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World Down Syndrome Day 2019

Every night I lay down having a grateful heart. I am humbled daily by various demonstrations of love and faithfully count my blessings.
My heart is especially full tonight because of all who showed love and support to Savannah by “Rockin’ their socks” today for #WDSD ! (See my stories on\Ladypositive 🙌🏼)

Spreading awareness helps to educate so many, like me, that just three years ago didn’t know much about #DownSyndrome . I definitely wasn’t aware there was a day to honor it globally!

The negative stereotypes associated with DS makes me angry! Those lies are what instilled fear in me after our prenatal diagnosis!
I want to let you know that there is nothing scary about Down Syndrome! It isn’t a negative thing! It doesn’t make anyone less worthy! Individuals with DS still thrive and become anything they want to become! They have purpose and I will spend the rest of my life shouting their worth!
These beautiful lives enhance others they encounter, including this momma!
I wrote a blog post shortly after Savannah was born that transparently shared how while I was still pregnant, I desperately prayed God would heal Savannah. I also used these crazy apps to try to determine what Savannah would look like after putting photos of JR and I in it. At times, my mind was overwhelmed with fears of the unknown and the negative scenarios my specialist told me only added fuel to the fire consuming me.
Here is the answer to all the questions that exhausted my mind.....
God makes no mistakes. Savannah was the one used to purge me of discriminations I didn’t even realize I had. Savannah, Alexis, and Ava have made me see life in a more beautiful, fulfilling way. Life isn’t about what we tangibly obtain... it’s about who we become! So while I prayed for healing, I received it. I was the one who needed it, not Savannah.
God is so good and has blessed our family with a miracle.... that miracle’s name is Savannah Lanier White! .
#SavannahLanier #RockYourSocks #DearMom #SheChangedMeForTheBetter #Love #Kindness #BeTheChange #PositiveVibes #downsyndromeawareness #advocate #AdvocateLikeAMother #nothingdownaboutit #IWillShoutYourWorth #TheLuckyFew #Momlife #Momblogger

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Babies and toddlers are the best people watchers (and obviously dog watchers!) That is how they learn without being given specific instructions.❤️ Isn’t it funny that teaching a child what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable is a whole other ball game!
EXAMPLE: 💁🏼‍♀️ While trying to get my children to eat broccoli, I’ve pretended with them that we were giants and the broccoli were little trees.
We also eat salad that looks like grass or weeds we see in the back yard, but
then tell them “NO! Don’t eat the grass”. Savannah observes and mimics everything! She is incredibly smart and has a “hunger” to learn! Now to teach her we don’t eat our little trees from a dog bowl! 🤪🙆‍♀️
#SavannahLanier #learning #BeTheChange #MakingMemories #KeepingMeOnMyToes #Momlife #Momblogger #nothingdownaboutit #TheLuckyFew #peekaboo #dog #Doglife #smile #shenanigans #mischief


What wasn’t mentioned is worth mentioning

I kept seeing the cartoon depiction of a child and a man with a ginger colored beard on IG and didn’t understand what it meant until I saw this video today.
What I noticed first about it is what my heart is full of and what I want to spread... LOVE! The second thing I noticed is there is no mention of this precious child having #DownSyndrome .❤️🙌🏼
The video shown here isn’t about a diagnosis or a title! To me, it represents what this child and #PrinceHarry have in their hearts and who they are!
I have struggled with the question to mention DS or not to mention DS when it comes to Savannah. So, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t!
I don’t want to talk so much about Down Syndrome that I attract more attention to the diagnosis than Savannah herself!
Yes, I want to advocate for Savannah and those that are differently abled! I want to educate those that know nothing about DS (like I used to be). I also want to encourage others that have recently received a diagnosis while being to them the person I once needed.
The purpose of my blog posts and IG feed posts is to show the diverse family we have, real life stuff that is apart of our journey, and overcoming obstacles is possible! We just have a little something extra that is apart of our journey.
Even though DS is what #SavannahLanier has, it isn’t who she is and it’s not what our family is.
I pray our journey and our lives reflect the love of God and the beauty depicted in this video, whether DS is mentioned or not. #StrongerTogether #Love #Diversity #HumanRace #MoreAlikeThanDifferent #BeTheChange #TheLuckyFew #nothingdownaboutit #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth #October #United #Momlife #Momblogger #ThisIsDownSyndrome #WeAreTheChange #WorldChangers #ComeTogether #LetsDoThis #Bekind #advocate #Acceptance #IWillShoutYourWorth


What Gives you JOY?

Hello! I hope everyone has a “happy” Saturday! Saying that, here is a thought to ponder...
There is so much talk about #Happiness and what makes one happy. “Happiness” is such a circumstantial emotion, don’t you think? 🧐
“I’m happy it’s Friday”, “I’m happy the food is here”, etc. Are we necessarily happy when our car breaks down or when we are “hangry”? 😩
No, of course not! God gave us DIFFERENT emotions for different circumstances! Even Christ wasn’t happy all the time. It’s ok to not be happy! It’s ok to grieve. It’s ok to be angry and hangry! 😉
It’s ok to be frustrated. It’s how one handles the emotion at hand that makes it right or wrong. ❤️
With that being said, JOY is something we can obtain and keep NO MATTER the circumstance! We can be joyful in any circumstance! What brings you JOY? .
#Thoughtfortheday #Thinkingdeep #fruitofthespirit #strength #kidsofinstagram #cutiepatootie #nothingdownaboutit #SavannahLanier #Friday #Joy #Momlife #Momblogger #Christian #FaithWriter #Faith #BeTheChange #PositiveVibes #circumstances #mightycontributor

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