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Battling #cowdens #BreastCancer #SjogrensSyndrome #Pain

Some days I wake up and I feel great. Some days I can’t even conquer my shoes. This is the chronic pain situation. Some days are amazing. Some days I feel like I’m bathing in bleach and ammonia. Some days the lower level of my house feels like a different county some days I can get to the gym. My life is weird that way. Can anyone relate?

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 4 reactions

Idiotic and tactless comments #medical #surgical #BreastCancer #Recovery #cowdens Syndrome #Caregiver #Mastectomy #Laugh

Some ppl feel the need to fill the air with words. Some feel the need to reassure themselves that whatever challenge you have is your fault and they are protected, and some are just stupid tactless and mean. Whatever the reason ppl sometimes say things that are rather jarring in their sparkling incredible….. instead of crying let’s laugh at it
I’ll start
1. Post mastectomy and reconstruction: is that really the size you wanted? If you had the option???
2. My cowdens kid exhibits some symptoms consistent with autism: “ is he vaxed?”

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Wallowing in self pity #Pain #legs joints #cowdens #Caregiver

I’m having a really bad pain day. I took my daughter to her therapy and I usually wait in the car. I lay down on her waiting room floor in agony. Right arm and right leg. It sucks. Don’t tell me to buck up or cheer up I just want sympathy


Mortality #cowdens #Hysterectomy #Thyroidectomy #colon #breast

I lost a patient tonight. Not unusual in a busy ER. This was a fairly young woman with stage 4 uterine CA . A family history of breast, colon and thyroid cancer. And a large head. All the hallmark signs of cowdens. She was conscious, coherent and talking. Thanking everyone for helping her. She was in agony. Now she is gone. I truly believe to a better, happier place. But I don’t like to face my own mortality #cowdens #Cancer #pe #Cancer #Cardiac arrest


Need a hug #overwhelmed #Depression #Caregiver #ASD #cowdens syndrome #TraumaRecovery

I’m so overwhelmed, I’m so overwhelmed I’m so overwhelmed. I need hugs support and encouragement


Epiphany #Work #limits #Caregiver #chronic #tamoxifen #HealthCare #Chatspace #cowdens

I was at a social event (yuck) last night and was asked if I’m prepared for the big festival. I hate that question. But I said absolutely. Eyes bugged out all around- one is supposed to complain about feeling overwhelmed. I said I changed the goal posts. I decided I don’t need everything cooked ahead. I simply need ingredients in tbe house, and I absolutely nailed it.
So boys and girls let’s change our goal posts. And let’s nail it!


Sharing my day #Chatspace #Sharing is caring #Caregiving #chronic #ASD #cowdens #longterm chemo #Vertigo

I woke up this morning feeling like hell my head hurt my body ached I was dizzy and nauseous. My sons program canceled, so I took him to the supermarket with me where I chased him around as he took about 100$ worth of merchandise off the shelves and threw them in my trolley. I came home cooked and baked and watched him. Then hubby came home. Then my older kids came home and guess what I was able to nap for twenty minutes. Not ready to run a marathon but not at proverbial deaths door


Self advocacy #chronic #Health #finance #Selfcare #cowdens #Surgery

So my sons high school wanted MORE tuition. I actually wrote them an email saying no can do I had to quit my job for health reasons, barely worked last year and we are financially devastated. To my surprise they were nice respectful and understanding. And they kept my tuition level (and said we should take our time...) this showed me sometimes you just have to reach out. Good ppl exist


It ok. #cowdens #ASD #Parenting #TraumaRecovery #Caregiving #Chat #nojudgement

It is ok to need help
It ok to need encouragement
It’s ok to need support
It’s ok to take short cuts
It’s ok to sometimes not be in the mood
Cut yourself some slack and allow yourself to be e human