Little progress is still progress
There's a little space between black and white thinking, that little space is for when you feel empty ... And I've been stuck in that space for a while now. I'm straight up not having fun, and I've been crying all day because I have telephone phobia and I can't call my professor; but I still cook, clean the house, look after the cat and my sister, I go shopping ... It's not enough for me, I want more ... But still I'm not in the right mind set to chase after my goals, I just wanted to say that Sometimes no matter how what you do, and how productive you are, you'd still feel empty and feel like you haven't made any progress ... I'm just happy I managed to make it another day, I'm still alive and that's worth something. The highlight of my day was getting out of bed, going out to buy bread, it was raining and cold (spooky season) ... #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Phobia #Depression #progress #imstillhere