Facial Paralysis

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A very Mighty farewell 🫶

Before we get to the end of this story, I think it’s important we start at the beginning.

In 2017, I wasn’t really living. I had two emergency surgeries in 2016 (including a fun bout of facial paralysis!), had left a job I loved, and my depression stuck to me like wet clothes. While I didn’t have the vocabulary for it back then, I couldn’t escape the intrusive thoughts that kept telling me this world just wasn’t for me. I was lonely in a way I still can’t totally describe — I truly felt like I was folding in on myself, and that I’d eventually get so small no one would notice. Then I found The Mighty.

I submitted my first contributor story that year. And then another. I made myself a promise that I’d write one story a month, even if they didn’t get published. The significance in that goal is that I had never spoke about my health publicly before (I know, I can’t believe it either 😂), but I was feeling brave enough to try. Looking back, I’m so proud of that version of myself — the one who had enough courage to crawl out of the pain just long enough to shout into the void.

Then The Mighty’s community platform and app launched, and I was member #1. The editors at the time just wanted me to make some posts (we couldn’t even post images in those early days!). I played around with different types of prompts and saw what worked. I started meeting new people. My exhausted soul began to shed a little of its ash, bit by bit.

One thing led to another, and The Mighty officially hired me to work on the community side of what we do. I’ve spoken on panels about chronic pain and suicidality, built features from the ground up (Mighty affirmations will always be my favorite one), and had thousands and thousands of conversations with people just like me. Little by little, the darkness started to melt and I began to let the light shine through.

I say all of this because I need you to know: Writing for The Mighty is what started it all, but my life is forever changed because of all of you. For the past 5+ years, even when I’ve been flaring or grieving or recovering, I woke up every day with a singular goal in mind: Make this community better for just one person. I hope I’ve done that for each of you in some small way.

The end of this story isn’t exactly a happy one: I’ll be saying my goodbyes as a Mighty staff member this week. It wasn’t a decision I made lightly, but I think it’s time for me to explore a few new projects and take better care of myself. (I know you can all relate, as I’ve spent over 2,000 days encouraging you all to do the same!) I’m not disappearing forever, but won’t be around as much.

But don't worry, you'll be left in the best and most Mightiest of hands.

✏️ @sparklywartanks (group leader of The Pencil Case will be coming back as a staff member for a little time each week, and I’m so thrilled her creative and thoughtful posts will grace your feeds once again. She's the best!

💪 @carla1234 has been with The Mighty since the very beginning and usually works behind the scenes, but she’ll be more available to answer your questions and help out. Feel free to DM her just like you would me, and she’ll do her best to assist! I honestly trust her with my life.

👋 You’ll also see our founder and CEO Mike around more (yay!), so be sure to say hi and throw questions his way. (And don’t forget, community@themighty.com is always an inbox you can reach at any time.) He's here to help, and so is the rest of the team.

As I blink through my tears, I’m reminded just how lucky I’ve been to be here. Whether you realize it or not, your support and encouragement of each other helped soothe the ache that this decision made. I trust you to take care of each other. I know you will, though, because you already do. I can’t wait to cheer you on from afar. You got this and I am SO proud of how far we've all come together. It's been an honor and a privilege to learn from you.

💖 Stay Mighty, friends. All my love,


💌 P.S. If you want to stay in touch, you can let me know here: Keep in touch with Kat! 💌

#MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #ADHD #Autism #Grief #Caregiving #CheerMeOn #Migraine


Keep in touch with Kat! 💌

After 5.5 years, I am saying goodbye to my Mighty family. 😭 I will miss chatting with you all on a daily basis — there's literally no other group of humans that I admire more. While I won't be around the app/site nearly as much as I used to be, I'd still love to stay connected (if you'll have me) and keep you updated on the new projects I'm cooking up. All I need is your email address to make sure that happens. So grateful to have met you — thank you for trusting me with your stories day in and day out. You are worthy of joy, friends, even if you don't exactly believe that right now. I'll believe it until you're ready!
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Misdiagnosed Bell’s Palsy

Six years ago, I acquired facial nerve palsy which was diagnosed as Bell’s Palsy. Problem is, my neurologist told me that since my facial palsy was caused from a trauma, that it cannot be classified as Bell’s palsy since Bell’s usually heals on its own within a handful of months, as well as is caused from unexplained reasons.

When my neurologist told me that it’s been six years since my injury, and the likelihood of it healing was slim since it would have healed by now…it really hit me hard. I’m very angry that I was misdiagnosed with Bell’s and also, that if I was given the proper diagnosis sooner, perhaps something more could have been done to correct this palsy.

I’m researching options on possible ways to help correct the palsy. Any thoughts?


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What is the worst thing a doctor has told you is “just anxiety,” only for it to be something else?

I wish this wasn’t a common thread, but I know many of us can relate to the experience of voicing serious concerns to a medical professional (be it new symptoms or worsening of a pre-existing condition) — only to be told it’s “just anxiety.”

For me, this is something I’ve experienced several times in my chronic pain management journey — particularly in the ER or in pain clinics. (This also radiates to people in my life, who have chalked very serious health scares up to “stress.” Those conversations are so F-U-N, right?)

Gosh, when I write it all out like that, it’s so obvious to me why a lot us hide or underscore what we go through. No wonder we struggle in silence!

If you’re feeling up to sharing, I’m curious to know your experiences.

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Migraine #FacialParalysis #Cancer #PTSD


#Cancer #Rare

Found out this week that I have salivary gland cancer. This is a rare form of cancer that is often treatable by surgery alone. That is the good news. The thing that has me concerned is the potential for facial paralysis following surgery. Anyone out there have a parotidectomy?

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#MotorNeuronDiseases #BellsPalsy

I was just remembering the birth of my daughter and how much of a struggle it was. I had an unexpected bellspalsy and motor condition that brought my baby girl into this world. Having the proper therapy and ongoing therapy up to this day to keep my droopyness away is a constant struggle. But Sometimes good things happen after the storm comes through and strengthens you. Its all for you snugglebug, mommy loves you.
#MotorNeuronDiseases #Anxiety #FacialParalysis


Hidden anxiety and depression.

I just had an anxiety attack, thinking about going to the psychiatrist but I do not want to be medicated , I’m scared of that , but I just can’t anymore, my lack of air , my chest hurts , my headaches are getting worst , I almost had a facial paralysis two days ago.
I’m tired of faking wellness in front of my family and friends, having depression and anxiety is terrible but when you are in the need to hide it is way worse.

#Anxiety #Depression #llness #mental

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Hi my #MightyTogether followers!! How are you? Today I would like to take the time and recognize #MoebiusSyndrome Awareness Day which is January 24!! My baby brother has this syndrome and he smiles with his heart 💜 Please if you would wear purple to honor my baby brother Robert! Thank you!! #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #CheckInWithMe #ISmileForRobert #physicaldifference #FacialParalysis

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What makes you a fighter?

What do you do that makes you strong? What steps do you take? ##craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #crouzonsyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease

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Hard things...how will you overcome?

It’s not impossible. Make it possible. Share how below

#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease

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