My parents and I recently had a pretty heavy discussion about me not doing enough exercise. They think I should just go through the pain and it will get better and I could do more without being exhausted or in unbearable pain. I know that it won't and I also know that I already do more than I should every day to just live a nearly normal life. But it doesn't matter what I say, they think they are always right. Now I convinced them to discuss it with my therapist, kinda because I don't want to face my parents alone.
Nobody needs to tell me that exercising with a chronic disease is good. I know that, I hear it everyday. But I also now that I can't take it for long to ignore my limitations. I will just pass out at one point. It will be too much pain and exhaustion.
I really need your help. You can just comment things from your experience, from others or what you read or heard about this topic (pls no "exercise is good" comments) and I would be pretty thankful. The best would be links (articles or videos) that could help. I just need more things (coming from others) that I can say to my parents because apparently it doesn't matter what I say. #ChronicHealthConditions #Exercise #Pain condition #arguments