Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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Only 31% of adults with lupus are employed full-time.

When I was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 23 in 2019, my world was shattered. Shattered to the point that when the doctor delivered the news over the telephone, I went on my lunch break... and never went back to work.

Only 31% of adults with lupus are employed full-time.

Now, it's 2024 and I am employed full-time at a call center- pays better than what I was working at 23 years of age too. And hey mom, it has benefits!



Only 31% of adults with lupus are employed full-time.

I have to work to afford my treatments, I have to work to pay my health insurance. I have to work. I have to I have to.

Only 31% of adults with lupus are employed full-time.

And as I age, I grow weary and scared of the future... is this what I have to look forward to? A life on disability? A life confined to a wheelchair when I inevitably lose my ability to walk again? A life where I must choose: Chemo or death?

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not scared.

They're monitoring me for blood clots, a valve repair or replacement. Lupus. The all-consuming wolf that eats away at you and tears you limb from limb, muscle by muscle, joint by joint.

I haven't realized how overwhelmed I am until now.

I am thankful. I am blessed that my lupus is in remission and there aren't any clots at this moment.

I am blessed. I am thankful that I have a secure job, a car, and a roof over my head that I can afford along with my medical treatments.

But when does the other shoe drop?

#Lupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome

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The Best Candidate for Yourself

I took two days off of work and saw 7 doctors on that time frame.

Time off of work for me isn’t for rest, it’s to stay healthy.

I am officially at the heaviest weight I have ever been and I’m a little scared I won’t fit into my wedding dress.

My cardiologist looked at me and told me, “I need you to help me. I need you to exercise and eat heart healthy/gluten free”

Now this next line, I believe can be applied to a lot of areas of our lives.

“I need you to be an advocate for yourself and be the best candidate for your health…”

Of course, she was referring to me needing a heart valve replacement.

But I believe she’s right. I’m young enough that I haven’t caused any lifelong- serious damage, I’m not morbidly obese. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke.

So yesterday I started walking. Just walking. Because lupus loves to seize my calves and muscles.

Today, I start eating better and cutting out those added sugars.

I recognize that I have built several unhealthy habits around food and my lack of exercise. But that ends now. I need to be the best candidate for my valve replacement. I need to be the best me.

#Mitralvalveprolapse #Lupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #Bipolar1 #MentalHealth #BingeEatingDisorder

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is ReedtamS. I'm here because I want to learn more about my diseases and conditions. Like many people with rare diseases, I accumulated over 30 diagnoses before I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, and a few more since then. Along with all of those diagnoses are the medications to treat them. I take over 35 medications every day. I am trying to live my best life, and educate myself so that I can advocate for myself.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PulmonaryArterialHypertension #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #IdiopathicPulmonaryFibrosis #Arthritis #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #Hypertension #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease

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Warriors Still

As many of you know, I almost lost my ability to walk in 2019. It was one of the most difficult ordeals I've had to go through.

Being diagnosed with Lupus was confusing and absolutely heartbreaking. It felt as if my world had the rug pulled out from underneath me. I learned very quickly that the everyday task of walking can be taken for granted and that having kids wasn't going to be in my future.

I am currently in remission and I give praise that I am able to walk, and I grieve for the life that I will never live.

On October 12th my family and I will be joining the Walk to End Lupus in San Antonio. I ask that if you are able and find it in your heart, to consider donating to my team "Bri's Lupus Warriors".

The reality of lupus is this- I’ve spent more time at the hospital this week than I have at work or at home.

Lupus has absolutely turned my life upside down.

My legs hurt from the clots forming in them, my veins hurt from having blood drawn 6+ times this week alone, my kidneys are shutting down from kidney failure.

I never thought this would be my reality but here I am. Yes, I have an amazing support system, but this is essentially a solitary experience. Writing a will shouldn’t be for 27 year olds.

#Lupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #ChronicIllness

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Grieving what will never be.

I’m so tired. I found out a few days ago that I cannot have children, I cannot get pregnant and carry a baby to term, let alone safely.
I have Lupus nephritis- lupus in my kidneys. I have anti-phospholipid antibodies syndrome, infertility is a major symptom of this condition too.
You kind of need healthy, functional kidneys to have a baby, and have blood that functions normally or at least efficiently enough- to carry a baby. I have neither.
People have been telling me “well you can always adopt!” But that’s not the point. Besides, I was adopted when I was a baby. I’ve battled with the difficulty of being adopted- I couldn’t adopt a kid to build my family as I couldn’t help them cope with their experiences when I can barely do the same for myself.
It doesn’t replace the fact that I feel so empty, knowing that I should be able to have a pregnancy. Every other woman on the planet is able to have a baby. Almost every woman on this planet has functioning organs and blood at the very least. I feel like I have failed in every single aspect of life a human could fail in. And on another stupid note, who on earth would want to marry an infertile, chronically ill, medically fragile women?! No one. Or at least not anyone who would fit my standards of basic human decency. I’ve been too disappointed by men who’ve tried to take advantage of me for those reasons.
I’m broken on a cellular level, my organs are broken, my mental health is broken… and now the one thing I was counting on, to complete in my life as a women? I am broken there too. I’m a failure of a woman, and a human. How do you move on in life when your future is wrecked in every single way possible, and it’s set in stone? Every option is awful and I’m so so tired of all of this. #Lupus #LupusNephritis #SystemicLupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #Infertility #autoimune #Vasculitis #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Grief #advisemeplease

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I hate prednisone

So I was on a pretty heafty dose of prednisone last year during the summer die to my Lupus. I had very limited mobility and it was overall a pretty terrible experience.
Anyway- I ended up gaining a lot of weight very quickly, and it’s become very difficult to loose.

I used to be 190LBS, I’m 5’6, with broad shoulders. So I looked pretty healthy, and I was very confident and proud of myself!

But because of my Lupus and medications like prednisone, I’m now 235LBS and I just feel awful. It seems like the prednisone has made it so much harder to loose weight., even thought I have stoped taking it months ago!
I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety, as well as overall crippling fatigue- people, including doctors- keep telling me “just get moving! Go on walks! Eat healthy! Don’t eat processed foods!” But they seem to forget I struggle with chronic pain, horrible fatigue, exercise and heat intolerance and an overall lack of good days.

So how on earth am I supposed to loose weight? So I can feel better about myself again? I’m loosing hope with it, and I just feel so lost and lonely and exhausted. I’m not flailing anymore,so why do I feel so bad?

Chronic illness is becoming too much for me.
#Lupus #LupusNephritis #SystemicLupus #SystemicLupusErythematosus #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #KidneyDisease #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #Vasculitis #Depression #Anxiety #Prednisone #CheckInWithMe #PTSD

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Choose your Battles

In my season of change I stumbled upon this picture.

I started a new job and it’s hard to get to my specialists and doctors in time but they provide me with great insurance- choose your hard.

Nick and I just got engaged last week- choose your hard.

I lost 10 pounds from stress - choose your hard.

Nick and I don’t communicate well but we are working together and choosing each other every day- choose your hard.

I may never be a photographer again but sometimes the reward of health insurance when you’re chronically ill… outweigh your passions- choose your hard.

I have a lot of decisions to make. And I have to make sure my health comes first.

I love you, and I’ll see you soon 🧡
#Lupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MentalHealth #Bipolar1

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Cochlear implants in APS Patients

Hi guys, it’s been a long time since I had posted anything. After many years losing my hearing from the left side (I was born deaf from the right side) , earlier this week the ent doctor said I am a candidate for cochlear implant. My head is spinning. I am happy for this possibility, but anxious that it will be so weird to hear and understand everything . Then, I am also wondering if anyone with aps have ever had this experience. What was the outcome? #Anxiety #AntiphospholipidSyndrome #Deafness #CochlearImplants

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Working with Chronic Illness

I was laid off from my dream job the day before Thanksgiving. My dream job came in the form of being a photographer for a magazine with full benefits and a flexible schedule so I could see my specialists during the week, if needed.

Now, I’m reeling- spiraling, panicking.

I don’t have insurance anymore, I didn’t have any money saved up because I was in the process of baying down credit card debt, medical debt, and my astronomically high car note.

I have cried about it ever day and have ultimately, at the end of each day, decided that I just need to Boss Up.

But how? When #Lupus feels so painful and weak that it’s hard to work a 9-5. When #AntiphospholipidSyndrome makes me go to the hospital 2 times a week to check my INR, they’re not open on Saturdays.

I have had people tell me to just file for bankruptcy but my dog would be considered an asset and if there’s ever even the smallest chance of someone taking Beyla? It’s not worth it.

I’ve had people tell me to file for disability but that puts a cap on how much I could make. It means that that cap is so low that my boyfriend, Nick and I could never get married.

I’m scared. I’m terrified of losing my car, or more importantly, Beyla. I’m not sure what God’s plan are- but I know they’re greater than my own. #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth

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New to the Group- Hello!

Hi, my name is Bri.

I’m a 27 year old who was diagnosed with Lupus and anti phospholipid syndrome in 2019 after losing my ability to walk for a short time. I’m still reeling from the aftermath and coming to terms with what this means for the rest of my life.

I’m trying to learn my new way of life from here on out- meaning no children for me and my amazing boyfriend who has stood by me for nearly 3 years.

I’m looking for hope and encouragement here on the Mighty.

I love you, and I’ll see you soon.
#Lupus #AntiphospholipidSyndrome

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