You may have noticed in the picture of my list that some items have a check mark and some have an X. I write down an X on items I skipped for any reason. You might prefer to just leave the box blank. But I recommend that you do what you can when you start this or if you have a really apathetic day and to just shake it off and try again tomorrow. It’s a tool for motivation, not a law. Use it to help you make forward motion of any kind, even if you only have one check mark per day for awhile. You will still feel good about it when you eventually manage to check off two item. This is about celebrating successes, not berating yourself for things you are not able to do. Only you know your starting place and appropriate pace. If you wish you could stretch and just manage to hang down by your waist for a minute or if you just get down on the floor then get back up again, CLAIM YOUR WIN! A check mark cues your brain to reward you with a little shot of endorphins that will help you. You deserve it!
CALL A LOVED-ONE: People struggling with any kind of heath issue plus apathy tend to isolate themselves. The pandemic didn’t help either. We tend to think we are just fine being a hermit, but it’s a slippery slope. My youngest son gave me a powerful gift of love a few months ago when he started calling me during his commute home from work. It’s a 15-20 minute drive. Sometimes we run out of things to talk about, and sometimes he continues the call an hour when he gets home. The connection has been so affirming for us both. I also made a commitment to call my brother everyday, who is struggling with many health problems. It makes a difference in our lives knowing that call can be counted on. Try to find someone to connect with this way. I have also started having regular correspondence with friends I met on The Mighty. Just connect with someone every day if you can, even if it is with different people each time.
ENCOURAGE 1+ PERSON ON THE MIGHTY: in addition to connecting with someone you know regularly, make it a daily habit to find at least one post on the mighty that you can respond to with even just a few words of encouragement. It is powerfully uplifting to help someone else, especially if you can relate to what they are experiencing. Uplifting to both the receiver and the giver.
PLAN TOMORROW’S FOOD: One thing that will trigger a downward spiral for me is if I am hungry and cannot figure out what to eat, or if I am missing ingredients for what I want to make. I will go spend money I don’t really have at a restaurant or head out to the store hungry and buy all of the wrong things because I AM HUNGRY! Try to systematically prevent yourself from this common error. It might take awhile to get into the habit of asking yourself what you can expect to eat tomorrow for each meal or whatever your eating pattern is. Investing in yourself in small ways like this is powerful self-care.
#apathy #Depression #Fibromyalgia #toolkit