as my developing my own healing practice.

Unfortunately there is still a stigma against mental health, which often prevents people from seeking help which could massively benefit them - as was the case with me.

That's why I've decided to start a 31 day mental health challenge, where every year for the month December (2024), I'm posting daily videos about my mental health journey, in order to 1) raise awareness for mental health, and 2) do my part in debunking the stigma against mental health.

In my challenge I will share with you everything about what it is that I've experienced - from struggling with anxiety and feeling depressed, hitting rock bottom, seeking help, and ultimately starting my healing journey.

I joined The Mighty to share my challenge for you, in the hope that someone might benefit from following along!

Look for me on Instagram: @itsedwardarthur

#EndTheStigma #Anxiety #Depression #Healing

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#GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder at it Again

When does it slow down?
Does it ever get tired?
Why me?
What’s wrong with me?

Ever since I was let go from my job in an email no less, the only place someone could find me is at home. I don’t go anywhere unless I absolutely have to, and even with that, Hunter my #esa dog HAS to be with me with one of my sons to keep me calm while I drive. My sons help me a lot which I’m always grateful, but I also feel guilt of having to ask them to help me with things I should be able to do myself.

If home delivery is possible and at a reasonable price, I would do that instead of saving even more money by going myself. I haven’t seen my PCP since I think October, and I haven’t been in a dentist chair close to a year. Besides my grandma and my two sons who live with me, I’m only fully comfortable being face to face with my best friend who I’ve known since we were basically in diapers, and she’s the only one I’d let come over to my house uninvited.

I get #Anxiety thinking of other uninvited guests. I get anxiety when my phone rings, or when I receive mail. I get anxiety when my mom or aunt asks me through text what’s going on with me.

I get #PTSD when random thoughts of disasters enter my mind… fire, tsunami, the mountains I live between erupting, or thoughts of what if whenever my sons want to go out (I still let them, but it annoys me that I have to tell them to text me to and from places so I know they’re okay). When I think of people I knew that passed from illnesses that were caught too late, which turns to me thinking what if it happens to me. Then to me not wanting anything to happen because I don’t ever want to leave my sons.

Having my sons changed a lot of how I think, and my #mentalwellbeing doesn’t take me to that dark place like it used to way before I became a mom. I want to stay here and see my boys excel in life and grow up to be amazing men. I want to see them have their own family… I seen too many loved ones dying to not want that happen to myself.

I’m trailing off again, so I’m going to put on soothing music and lay down with my dog Hunter… did I mention that late at night by myself, I sometimes feel alone?

Anyway… I’m always wishing for anyone dealing with similar things, wishing them #Positivity and #strength to tackle each day one at a time. #weareloved #wematter #wearenotdefinedbyourillness #EndTheStigma #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealthAwareness

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Caring for a mentally challenged 23 year old son is quite the struggle when I suffer from mental health issues. #EndTheStigma

Any ideas on how to obtain emergency legal guardianship

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Mental Health Spectrum

Mental Health is on a spectrum. There are so many variables that affect our mental health that there can be no such thing as perfect mental health or a perfect mind. Therefore no one is perfect and everyone is IMperfect. So if your mental health has made you feel defective, broken, or alone, stop. Just like you, we all have imperfections. And just like everyone else, you have redeeming qualities, talents, insights, and positive effects on the lives of others. No one is truly alone, no matter their mental status. Stop judging yourself, so you can find your version of happy. #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma  #MentalIllness #Neurodiversity #nojudgement #Happiness

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Inside The Mind of a Quiet Borderline #BPDDiagnosis #EndTheStigma #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

My name is Morgan Sarah and I have Borderline Personality Disorder. What is my experience with this disorder? My experience is understanding that most people will look at me differently if they know what I am diagnosed with. My experience is understanding that most people will treat me differently when they find out what I have been diagnosed with. My experience is understanding that to others, I do not have the right to speak my point of view. When others hear things like that, they will tell me; “No Morgan, that isn’t true. You have the right to speak your point of view!” The thing is, I have learned that my point of view is usually met with doubt from others because of what my diagnosis is. I have grown up my whole entire life being told that I am perceiving things incorrectly, that I am misconstruing the facts, that I am manipulative and sneaky, that I am dramatic, that I am overreacting, that I am selfish, that I am ungrateful, that I need to be more like my brothers, that I need to be more like my friends, that I need to stop crying, that I need to get over it, that I am ruining the joke (that has been made at my expense), etc. The invalidating things said to me as a child are just repeated to me by other adults thinking that it is all so simple. BPD is misconstrued because the behaviors are just the surface level of what people see, I have close to no conscious choice of the “behaviors” that come out. Nothing about my experience with BPD is pleasant. Nothing about my experience with BPD is easy. I cannot say that BPD hasn’t given me any positive qualities. I used to think that all of my qualities were negative. I used to think that I was destined to be alone, that no one could handle my emotions. I used to think that I would not be able to get a handle on my anger, that I would always have such strong rage that I black out. My anger is so strong that my voice shakes, my body noticeably shakes, and my breathing gets shaky. I used to think that my strong emotions were something that I should hide, something to be ashamed of. What are the good qualities of BPD that I have? They are qualities that are not favorable to others. Why? Because they are qualities that are ugly, qualities that people would rather deny than accept. I can stand up for myself, I can say what I mean, I can say what is on my mind, I can confront others. Most people have the issue of not wanting to disturb the peace but given the way I was treated the way I grew up, I have no issue being the one to disturb it. In fact, I will do it with a smile on my face. I don’t tolerate unfairness, I don’t tolerate inequality, and most of all; I do not tolerate being mistreated or told my reality is incorrect. My reality has always been denied so I have grown to learn that maybe my reality isn’t incorrect, maybe it is just that people do not want to see reality for what it is. I can read people very well, so much so to the point that I even freak myself out with how much I can read into things. I never understood how “neurotypicals” and “neurodivergent” people think differently but the more I interact with the general public, the more I realize that I do think differently. Drastically different. I can read people, sometimes so much so, that I can predict their next move. Yes, I am incorrect sometimes but more often than not, I am correct and prepared for what I am not supposed to be prepared for. I see eye movements, I see subtle facial expressions that show peoples true thoughts, and I see how people backtrack when I acknowledge these subtleties that are no so subtle to me. I used to not be a self-aware borderline, I used to think that I was the victim, that I deserved peoples pity and to be treated as if I am delicate. That is not the case, I am not a victim. I actually think I am the opposite of a victim, I make sure that others know where I stand and know what I truly think. I make sure that others are aware of how I expect to be treated and if they cant adhere to what I ask of, I won’t be quiet about it. People think that when I say I expect to be treated a certain way, that I mean special treatment. No. When I say that, I mean to be treated with basic human decency which I think is a fair request. If I do not get that, I get angry. Very angry. I have noticed in life that people often tell you that you are asking for too much when you are in fact not asking for enough. I used to be scared of asking for what I want, I used to be scared of standing up for myself, I used to be scared of confrontation, and now it is what allows me to survive. The only way a person with BPD can survive, is by using their voice, even when others are telling them to be quiet. I think I use my BPD to my advantage, I learned to embrace it. I have a hard time being inauthentic because I despise it. In my head, I would rather someone show me their dislike towards me versus trying to act like they like me. I don’t assume that people have good intentions because they don’t, that is something we are all conditioned to believe. I have been told my whole life that the way I was treated was okay because they didn’t have the intention of mistreating me. This has led me to believe it is my duty to show someone that karma is real, even though that is not true. If I am not treated nicely, I will not treat you nicely. If I am not treated with respect, I will show you no respect. Honestly, I think BPD is a disorder that can be summed up into a simple phrase; treat me the way you would like to be treated#

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Does it let up? #CheckInWithMe

It's been a long time since I have felt like things are okay. The past year and a half have me so jaded. I am fighting for SSDI and have been, so everyone around me supports my financial needs. God love my boyfriend. He has been more understanding than I expect out of anyone. More than family, more than my old friends.

Speaking of my old friends and family. The way I feel "vibes" or looks could crumble empires. I always feel like an outsider. I feel like people think I'm trying to get drugs, being dramatic, wanting attention. I suppressed so much with addiction that my negligence to me is overwhelming.

I hate knowing my old friends are lying or they feel "bad". Not many are authentic. #Addiction #CPTSD #ADHD #EndTheStigma #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #SOBER #BrainInjury

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Living with the stigma of having a invisible chronic illness

skepticism, accused of being lazy or moody and in need of cheering up, going out more, calming down. Hey have you tried hikes and berries?!?! All of us have heard these. Anyone know how to handle this. Yes I've read on articles and Google searches. I'm asking those who are living this and asking for support. #Support #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #EndTheStigma

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