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Do you try to do a Graditude Journal?
I have an app on my phone. I have gotten behind on using it, sadly. I was trying to make it a habit to find the #goldenlining in everyday... #nomatterhowsmall .
This is what we are trying to do with our kids. With behavior, no matter how small a good behavior is... if you praise them for doing that good behavior... they are less likely to act up badly because they aren't getting attention like when they are behaving in the good way.
It takes about #21days to form a #newhabit . #Consistency is also key. #Makingtime for it #daily ... can be hard when busy. That is what happen to me. Emergencies in the family happened and it totally slipped my mind for quite a while now and #Stress paired with #Anxiety moved in with a bit of #Depression .
#Whatadistraction !

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Gratitude Journal Day 4 ✨

Yesterday was a day. I let myself down on my gratitude journaling. I didn't eat a thing. I hardly made it out of bed and my chest felt completely compressed. However I am here to say that today I am thankful that I pulled myself out of it. I came back. I snapped out. I showed myself some love and I bounced back. Sometimes that is all you can do and you have to make sure you acknowledge it. We all fall down. Just get back up. Always.

#Blessed #Gratitude #gratitudejournal #thankful #Love #Happiness #lifehappens #KEEPITMOVING #findyourhappyface

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Beauty Out of Ashes

Defining Moments
Many of us that struggle with trauma can pin-point the defining moment in our life when "everything changed". For some it's been hours, for others it's been years, and still for others its been decades.
These ashes of trauma filter through our brain and keep us locked on that "defining moment". Stopping us from ever truly enjoying life again. But there can be some beauty out of these ashes if we choose to let them.
Most of us go about this trauma the wrong way. We either hide, ignore, run, or we put it on a pedestal blaming all of our actions on it. Either way is unhealthy.
I've found through my own experience, and now trauma coaching, is that we can heal from this trauma, as we face it, change our perspective of it, learn from it, and recognize that we can find the some beauty from it.
If you struggle with trauma I'd encourage you to get some help to work through it. If i can be that help please reach out. Link is in the bio
#selfloveclub #selflovematters #youareenough #gratitudejournal #Selfcompassion #Selfimage #radicalselflove #selflovejourney #Selfacceptance #MentalHealthAwareness #selflover #confidencequotes #MentalHealth #Care #gratitudeattitude #Gratitude #findyourself #Selfworth #selfcaretips #StrongerTogether #selflovery #Selflove #selflovequotes #selfcareroutine #dailycalm #nourishyoursoul #selfcare #selfcarecoach

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