I ended up getting the apology from my mom’s husband for being exposed to his addiction among other things, and with all honesty, it didn’t hit me in a way that I thought it would. I had been wanting this for so long, and now that I got it, I’m unfazed by it. Perhaps it might be because I had gotten help to navigate through the past. Maybe it might be the fact that I was looking for that to be the thing to give me some form of freedom… but I already had that the whole time. I didn’t need his acknowledgment in the end because so much has happened and I’ve gotten this far without it. It’s a weird thing, really. I should be happy, but my inner self is really saying,” What am I supposed to do with this?” Not in an angry way, but because I’m confused. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #movingforward #whatdoidonow