Flare days, swimming in electrical peanut butter #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #Fibromyalgia #Vasculitis #CheckInWithMe
In waters thick with currents,
I swim through electric skies,
A peanut butter ocean,
Where each stroke is a disguise.
Nerve endings crackle like thunder,
Fatigue drapes its heavy shawl,
Like quicksand, it pulls me under,
In the depths where shadows crawl.
Anxiety thrums in my chest,
A heart wrapped tight in barbed wire,
As I fight against this unrest—
This endless chase of quelling fire.
Frustration lingers like a ghost,
In the hallways of my mind;
Hope feels scarce as I navigate—
In this maze that’s undefined.
Wellness, a distant horizon,
Promised lands I cannot see;
In a fog of pain I'm adrift—
Will I ever be truly free?
Each spark ignites a flame of doubt,
No solace found beneath the swell;
Yet still I strive to break about—
From this excruciating shell.