fear of abandonment

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How can i stop it?

Yesterday my boyfriend brokeup with me as he believed i don’t care about him and expect him to be aware of my triggers..
since yesterday im experiencing a hug amount of fear and anxiety cause im living abroad and he was the only one i had and keep thinking to call him and ask him to return even though i know nothing would get better because he kept making me cry and triggered me but can’t control this fear of becoming all alone #FearOfAbandonment #PTSD

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For the past week, I have noticed something has changed in me. There have been situations where I've reacted in a totally different way. I saw an old friend and was introduced to his wife and I was genuinely happy for them. Earlier that day, I ran into a lady I used to work for and didn't feel sick when I saw her. Today, I caught up with a friend and his sister and he introduced me to his girlfriend. Which I was excited about because he was a good guy. And with the situation with the stepfather, I no longer feel weighed down by him. I don't feel empty or guilty about it either. Normally, I would feel anxious or even abandoned, but I don't. I don't know where my path will lead me, but I know that deep inside, something is happening. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #FearOfAbandonment #journey

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I am scared as hell about someone. Had a dream about them a couple nights ago that they had a medical emergency and didn't make it. Then I realize they have been MIA for a week. Reached out but no acknowledgement which is unusual. I am crying. Been praying like hell. Trying to trust God. There's a song that came to mind and am striving to do this even though it is so hard to do.

Even when the fight seems lost
I'll praise You
Even when it hurts like hell
I'll praise You

Even When It Hurts - Hillsong #TheMighty #MightyTogether #scared #Worried #Concerned #Heartbroken #Fear #Crying #FearOfAbandonment #trigger #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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Are all relationships going to be this way?

I had my assessment tests today which I skipped. I called my person for support but they didn't pick up so i called my friend instead. And when my person finally calls me back and all i remember from that conversation is - 'go give your test or don't bother calling me today', which fired up my flight response. The last time my flight response triggered was when we were starting to become more serious and i broke up with them, saying horrible things to make them hate me. The next traumatic situation was where they put up an either/or situation - 'if you leave now it means we're breaking up'. I don't want to choose between two things anymore. When it was out up again today, i emotionally shut down and send them misleading texts, purposely calling them and being oblivious to what i have done wrong. Is this normal? This cycle of pushing people away and regretting it later? One day everyone will just get tired and leave me, with no chance of being back. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Splitting #FearOfAbandonment

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The more I think and understand...

Over the last few days, I've realized that I had people, but they didn't have me. Looking back at certain connections, I noticed that they were just that: connections that served there purpose for a time. Sitting with the fact that my unrequited love for the last couple of people ended with abandonment and not just an empty void of no closure made my chest hurt. I never fully saw that I was truly alone until recently. I don't even have my own family in my corner at times it feels like. Sometimes, I don't mind it because I've accomplished a number of things alone, but there are times where I find that I have to work harder for what I want/ have while others don't seem to do so much. And on top of that, the whenever someone actually shows that they are trying to make an effort to get to know me, I find myself detaching mentally, feeling both flattered and disgusted. It sucks. Especially when you really wanted to find your people and they remind you in subtle ways that you don't fit or you meet genuine people who want you around and you don't fully accept it because you think they are gonna leave you too. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #FearOfAbandonment #FamilyAndFriends

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Can fear of abandonment go away?

I don’t want to leave like this forever. Even “normal” days are too hard. This enormous emptiness, this endless craving.. they are too painful and I feel so miserable all the time. I’m ready to try and get better and I have a good life and an amazing therapist that make me hope for a better future. But I NEED to know things will change. I can’t fight without purpose, just for surviving. I’ve done that all my life, I don’t wanna do it anymore. I want these feelings to go away. I want heal. Is it even possible? #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #FearOfAbandonment

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Mind Blowing Moment

I knew that I had this fear about relationships, but it wasn't until yesterday that I realized how bad that fear was. I've noticed that whenever I see a group of men my age or just see them in passing in general, my LITERAL thought is "No". I'm so afraid of letting myself be vulnerable, that the idea of my abandonment wounds being ripped open is too much for me to deal with. I find the idea of love both wonderful and repulsive. It's painful to know that I'd rather push everyone away so I can't feel rejection again. I think that allowing myself to become hard to love took its toll. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #FearOfAbandonment

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The deeper issue of the matter

Today, I was having the hardest time after all that has happened yesterday. Normally I wouldn’t get totally upset over the fall through of plans, but today, my chest was all kinds of heavy. I finally got to the bottom of it all and the big reason why I was in disarray was that my abandonment wound was triggered. After talking it out, the sadness changed to anger. I made plans for the future week if things fail. But I want to be honest, I want a do over. I want to start over in a different place and find new places and new friends. For the most of the time, I have been blaming myself for a lot of the decisions I made with old friends. It makes me want to give up on people. I do have future plans for myself, this is one of them times where I just want people to forget who I am. I really, really want a do over on life. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #FearOfAbandonment

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Day Two: I may have cracked the code on myself.

After the long awaited apology, I had this feeling inside of me that unfazed. Later on that night, I felt a heaviness in my chest. It was the discomfort of the notion that the “negative normal “ might be setting in again. My mind began to think about the other relationships I’ve had with people from my past. I found that I still had anger towards them, even though I no longer wanted anything from them. Everything within me since then has been conflicting. I want all of what a healthy relationship is supposed to be, but I avoid it to protect myself from that person who could possibly leave me. I finally came across a list of different kinds of attachment styles. I think I’m more on the anxious attachment side, but I do identify with disorganized attachment. Too much disappointment has really changed me in a sense that I do feel a double cemented wall within me. I still feel all of my emotions deeply: I’m just too hurt, too angry, and the last thing that I want is to expose myself to anyone again and be abandoned by them because that in itself feels both emotionally and physically painful. Like third degree burns type of pain. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #anxiousattatchment #FearOfAbandonment


Anxious Attachments, FPs, & Being Too Reactive

I'm having issues with getting too attached to people, even when I think I'm not.

I suppose I do tend to "favourite" certain people. It's not fun.

They usually tend to be very emotionally unavailable.

If someone tells me that they're busy all the time, it makes me think I'm a nuisance and should just leave them alone.

I have minor examples of "splitting" them as well.

I don't usually lash out, but I say very passive-aggressive things that I later regret. It's always rooted in me feeling like I'm an annoyance.

I just came out of a very strong anxious attachment to someone earlier in the year.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone. The lows are so agonizing that the highs aren't worth the pain.

#DependentPersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #AnxietyAttack #Anxiousattachment #FearOfAbandonment #personalitydisorder #Favouriteperson

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