Highly recommend the Netflix documentary Take Care of Maya about a young woman w/ CRPS and the aftermath of her medical "care":
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome aka CRPS is yet another poorly understood, pernicious illness that disproportionately impacts women and girls. In this case, it led to an utter fucking nightmare for both the patient, Maya, and her family. The film expertly depicts the hell that results when physicians don't believe the patient and wrongfully dismiss debilitating physical symptoms.
It might hit too close to home, so proceed accordingly.
I've been too ill to write here for the past two weeks--the symptoms from the M.E., cancer, and heart attack are currently wreaking utter havoc w/in my body. So maybe it was an odd choice to watch Take Care of Maya tonight. On the other hand, I believe information is power and that it's valuable to keep learning how and why a medical system that's ethically and legally obligated to help instead too often harms so many of us:
Day 45 of 365
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #cfsisamisnomer #ThyroidCancer #Cancer #CRPS #chronicregionalpainsyndrome #ChronicIllness #HeartAttack