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Heavenly Father, thank You for walking with me today. Thank You for the strength You gave me to set boundaries, protect my peace, and choose healing over conflict. Please continue to guide me in building resilience, recognizing my worth in You, and finding comfort in Your promises. Amen. #Prayer

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Learning to adapt the mornings

I follow a routine of prayer, seated shadowboxing, yoga (chair yoga), and wall push-ups, and stomach vacuums….Still working on the night 😱 routine #Fitness #Yoga #chairyoga #adaptiveboxer #Prayer

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Help . Prayers. PEACE. GUIDANCE STRENGTh #Prayer

Evertime. I feel that need to update my status just so I can have a memory or proof that I stii exist, even for strangers, one more piece of stupid collapses my plans daily. I e stopp6praying fo healing, and started praying to St Jude to protect my husband and get help to settle affairs.
St Jude is gone.
MY prayers only settle my mind for the night fo sleep. Then I have to wakeup. To fear and worry. Make it stop. May be your prayers will help

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Quick Update and Prayer Request from #Christians on #TheMighty

I recently relocated. I have a new job, living space, and environment. All sound great, yet I have been physically sick for the past two weeks. Also, now that I am hours away from my aging mom, she has been rushed to the emergency room two times in two weeks. I am over an eight hour drive away and am not pleased with this.

So, please say a prayer for me as I seek wisdom from above regarding my role in helping my mom. Also, I ask for prayer regarding the ministry I am now working with: that I would be a great asset for the team. And finally, I request prayer concerning either the weather to cool off or that my body will adjust to the new air particles that are obviously sending my autoimmune system into absolute chaos!!! Oh, and a church that serves as a place for me to worship with a family rather than fulfilling an obligatory request from friends.

Thanks! #Prayer #NewBeginnings #

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A #mighty #ThankYou !!!

To all who prayed for me after my urgent request, I think, in early April, thank you sooooo very much! Believe it or not, I had 15 false accusations waged against me by a local government agency due to the words of one employee! Here’s the scoop:

Due to my Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), I was on a medical leave unexpectedly longer than originally planned. My employer approved medical leave resulted in an unexpected and illegal termination. And because of the termination, I had to apply for short-term benefits. That agency viewed me as fraudulent based on an employee’s suggestion and my employer’s denial of my medical leave.

Long story short, to clear my name, and qualify for short-term benefits, I eventually learned I submitted ninety plus pages of written documents and images showing I did indeed have an injury AND was on an approved medical leave from work. In spite of all of the paperwork, I was then subjected to multiple sessions before a justice to testify against the false claim held MYSELF. I basically served as my own attorney. Lord! But no fear 😧 s involved in this because the Lord simply allowed me to share the truth! Oh my, the entire month was extremely trying. And because of those accusations, I nearly lost my apartment because during the entire month of May, as I was unexpectedly dedicated to settling that matter, I had only $180.00s to my name! Yes, pray for my poor credit card debt!

Anyway, you #mighty folks, your prayers resulted in the Lord miraculously and surprisingly covering my rental fees and clearing the false accusations. Also, and more importantly, your prayers provided me the strength to continue to confront this very demeaning situation rather than succumbing to an absolute depressed state, which I was in when I first requested prayer in April. My TBI PTSD nearly tipped me over the edge, literally. So I thank you all sooo VERY MUCH!!!❤️

#Prayer & #power over #Depression & #Anxiety = #TheMighty #strength from our Ever-present #savior , #Jesus & #TheHolySpirit : #thelord !

Photo Credit: Google Search Isaiah 41:10: wesellphotos.

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#Prayer #works !!! #ThankYou

To all who read my post yesterday, I can report, at 6:46PM, my doctor’s letter arrived! Wow! My ability to share the situation with you all truly helped me, immensely. Thank you, #TheMighty folks, for your support and prayers.❤️

In all honesty, after sharing on this site while in the midst of the storm, I did not plummet into a depression. Thankfully, I did not obsessively ruminate on the situation. Instead, I prayed and I believe the Lord showed me that I did everything I could do and now I can simply rest.

The letter has been submitted to my company. Now I will simply face today and deal with the results from the letter when they arrive. As briefly mentioned yesterday, I can no longer fill the position I once held at my workplace due to my TBI. So, as I realized yesterday, I can only do what I am able to do and that is to simply send the company the letter. I will now let the Lord help me walk through the next step…only…when it appears.😉!!!

This medical leave’s most important lesson learned: do not operate in a state of anxiety. Nearly everyday I had this thought float through my mind, especially as I prayed about things I had to do of face: take the anxiety out of it.

Thank you all!❤️

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What are you afraid to ask God for? #Faith #Prayer #Hope #Anxiety #Depression #Relationships #PTSD #MentalHealth

I read a story about a man who when he got to his mansion in heaven he could get the door fully open. He asked the angel that was with him why this so. The angel said, “It’s full of of the things you didn’t ask for when you were on earth”,

Now obviously this is NOT a true story. Yet it does raise the question are there things we want from God but have been too afraid to ask.

Before I was married I was a professional actor on the road 11 months of the year. I will never forget the time I was in a remote Western Australia town. This was before ATMs existed. I went for a long walk and realised I was really hungry and thirsty but hadn’t picked up my wallet. I looked in every pocket, even turned them inside out. No money. So I prayed, “Father I am really want a coke and some fries”.

I put my hand in my main pocket and miraculously there was a $5 note. I had triple checked this pocket before. I was amazed that God was interested in fries and coke. Of course God is interested in every aspect of our lives.

God has four standard answers to prayer. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Not now 4. You do it.

What are you afraid to ask God for? We have nothing to lose by asking and we might get reminded God looks after us completely. Even providing miracle supply of coke and fries.

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Hello fellow conquerors in Christ

I just had the most intimate moment with Jesus I think I've ever had. I am finally beginning to internalize what He actually did for me. I think I am finally falling in love with Him. Now I get it.

Also, today God called me back to my role as intercessory prayer warrior. To be honest I feel like I am jumping off a cliff because the enemy comes after me anyway and my challenges can make it difficult to stand in the face of attacks.

If anyone of you needs prayer, please reach out to me. Evidently my position is to stand in the gap.

I also ask that you keep me in your prayers as well if you are able or if you think about it, specifically prayer for protection.

We all have a cross to bear and it ain't easy! #Faith #Prayer #warrior #Jesus #christ #god

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Here for you

I just wanna throw out there that if you, yes you, ever need/want to talk to someone, please message me. I am not judgemental and most likely I will understand...benefit (and sometimes a curse lol) of being an empath of sorts with a big heart. I don't want any of you to hurt, especially alone. I am also an intercessory prayer warrior so if you want/need prayer over your situation, let me know and you got it. We all gotta stick together! #HereForYou #youarenotalone #MightyTogether #Prayer

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