when I’m overcome with depression and anxiety, I fight.
Gratitude is what saves me every day. When I find myself being overcome with grief, with sadness, when that broken record plays reminding me of the song that depicts the large holes in my heart that will always remain part of its shape, when I’m overcome with depression, and anxiety, I fight. I fight to remind myself what I have and just how lucky I am to have the things I do now. Over and over I repeat and remind myself until the darkness is overshadowed by the light. I do not ignore my grief or sadness or the songs of memory, instead I write. I reflect. I let it out as much as I can while being mindful to not to let it consume me. To not let my children see it consume me, but instead see me fight. See me acknowledge it’s okay to feel sad sometimes, to see me take those deep breaths and grounding techniques to prevent a panic attack, to see mama taking a short break or walk outside, because to tell them to ignore sadness would be a lie. That’s how we get to the point of it consuming us to begin with. You cannot control what feelings you have, but you can work to manage them. So for me, I write. I reflect. I remind myself to breathe. I remind myself how grateful I am. And I fight. #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Breathe #GroundingTechniques #keepgoing #PanicAttacks #Gratitude