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#rip 💔

On Sunday October 30th 2022 , my mom Linda passed away at 5:24 am . My mom was an ICU/ CCU Nurse & a Captain in the US Air Force.

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Even tho we weren’t blood related, you were very much like a dad to me . I am so blessed to have had you in my life. Im going to miss you Grady . I love you.

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#rip 💔

Found out yesterday that my sister in law passed away . Rest easy Pam 💜💜

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#rip #Echo #Furbaby #MotherHen #LovedChildren

This is Echo our German Shepherd.
Adopted her in 2010 6 weeks before I was due to give birth to my baby 😊🙃💕
Echo loved my daughter and her friends , she really was watching over the children,
We had to say good bye to her August 15/2021 as a tumour on her spleen erupted we had no idea she was sick til we found her that morning not able to move and we rushed her to after hours Vet.
We are thankful for our time with Echo, she was smart , truly sweet, soul🥰💕
I wasnt sure if I was going to share with everyone however I want to say thank you from my heart to the one friend on this site that I did share with weeks ago, thank you my friend for ur support and kind words, u kno who you are😊👍
Missing you Echo always💖❣💞

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Starstruck (My 1st #Poetry Share)

🌠 starstruck 🌠

i didn't expect each star's shift,

celestial readjustment in a restless sky

your soul granted a space to glow:

knowledge that refuses to resolve

such a dissonant grief

so distant

may our loss laying hollow

raise you

closer to whole,

partway to peace

i'll revere your shine someday:

a landlocked legacy

watered and grown in pains

i still breathe in (breathe out)

but tonight can only cry out

swearing to skies to spread

my fight a bit wider, or wiser

to thank darkness for its dawn

in the wake of celestial departure

starstruck, you left us


🌌RIP 05•10•21🌌

#Grief #Depression #rip #SuicidePrevention #Survivor

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My mom’s bday

Today would have been my mom’s birthday. This is the first time I’m celebrating without her here on earth. To top it off my ex won’t let me be with my kid today (he hated my mom), just to hurt me. I am really struggling and physically anxious + shaking today. Any distractions would help! 😕 Sushi is for you mamma! It was her fav. #Birthday #rip #dinnerfor1

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I Really Miss My Cousin #rip #deathofalovedone #hurt #lost #ineededyou #firstcousin #BestFriends #Death #Pain #Grief

I Was Just Went You, Your Cousins Are Your First Friends, Your First Bestfriend Your Real True Friend.... When You Saw Her You Saw Me. And As We Got Older We Grew Closer. This Is A Pain I Don’t Wish On My Worst Enemy. And What Hurts The Most.... We Was Just Together Saturday And Sunday, And Monday You Was Gone 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 Why Shi!!! I’m Loss, I’m Hurt, I Don’t Feel Normal Anymore. Just Knowing I’LL Never See You Again Kills Me. November 2nd Was The Worse Day Of My Life!!!! Plus We Was Just Together 😢😢😢😢 And Was Always Together. Thanksgiving Didn’t Even Feel The Same. I Struggle With Major Depression, Anxiety And Sometimes Panic attacks And Since I Loss My Cousin Omg 😢😢😢😢 #Depression #MajorDepression #Anxiety #PanicAttacks If It Wasn’t For My 10 Year Old (He Make 11 December 18th) Omg. I Just Feel Loss, SHIANNE You Left Me By Myself.... You Was My Run Too, My Shoulder When I Wanted To Cry, When I Needed You You Came Everytime. And It Was The Exact Same Way With Me. I’m Hurt For Life