Notes on my grief…
Keying in after a while…i wish all those struggling and still up and about my best wishes and prayers. It’s been so many years i have been dealing with my grief, despair and anguish. Been on medication for quite long and from the looks of it I will have to continue till my end life. Medication and occasional counselling keeps me functional and operational but the deep melancholic loss and longing persists varying in its intensity different times in the day or in weeks. The worst part in my case is the acute loneliness of my grief. I’m a divorcee (the separation so shameful and embarrassing and in the end in complete helplessness) and have no kids or even any extended family worth a name. I live alone with my pooch (God bless her 😢) doing everything on my own - household chores mostly. Professional setbacks too forced me into early retirement and so just about manage with whatever investments I made. My life is both frugal and hermit like for all these reasons. Won’t bother with all my sordid details any further something I have already done often in the Mighty over years.
The pain though is excruciating and debilitating and panic repeatedly sets in. The few friends who do know my loss & trauma are all tired and guess so bored but I can imagine them caught in their own routines and whatever challenges modern life dominated by work and family throws at one. My distress remains so deeply my own and singular it’s also difficult for others to relate as may be my own inability to empathise with those battling severe setbacks, losses and trauma. A catch 22 situation the mentally frail like myself have to contend. This splendid isolation then compounds your misery and grief. Negating the self and just be is possibly the best antidote. If only…The impersonal social space, the numbness modern life inflicts…most i gather (but i still don’t understand how ) inure themselves and as far as I see most of my few friends and acquaintances life has been kind. Most partake in the winner takes it all mindset. Along with self acknowledged and patent failures of your own you are further burdened with this shame then of being perceived a loser, a failure, a wimp. So…these and resulting humiliation, loneliness only compounds misery…Then the fear being so alone…been weeks since anyone visited me. The phone rarely pings let alone rings. Most if so are spam messages or marketing calls. The emptiness of my apartment and the loud silence makes me feel on Sahara scorched and parched by isolation being blazed by some curse, voodoo and wretched fate scalding my soul. With what is actually happening and how even my so called best of friends already avoidant (more in helplessness I wager), my visiting or trying to meet anyone or even pinging just seems to be me inflicting on people…a scrounger or a desperate refugee for mercy! death will truly be liberating and so comforting under the circumstances. 😔
#Grief #Shame #Loneliness #Dysthymia #SuicidalThoughts #Anxiety