There are a lot of things in my my life that I felt I needed to push away so that I could heal from all of the things that I’ve dealt with. I’ve suppressed my feelings, I’ve made some decisions that may not have been that best for me emotionally, I’ve even pushed away a guy because I felt that it was better for me to leave him before he left me. I try to exercise patience, but it feels like I’m going nowhere fast, or even nowhere at all. Each day meets me differently: I’m either ok enough to get through the day, or I wake up feeling empty, lost, and lonely. I feel very, very confused. Yesterday, I wrote down all that I’ve been feeling, all of my habits, any and everything that I’ve did or done to just survive. A number of those things weren’t healthy and I felt that maybe I need more help than I thought. I’ve flipped flopped over this guy and my feelings for him. I find that I still care for him, I still pray for him, and just seeing him alone makes the world feel a little less dark. I find that I do feel very empty and isolated when he’s not around. Maybe I’m self sabotaging myself out of things that just might be good in the end... I have no idea what the future holds, but I really wish I had answers. #MentalHealth #Depression #confused #selfsabotage #patience #Hopeforthefuture #Loneliness #Emptiness #Pushingaway #Feelinglost