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Growing Pains

Back in the day,

We used to play outside till dawn

Now, we're just another government pawn

Back in the day,

We used to live, laugh & grow

Now, we are forced to work our asses off bro

What is this shit? (mind my language)

Death is a trap to try and get us to submit?

As kids, we couldn't wait to be adults

Now, I reflect and I am like that was truly nuts!

The days when we could cry and be comforted

Childhood turned to adulthood and those days plummeted

Now, we're struggling to make ends meet, Who would have thought, childhood was only a treat

But it's life,

So put away that knife

It is what it is -

God is good, all is his

Better days are ahead

So, go and continue to chase that bread!

#Life #resilience #NeverGiveUp #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #Selfharm #selfharmawareness #strength #courage #bravery #Independence #freedom #freedomwriters #useyourwords #expression #expressyourself #creativity #Deep #deepthinkers #bold #Spirituality #Meditation #Spiritual #calm #Zen #gowiththeflow #liveinthepresent #loa #TheSecret #manifest #manifestation #Positivity #PositiveVibes #GoodVibes #vibes #Energy #YouCanDoIt #Believe #Hope #Care #Empathy #compassion

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In The Meantime

In view of everything that’s gone on lately in our world, I ran across this #Poem and it just seemed to be what I needed today. #Breathe #JustBreathe #Healing #HealingVoices #Poetry #vibes #PTSD #Depression #Grief

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I Decide My Vibe

Honestly not feeling well today, BUT the good news is I get to choose to rest if I need to! In the past I let people guilt trip me into doing things I didn’t feel like doing, I was giving my power away. Now, I Decide My Vibe! #ChronicMigraines #Migraines #ChronicPain #Pain #ADHD #OccipitalNeuralgia #Anxiety #Depression #OnedayAtaTime #vibes #ThisIsMyBrave



I am so balanced today. I feel like the world isn’t off kilter like it always is. that’s such a bizzare and good feeling. sending good vibes and hoping your world feels a little more #balanced soon.
#DID #positive #PositiveVibes #good #GoodVibes #vibes #happy #Positivity

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As per my #Therapist request

I have an amazing therapist. Do i like what she has to say all of the time? Absolutely not. Thats only part of what makes her great because shes honestand understands me really well. Thats incredibly important when seeking a therapist. Thats also why, although i dont want to do this, I'm still honoring her request for me to #Justbe with my thoughts and feelings. So, without further adieu, here we go...


....anytime now....


All i can truly think about right now is how i have ao much to work on. I know that everything happens in due time. However, just like any other human, i too experience irrational impatience. Imagine for me if you will that you know how to cook. You have done it before and and know every step. You can even walk someone else through the process of the recepie, but when you step into the kitchen, the only ingredients you have for dinner are half a pound of corn starch, pepper, and a banana. ....the hell are you supposed to do with that?

Thats how i feel. #ifeel like i have the knowledge, but the lemons life gave me are really killing the #vibes that i know i should be able to roll with. I know thats a lot of #Pressure to put on yourself. #iknow . It still doesnt stop being #frustrating .

when you feel like youre stuck in a box with the best and worst versions of yourself and they are having their own personal fight club?

#Anxiety #Paranoia #PTSD #Epilepsy #iknowitgetsbetter #ithasto

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#positive #vibes #

Today focus on the positives,if we keep spending time focusing on the bad things and negative vibes we will missed the chances on dedicating that space on the good things to come and the positive we can get out of it... #everything #HAPPENS #for #a #reason !# LEAVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

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