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Feeling Comical

Have you ever needed a #Laugh at something that you know you cannot #change ? This made me laugh so much and at the same time, I saw how truthful it was to think if someone were to enter into my #dreams they would not be able to #DealWithIt at all. Each #Battle is different from one another. What #Hurts me a lot may be a like eating cotton candy to another.

Be #Kind today. #Share some #Laughs and #Joy amidst the #Sadness and the #Emotions that tear at you. Do not let the #Fear or #Anxiety control you. See it like a passing cloud. I see you there, but I am not going to engage with it even if I feel it!


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My Not So Mighty Moment

When I was in high school, a middle aged teacher showed up to class with her hand in a cast, courtesy of a wild bowls incident. Being an all-girls school, naturely this was a source of gossip. After some discussion, we crowned it the 'Most Geriatric Injury Ever Conceived by Teenage Minds'.

Fast forward to the present, and here I am, ready to steal her crown!

Enter Taryn, the Yoga Clown 🤡

Last week, while channeling my inner 'Warrior Pose' at my local MS Centre, I felt a small pop in my
chest that definitely wasn't my inner peace bursting forth. By the end of the session, my neck was brewing with what felt like the beginnings of a migraine that could rival a Shakespearean tragedy. So I did the logical things—a hot bath with lots of magnesium, dinner, and an early night with dreams of being a yoga guru.

Clearly, the Universe had other plans...

I woke up feeling like I'd been rear-ended by an invisible truck. It was like the whiplash injury I got in a car accident a few years back, but with a hefty dash of facial acrobatics. Pain in the left side of my neck, ear, sinuses, and teeth—because apparently, you can sprain your face doing beginner yoga.

As I start to feel less like a human pretzel, I can't help but chuckle about the absurdity of it all. So, to anyone needing a laugh: if you ever feel silly about an injury, just remember me – the person who went full Cirque du Soleil with her face in yoga class 🤗

#DistractMe #CheerMeOn #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyalgia #Headache #Migraine #Endometriosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #MultipleSclerosis #BackPain #Laugh #Meme #BruisedEgo

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Petflix: Bellywood Star Edition

Last night I remarked to the other half about how funny it would be to reimagine movies but with pets cast in the leading roles instead. The Duke, we decided would definitely be frenetically jumping up and down borking “show me the foods!” So I’ll dig in and start him with first, before offering up some of my other ‘pawsome' reimaginings.

First up: “Jerry Macanine", where instead of Tom Cruise, we have a pug mix loudly borking the unforgettable line, "Show me the foods!" Our pooch protagonist is a sports agent who struggles to keep his clients satisfied with squeaky toys and belly rubs. Instead of navigating the world of professional sports, he has to make his way through the competitive landscape of dog shows. Due to his demanding career, he doesn’t have much time for a special someone. But he is all like “you had me at hello” every time one of his Jeeveses opens the treat cupboard door 😍

Now, let’s gnaw on a classic: "Jurassic Bark". In this version, eccentric billionaire John Hammond opens an amusement park featuring gigantic cats and dogs. There’s the larger than life T-Rexton, a colossal golden retriever, shaking the earth with every step, and the Velocir-felines, a terrifying pack of oversized rag tag cats, chasing our protagonists around the park. The iconic line "Life finds a way" transforms into "Fluff finds a way" as our oversized pets manage to unlock their cages and face lick everyone into oblivion… except for that one awkward moment when the Pugtato-saurus steps out of the river from a refreshing swim, only to cause an unexpected smelly downpour of wet dog raining down on us all as he tries to shake himself dry!

Next up, “Harry Pawter and the Sorcerer's Bone" reimagined in the style of Tim Burton. The world of witchcraft and wizardry gets a serious furball makeover. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all different breeds of dogs attending 'Hogwarts School of Biscuitry and Fetchcraft.' The Houses? Gryffindog, Hufflepurr, Ravenclaw (featuring actual ravens), and Slinktherin (for all the mischievous ferrets and reptiles out there). The climax scene, in this case, involves Harry retrieving the Sorcerer's Bone—an ancient and magical chew toy—from the wicked Professor Quirrell and his hairless Sphynx cat, Voldemort.

Let's not forget the old Bellywood classic "Pawsablanca", but instead of Humphrey Bogart, we have a gruff bulldog named Bogie running the show. And the iconic line, "Here's looking at you, kid," becomes, "Here's sniffing at you, kid." Ingrid Bergman's character is played by a graceful Siamese cat, and the emotional drama unfolds as they negotiate the tumultuous world of a kennel during war time and a disconcerting kibble shortage.

Lastly, the beloved British romcom classic gets a delightful canine spin in "Bridget Bones". But instead of Renée Zellweger, we have an endearing and slightly clumsy Basset Hound named Bridget. Bridget Bones is the quintessential 'good girl,' always obedient but a bit of a klutz, often tripping over her own ears. Instead of keeping a diary to document her love life and weight woes, she chews on different bones to reflect her moods—rawhide for the good days, and squeaky plastic for the bad.

The dashing Mark Darcy, is now Mark 'Barky,' an impeccably groomed Afghan Hound with a slightly aloof demeanour. By contrast, Daniel Cleaver is a cheeky Jack Russell Terrier, always ready to stir up mischief and steal Bridget's favourite bones. The infamous "I like you very much, just as you are" scene is now "I like you very much, just as you chew." And the hilariously awkward fight between Mark and Daniel, is turned into a comical scuffle over a particularly coveted squeaky toy.

Bridget Bones’s clumsy charm, tail wagging optimism, and endearing howls at the moon when things go wrong will surely steal your heart. And remember, it doesn't matter how many times Bridget trips over her ears, she always gets back up—that's what makes her the perfect doggy heroine ❤️

Sure, the scripts may need a few rewrites, and there'd be an awful lot of snacks involved in filming, but who could resist those Oscar worthy puppy eyes, or the Award winning cat song “My Meow Will Go On”? One thing's fur sure… the red carpet at the Petcademy Awards would breathe new life into the ageing ceremony. Of course there would be the usual bitchy gossip, but now with added high octane cat fights, and lots of pupparazzi trying to catch photographs of our stars, and the art of grooming would be taken to a whole new level!

#DistractMe #Cats #MightyPets #Dogs #Fun #Laugh #ForTheLoveOfDogs #MyCondition #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #CheerMeOn

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Canes & Brains

I was looking everywhere for my cane one afternoon. Couldn't figure out where the heck I put the thing. My partner comes home and goes to get a water from the fridge and there it is, hanging up on the shelf, literally just chillin.
#Cane #funny #BrainFog #ChemoBrain #Humor #Laugh #gallowshumor #MigraineBrainFog

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Does anyone else laugh at odd things?

I dont have a joke or anything but something cracked me up the other day and Im curious if Im the only person who gets tickled at things other people would just not find funny?

Mine was when a woman called the other day and it was on my landline so I could hear her from the other room leaving a message. I didn’t recognize her voice so I ignored it until my cell started ringing, then the landline again. Well I wasn’t in a great mood and when I looked at the list of calls on my cell I saw a name I didn’t recognize, Marion Fischer. I called the number so I could find our who the woman was, and ehen someone picked up I said “I dont know a Marion Fischer. Can you tell me what you are calling about? Well the woman said she had no idea why that name was coming up but she didn’t know a Marion Fischer, and got a little tickled. For some reason that set me off and I laughed. Then the two of us were laughing like crazy and I dont know why, but it killed me. Now anytime I think of that name I bust out laughing. So weird! 😊😆

#Silly #Laugh

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Idiotic and tactless comments #medical #surgical #BreastCancer #Recovery #cowdens Syndrome #Caregiver #Mastectomy #Laugh

Some ppl feel the need to fill the air with words. Some feel the need to reassure themselves that whatever challenge you have is your fault and they are protected, and some are just stupid tactless and mean. Whatever the reason ppl sometimes say things that are rather jarring in their sparkling incredible….. instead of crying let’s laugh at it
I’ll start
1. Post mastectomy and reconstruction: is that really the size you wanted? If you had the option???
2. My cowdens kid exhibits some symptoms consistent with autism: “ is he vaxed?”

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