Facial Paralysis

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Misdiagnosed Bell’s Palsy

Six years ago, I acquired facial nerve palsy which was diagnosed as Bell’s Palsy. Problem is, my neurologist told me that since my facial palsy was caused from a trauma, that it cannot be classified as Bell’s palsy since Bell’s usually heals on its own within a handful of months, as well as is caused from unexplained reasons.

When my neurologist told me that it’s been six years since my injury, and the likelihood of it healing was slim since it would have healed by now…it really hit me hard. I’m very angry that I was misdiagnosed with Bell’s and also, that if I was given the proper diagnosis sooner, perhaps something more could have been done to correct this palsy.

I’m researching options on possible ways to help correct the palsy. Any thoughts?


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What is the worst thing a doctor has told you is “just anxiety,” only for it to be something else?

I wish this wasn’t a common thread, but I know many of us can relate to the experience of voicing serious concerns to a medical professional (be it new symptoms or worsening of a pre-existing condition) — only to be told it’s “just anxiety.”

For me, this is something I’ve experienced several times in my chronic pain management journey — particularly in the ER or in pain clinics. (This also radiates to people in my life, who have chalked very serious health scares up to “stress.” Those conversations are so F-U-N, right?)

Gosh, when I write it all out like that, it’s so obvious to me why a lot us hide or underscore what we go through. No wonder we struggle in silence!

If you’re feeling up to sharing, I’m curious to know your experiences.

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Migraine #FacialParalysis #Cancer #PTSD


#Cancer #Rare

Found out this week that I have salivary gland cancer. This is a rare form of cancer that is often treatable by surgery alone. That is the good news. The thing that has me concerned is the potential for facial paralysis following surgery. Anyone out there have a parotidectomy?

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#MotorNeuronDiseases #BellsPalsy

I was just remembering the birth of my daughter and how much of a struggle it was. I had an unexpected bellspalsy and motor condition that brought my baby girl into this world. Having the proper therapy and ongoing therapy up to this day to keep my droopyness away is a constant struggle. But Sometimes good things happen after the storm comes through and strengthens you. Its all for you snugglebug, mommy loves you.
#MotorNeuronDiseases #Anxiety #FacialParalysis


Hidden anxiety and depression.

I just had an anxiety attack, thinking about going to the psychiatrist but I do not want to be medicated , I’m scared of that , but I just can’t anymore, my lack of air , my chest hurts , my headaches are getting worst , I almost had a facial paralysis two days ago.
I’m tired of faking wellness in front of my family and friends, having depression and anxiety is terrible but when you are in the need to hide it is way worse.

#Anxiety #Depression #llness #mental

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Hi my #MightyTogether followers!! How are you? Today I would like to take the time and recognize #MoebiusSyndrome Awareness Day which is January 24!! My baby brother has this syndrome and he smiles with his heart 💜 Please if you would wear purple to honor my baby brother Robert! Thank you!! #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #CheckInWithMe #ISmileForRobert #physicaldifference #FacialParalysis

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What makes you a fighter?

What do you do that makes you strong? What steps do you take? ##craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #crouzonsyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease

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Hard things...how will you overcome?

It’s not impossible. Make it possible. Share how below

#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease

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How do you rise?

#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease

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