Esophageal Cancer

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Esophageal Cancer
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Esophageal Cancer Silent GERD

My husband just died from esophageal cancer from silent (never, any symptoms) GERD. PlStay alive
ease stay in touch with your MD, ask for an endoscopy. When caught early you don’t have to die in 4 weeks after diagnosis, like he did.
#GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #

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Cancer robbed me of everything

I was married for nearly 20 years. One day my husband started complaining of food getting stuck and how he was vomiting after eating lunch. (All unknown to me). He lost weight drastically. He went to the GI doctor and called me at work in tears crying he had EC. I said EC can’t be you don’t drink. Little did I know how much I had to be educated on Esphogheal #Cancer . I was actually embarrassed being in nursing for over 45 years. That was in 2014 and the hell started. The hell never ended until my husband passed in my arms on 2016, May 8-Mothers day. My husband was only 55. I had found ECe doAA (#EsophagealCancer Awareness Association) only weeks before my husband passed. The President of ECAA actually came on Easter day to see my husband and deliver a plant. Little did we both know this would be the start of his demise. I have since sat on the Board of EC Aware offering help in many forms and stages to meet the care of the patient and the caregiver. I have also become an EC patient Advocate.

I have been robbed of everything in my life from #EsophagealCancer . As a result, I have forever changed, and not always in a good way. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has been touched by this #Cancer .

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Cancer caregiver sliding into #Depression

#CheckInWithMe - I’ve been a good little helpmeet to my wonderful husband in his treatment for esophageal cancer but this car is running out of gas. I’m tired all the time, my outlook is glum, and I can’t see the way through. I might be smiling but I will just as easily cry.

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Hero rock-heroes of oncology

Edit-I said I would share some of my rainbow rocks for keyworkers on here so here's the next big one alongside the article .

This one is a big one again guys. I am choosing carefully what to use these few large concrete bits on and oncology teams definitely deserve one. In your life you have a 38.4% chance of ever getting cancer, that's high so yes covid is a big deal but ignoring cancer could become a biggier one.
On this rock I have big ribbons for all the core types of cancer, there's more, the rainbow smaller ribbons, they are leave for people who have passed away due to cancer and for those still fighting.
The staff that work in oncology work as doctors, nurses, HCAs, pain speacilists, phsios, Macmillan nurses, palliative care teams, hospice staff, care workers and this list goes on so please know if you work in this area this rock is for you . They trully care, they are they for the patient and families.
Covid has caused alot of problems for this service. They had periods in the beginning where they had to cancel treatment so they could safely have patients come in especially since they were at high risk of getting covid.
They are in some areas using buses to do chemo, some separate buildings but they put they work in to get there.
The other worry was in patients spirits, they were alone. We actually sent some comfort rocks to some including children to help here. Then people haven't gone to screening due to fear of going out, these are so important, it's not just the screenings it's believed they are ignored Lumps, headaches and so forth all for fear of Covid.
Right now yes covid is bad but follow the guidelines and be sensible, don't let it stop you getting vital health care otherwise we give covid a different victory. Right now our waiting list for cancer care has rocketed to 2 million people. We need this not to be our story so get checked and attend screenings.
Thanks to the staff for your professionalism, compassion and understanding. Xxx #Art #ArtTherapy #Cancer #COVID19 #BreastCancer #ChildhoodCancers #Leukemia #braintumors #BrainCancers #HeadAndNeckCancers #ThroatCancer #CervicalCancer #TesticularCancer #ColonCancer #CervicalCancer #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #Hodgkinslymphoma #EsophagealCancer #SkinCancer #BoneCancers #LiverCancer #KidneyCancer

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My uncle died from #EsophagealCancer this week. His name was Sietze and he was only 64 years old. My family and I are heartbroken. He is the second person in my family to die from #Cancer this year alone. Seitze inspired me to become a #MentalHealth #Psychotherapists #cancersucks #Grief


Give them the gift of time #AnkylosingSpondylitis

You can't see me, I'm hiding.
Behind this vessel, I'm climbing.
Into the spine, within each bone.
What I will do next is unknown.
Fluid form no longer exists.
I'm taking what's mine
From this body, you'll miss.
The innocence and laughter.
Fading into disaster.
Close enough to taint the mind .
Saving them will take time.

For those of you struggling through the holidays, I hope my words can inspire you and your loved ones.

I am almost done with my website that will launch the reality of this disease . Thank you for being strong humans . Please reach out if you wouldn't mind being featured . I have many plans for advocating my personal experience to include my dad's long journey. Just recently , he was diagnosed with Stage 2 Esophageal Cancer ...all stemming from the lack of treatment of his Barrett's Esophagus. Thank goodness it was caught early enough before it spread.

The journey is never over...just keep moving. We will overcome. One breath at a time.

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