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Lostit#Memories #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #accountability

He pretended to be clueless and confused today, https://again.I was already in a panic state to him coming is https://bad.I have confirmation now, that his friend decided to hack everything and this has, been happening for over a https://year.I am livid..I have proof now and I feel like it is 100times more sick,than I https://imagined.I find out about the house https://soon.The chance of them letting it go are https://slim.I warned him and he became angry,asked too many specific questions when I https://flipped.Each time, I caught https://it.Within two hours both me and my sons phones were acting https://up.Then another txt acting and attacking https://me.These people have no idea how hard I will fight for what is https://mine.I spent years,never having anything scheduled, no celebrations,no family traditions,no safety for my https://son.Absolutely no protection,at https://all.He wanted me to stray,pushed me, made plans, arrangements and then became my enemy,when I told him I always,chose https://him.Saddest story of a marriage I've ever https://heard.He had the man have his friends hit on me,say things as I walked by,follow me,endlessly.He has full links to my https://family.His own mother told me to take the money and https://run.She told me the truth last year, moved away and now states she never told me is munipulation and lack of courage from my https://husband.He did the same thing to me twenty four years https://ago.I can't believe I took him back, let him raise my son, put me last for sixteen years, and I let https://him.He know said he never loved me.
His male friends and their wives,can, have https://him.He is going to play IT his way, as he always https://has.He wasted my time and spirit,instead of being https://honest.I will never forgive these https://people.And I will fight,just as I always https://have.I built this house with https://him.I sweat,bled for nothing but a ceiling over my head,which he feels is enough for https://us.A unfinished house that triggers his family, so much that they leave...They told https://him.They told him and he'd promised but he can only still give the minimum and make sure his reputation https://stands.He didnt care and noone can ever know the https://truth.His pride,bigger than his empathy or https://family.He truly does not https://care.He was told how to hurt me and two years I have taken it. BUT,now I'm out,completely.Everything he has done has been https://exposed.From spending,gambling,lying,avoiding family and the sabotaging munipulation is the saddest display I have ever https://saw.He believed if I have the capacity in one area Im faking my TBI,and AVM https://issues.His peers are ignorant,loyal to a fault, to my diagnosis and where I am in sessions were listened to through is unrepairable and grounds for divorce times ten!He has no clue what he has https://done.He was not allowed to touch the settlement and he https://did.He knew what he was doing prior to a separation. He wanted separate, he knew you cannot sell your house with a dependant on disability,without informing them,ecspecially when one is seeking a https://seperation.He knew about the studio and slipped,everything has been orchestrated in my https://life.He has changed the narrative to imply a dissociative mental state every two weeks,to me, as if I don't live it every second of every https://day.How can a person do this to someone?And expect them to walk away without their tail between their legs?

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Quick Tip Thursday: An Accountability Partner Can Help You Manage Diabetes

Having an accountability partner can help you manage diabetes. An accountability partner keeps you on track with your diabetes management goals by providing support, encouragement, and motivation.

If you do not currently have an accountability partner, consider reaching out to a friend, family member, or healthcare professional who can fulfill this role. You can even use this community for accountability!

Having this support system in place can greatly enhance your ability to successfully manage diabetes and improve your overall quality of life.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #accountability #Tips #Support #SupportGroups #Health #MightyTogether

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 4 reactions
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Quick Tip Thursday: Have A Diabetes Accountability Partner

Partner with someone who can support you throughout your diabetes journey. You can benefit from an accountability partner by getting encouragement, staying on track with basic diabetes management tasks, or accompanying you to appointments. The person can be a relative, a friend, or a group of people that you can trust.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #accountability #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Why holding abusers accountable matters

They say hurt people hurt people. While this is sometimes true, it isn't a free pass to abuse others. We can be empathetic to the abuse others have endured without condoning their actions that harm others. Those of us who have experienced abuse often turn our shame and blame inward. It's critical that we place that responsibility where it belongs, with our abusers.

Being Abused as a Child Is Not a Free Pass to Abuse Others

Has anyone ever tried to minimize your abuse by giving your abuser a free pass? How did that make you feel? What would you like them to know about why that's hurtful?

#Trauma #PTSD #CPTSD #accountability #blame #Responsibility #victimblaming #Shame

Being Abused as a Child Is Not a Free Pass to Abuse Others

"To suggest a one-to-one correlation stigmatizes survivors."

I want to change but being accountable to myself is not my strong suite.

I would love to build a great support system around me that truely supports each other with each other’s best interest. Ones who know when to step in and push harder when they person really needs it and also when to be kind and gentle. Balance lol. #accountability

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Motivational Monday: Let Nothing Stop You From Your Goals

It's the first Monday of the new year, the perfect time to start implementing our health goals that we've set for ourselves.

Don't give up if you don't get it right at first. Keep trying and stay consistent.

Nothing can stop you from meeting your health goals!

📝 What health goals are you working on this week (emotional, physical, or mental)?

📝 What will you do to keep yourself accountable?

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #MentalHealth #Lifestyle #MightyTogether #goals #accountability


Disabled Parking Spaces and Ableism

December 1st, 2020

My experience with Domino’s Pizza, ableism and manipulation.
I arrived at my residence on November 21st, 2020 to find a Domino’s Pizza employee illegally parked in my assigned disabled parking space, which has my unit number on the sign. I told the Domino’s employee he was illegally parked and needed to move his vehicle. The rude, disrespectful and entitled Domino’s Pizza employee told me, I needed to wait. I told him, I would be calling the police. The Domino’s Pizza employee stormed off the porch of the tenant he was delivering to, recklessly backed into my vehicle and drove off.

Police and a courtesy patrol took statements and pictures of the damage to my vehicle. Several Domino’s Pizza locations in our area were called. I called Domino’s Pizza corporate who stated the 71st and Memorial location is assigned to my complex. The location is independently owned, I was told a member of management would call me. I went to the location Monday, November 30th, 2020. I allowed a staff member to have a copy of the Domino’s Pizza employee’s vehicle. He claimed that employee had to work at another location. I left my contact information. I received a call from someone claiming Domino’s Pizza employees are responsible for any damage they do, that it would be between me and the police to go after the employee for damages. He then asked what happened. I told him, he already made his alleged claim regarding liability and he could obtain a copy of the police report.
Domino’s Pizza is full of ableism and manipulation. They do not take responsibility for hiring individuals that drive reckless. Domino’s Pizza needs to be accountable. I will take Domino’s Pizza to small claims court. I requested the contact information to their legal department and never received it. Stop parking in parking spaces designated for individuals that are disabled.

Domino’s Pizza
7201 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa Oklahoma 74133

Domino’s Pizza
2222 East 61st Street
Tulsa Oklahoma 74136

Domino’s Pizza
2828 East 91st Street F
Tulsa Oklahoma 74137

Domino’s Pizza
8611 South Lewis Ave.
Tulsa Oklahoma 74137

Domino’s Pizza Corporate
30 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive
(734) 930-3030

#Disability #HandicappedParking #Ableism #Discrimination #DisabilityRights #accountability #Fibromyalgia #HashimotosThyroiditis #Spoonie #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Asthma