Dear Friend,
I am concerned about tomorrow. It's going into week 2 of my return to work after being on medical leave since January. I have not been feeling the best about some most recent news about requests for time off. I pretty much was told "fat chance" of me having off the week of my anniversary at the end of November, all because it's the week of Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Theme parks are rough around the holidays, and do not always make you feel good. Instead it can be depressing to have to miss out on time with family... Especially when your family is aging.
I also had some problems with my schedule being all over the place, so my therapy appointment yesterday gave me a note that says I need to have morning shifts so I can sleep at night. I also ran into the problem of my schedule being messed up for week 3. They messed up my normal days off of Monday and Tuesday by scheduling me on Monday and giving my days off as Tuesday and Wednesday. It was alarming. I wish that I could feel better right now.. but I have 2 schedule problems to fix.
1.) Getting morning shifts.
2.) Making sure my days off are not messes up.
I hate how theme park life is brutal some days. It drains me physically these days. Week 1 was busy, and very time consuming. It's time consuming more than I wish it was. I live an hour away from work and it takes me almost an hour to get checked in past security and past our wardrobe building and over to the front of the park.
I need help. I need #Inspiration .
#Work #emotional #tired #exhausted #Concerned #tryingtobepositive #Trying