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Life Hacks

Please share anything you guys have come up with too, to save us from reinventing the wheel 😅 You never know how much your idea will help a fellow spoonie...

That being said, the red thing is something I get from my OT to help grab things or hold things. The cheaper alternative is rubber shelf-liner. It can keep dishes and cutting boards from moving around, and help grip bottles when trying to take lids off.

#Spoonie #Lifehacks #Accessibility #adaptive

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Life Hacks

Hairbands or rubberbands are a dignity-saver for days when I can't hold onto silverware, or the silverware is too thin for me to hold. This is particularly useful when going out to eat to avoid making a tremendous mess trying to hold onto a utensil and keep food on it. #Spoonie #Lifehacks #Accessibility #adaptive

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Life Hacks

I lack fine motor control so holding onto stylus, pencils & pens. My son cut ¾-inch PVC into ⅝-inch pieces. I take 2 pieces and loop a hairband, or a thick rubber-band, and loop the PVC pieces around the stylus. #Spoonie #Lifehacks  #Accessibility #adaptive

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Life Hacks

Travel and life hacks to make life better: anything from purses, backpacks, and luggage to items that make the journey easier. My most challenging disability is that my hands and wrists don't work. One of my favorite hacks is to use 1-inch binder rings as zipper pulls. What else have you found that helps you?#Spoonie #Lifehacks #adaptive #accessibilty

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Port Tip

When sleeping with your port accessed, tape the “pig tale” to your chest so it doesn’t get caught on anything. Saved my accessed port many times! #Port #Portacath #Lifehacks

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UPDATED: 5 Things to Do Right Now If You Think You Have ADHD But Can't Find A Therapist.

So You Think You Have ADHD? But You Can't Find A Therapist. Here Are 5 Things to Do Right Now

Imagine if you didn't know if you were ADHD/ADD or whether you had a learning disability? That was me for 40 some-odd years. Now that I do know, I look back on my childhood, teen and young adult years and think, would it have been better if I had a label? The honest answer is, I don't know. I do know that I wasted a lot of time not working on myself. Just feeling lost. Don't make that mistake.

For every person waiting for an official diagnosis, who doesn't have it in writing, don't wait to start working on yourself.

A therapist or a coach can help, but you don't have to sit around listening to sad playlists until you finally get that appointment. Do these five things to the best of your ability ASAP:

Find some form of exercise you like and that will exhaust you. Yes, even if you don't like workouts or aren't great at sports. So what. I fall off of bikes. I look like Elaine from Seinfeld when I dance. I trip on hikes. I do it anyway because it makes me feel better. Recently I started swimming. You can find me in lane 6 (the slowest lane) and I often look like I need to be rescued. I get out of the pool smiling. Get a pet or borrow one. You need unconditional love. Even the people who do love you won't always understand you. Honestly, they may also be sick of talking to you about your issues. A dog is an attention-seeking, tail-wagging lovey that won't let you down. Mine sleeps on my head, barks in my and I swear, smiles at me in the park. Find a place to be in total silence. If your only time is in the shower or with noise-cancelling headphones, so be it. Make sure you get three 20-minute silent retreats a day. No compromises. I don't care if you have to sit on the toilet and stare at the side of the tub blankly while your toddler watches Disney to get some peace. Get away and get some headspace. Say yes to something. Yes! to a new salad dressing. Yes! to a walk with someone who you barely know to get a coffee. Yes! to a book club you might never show up to but that gets you to the library to check out a great read. Yes is a dopamine hit. Don't look back in anger. There are so many things to be pissed off about. That negativity can suck you in, though. Resolve to journal about what is making you mad. Tell a friend about your neighbor nightmare— and then let it go. LET THAT STUFF GO. Sure, it will keep coming back. But keep shoving the door closed and opening a positive one. How, Denise, how? It's not easy, I know. It is do-able. Without a therapist, I cut through my anger by listening to comedians. They say the stuff you know you want to and make you laugh about evil things. They redirect your brain to laughter. Laughter is dopamine. You need dopamine.

Good luck. Wear a helmet if you need to and definitely splurge on headphones. #dopamine #ADHD #laughter #Depression #Anxiety #Solutions #Lifehacks #ADHD advice

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Compression Socks!!!!

Compression socks and leggings are great when you’re going to be standing for a while. It’s best to get ones with 30-40 mmHg (the higher the number the tighter they will be, meaning more support) #POTS #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #LivingWithPOTS #potslifehacks #ChronicIlless #dizzy #Lifehacks

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Quick Tip Thursday: Keep A Diabetes Routine Checklist And Keep It In A Conspicuous Place To Keep You Accountable

In diabetes management, it can be very stressful to lose track of something that is crucial. Creating a diabetes routine to-do list will help you stay organized. Make sure you keep the list in a conspicuous place like your bedroom door, bathroom mirror or nightstand.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #Lifehacks #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether