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“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius

A positive mindset can make all the difference, but staying positive and mindful when you crave immediate results can start to wear at even the most patient of people. It's also easy to feel you're falling short when progress doesn't come to you as quickly as first anticipated or desired. But it's vital to your long-term progress that you remember it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you keep going. Whatever your goals are, momentum is still momentum. Keep the ball rolling. You're already farther ahead than you were yesterday!

#NeverGiveUp #recoveryjourney #physicalrehabilitation #ProgressIsProgress #Dailyinspiration #selfcare #Stroke #Aneurysm #strokethriver #strokerecovery #Physicaldisability #settinggoals #Motivation #FindingForward

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How long does it take to break a habit? Science says anywhere from 18 to 254 days. That’s right, the old belief it took 21 days to change a habit isn’t what psychologists are saying today. What does that mean for those of us looking to better ourselves, improve our abilities, and create a better day-to-day life? It means we have to live less out of habit, and more out of intention. When you find yourself going through the motions of your day, acting out of habit or your usual schedule, I encourage you to stop and ask yourself a few questions:

Does this habit help me or hurt me long term? How can I add a little extra happiness into my routine? Can I improve this routine in some way?

When you take the time to take care of your present self, you contribute to your future self's well-being. Small changes create big impacts. The more you live with intention, the bigger the lasting changes!

#thepowerofhabit #leadwithintention #bepresent #thismoment #recoveryjourney #physicalrehabilitation #ProgressIsProgress #Dailyinspiration #selfcare #FindingForward #Recovery

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Have you ever taken a #workoutselfie but decided against posting it on social media? If you felt shy or embarrassed after seeing a fitness expert on Instagram share their warrior workout, I understand. No one would mistake me for Clark Kent, but then again... I never pretend to be the Man of Steel. Similarly, no one should feel compelled to compare their fitness accomplishments with anyone except who they were yesterday, the month prior, or the year before.

It's true what they say: the only person you're competing with is yourself. Let's cheer one another on and celebrate our accomplishments without eyeing the next person's trophy. We all can reach higher goals when we're looking up instead of at each other!

#innerstrength #truestrength #Survivor #Motivation #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #Stroke #FindingForward #perfectformpilates

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Too many times, we get caught up in the idea of perfection. Whether you're recovering from a traumatic injury, finding your way back to yourself post-stroke, or embarking on another challenging journey, it's important to remember that progress is progress, no matter how imperfect. One movement, however difficult or tenuous, is a movement. A step forward, however unsteady, is a step forward. A less-painful day is still a better day than yesterday.

Perfection is a lie. Here's the truth: all progress adds up to the final result of you reaching your goals. Keep at it!

#perseverence #progress #truestrength #Survivor #Foodforthought #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #FindingForward

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Ever wonder what it takes to make a book cover?

The photo you're looking at now became the front cover to my book. Before it was a book cover, it was a photograph snapped while I paraglided in Nepal. Before that, I had to relearn how to walk. Before that, I woke up from a surgery and was told I would be paralyzed for the rest of my life. Rewind from there, back to the start... I told my dog Mac I'd see him later that day, after a quick doctor's appointment about a bad headache.

The photo you're looking at now is so much more than a snapshot of one moment. It represents a culmination of overcoming challenges, beating odds, and fighting to find my way forward. It symbolizes the journey of reconnecting with my body after a life-altering trauma. This photo, in short, is so much more than a book cover... but at the time this photo was snapped, I had no idea what was coming. As I look ahead now, I still have no idea what is on the horizon. How exciting!

You can check out FINDING FORWARD: YOU HAVE THE WILL WITHIN where books are sold!

#FindingForward #BookCover #Survivor #Motivation #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #Stroke #FindingForward #finding

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Are you tired? You've earned a rest. But what you haven't earned is a free pass to quit!

When I was waiting for life-saving surgery after suffering an aneurysms and a dissected artery, I dealt with an unbearable migraine for weeks on end. After living a life of day-to-day torture, I had all but given up. But on the Fourth of July, while thinking about so many people gearing up for celebration, my impulse to throw in the towel changed. I made the decision to keep fighting, regardless of the outcome, and make it through another day despite how dire my situation was. But what did I do before I recovered? I rested. A lot.

After learning how to refuel and recharge myself, I was in that much of a better position for making progress. So if you're tired from chronic pain, constantly battling setbacks, or another struggle, here's your sign: Rest, but don't you dare quit. Give yourself some time and space to recuperate, then get back up!

#neverquit #persevere #Survivor #Foodforthought #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #FindingForward

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This picture is not about the car. It’s about taking time out for yourself to reconnect with life and let go of all that takes your focus off what surrounds you day to day. For me it’s occasionally a drive on a Saturday morning up to the mountains to get some fresh air and let go, but it could be anything you wish it to be as you reclaim some personal time in your own life.

What brings you back to calmness? Give some thought to your own vision of a peaceful respite and make time for it outside of your daily schedule. Set time aside for something special you wish to do and make it a reality. It could be as simple as going out for ice cream, sitting outside with a book on your front porch, or even taking the scenic drive with some good music. Life isn’t always wrapped around being productive and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you’re taking time out for you.

The point is to remember what you’re fighting for and that is living your life happily. By taking some time for yourself, the feeling of needing to be “on” all the time or locked in and engaged gets to take a pause. This is when you get to realize something other than your cause exists like the great big world you’re standing on. The sound of nature, tuning everything out but the taste of the ice cream you just ordered, the sight of a beautiful mountain landscape, or losing yourself in a story your reading. Your day off is time that you take and give back to yourself so you can practice living and the joy of being happy.

#recoveryjourney #neverquit #Survivor #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #MentalHealth #motivationaladvice #Rehabilitation #disabilitylivesmatter #strokerehab #strokeawareness #disabilityawareness #recoveryjourney

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We define strength in many different ways. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're weak for not meeting a certain goal or target. It's easy to focus on shortcomings. It's easy to avoid starting a new journey or dedicating to an aspiration because of previous setbacks. But you can't settle for the easy way out. You have to try again! Remind yourself: you are NOT weak. You are NOT a failure. You WILL overcome.

Remember: Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming what you once thought you couldn't.

#innerstrength #truestrength #Motivation #Dailyinspiration #aneurysmsurvivor #Survivor #Stroke #Strokesurvivor #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #Aneurysm #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #FindingForward

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I can’t shake the sad heart , especially today.
Everyone at home seems off, as well. 😥

Is it Monday blues, or am I just the thermometer here ???😳🤷🏻‍♀️

#Fibromyalgia #Depression