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why always me?

hey everyone....rn im filled with suicidal thoughts once again cant understand how to overcome those memories which i dont deserve. even this thing has made my immune health i was that girl whom ever1 saw as a bully puppet, in the 12 yrs of my whole lyf where children play with their frnds celebrate their bdays with their frnds meanwhile me who've spent her whole lyf sitting by herself at the last desk just bcz nobody wanted to sit with me, my daily routine upto 12th was reached the classroom, sat ony my desk nd keeping a hope that sm1 will sit with me, but my mates would have already made plans to not to sith with me even if theres any emergency then they would put the bag b/w us so that they couldnt touched with me accidentally. nd at the lunch tym....ive eaten my breakfast by myself by looking out of the windows where my classmates play. and after 6hrs of crying internally in the skul when i came back home....the homies had such a beautiful rltn that ive never witnessed how it is feel to have those parents who love each other. till the nyt the whole house witnessed only rage,anger and crying voice as i m the youngest nd non manipulative i was the target to beat the crap outta me as i wasnt an idle daughter who doesnt obey their narcissistic behaviour.

came to the clg....same thing happened i live in the hostel so ive tried to be with every single person in a hope that sm1 will be my frnd but my luck had other plans haha. i didnt 9 this thing until 2nd yr that with whom im living.....they do backbiting passing racial slurs about me same as the skul as per my physique. im still a human how much can i pretend smtyms i cant ctrl my emotions nd starts weeping. then i met my bf....though he had similar childhood too so i thought that finally ive got sm1 bt silly me i 4got that every1 leaves me after 1 or less than 1 year lol.....our rltn was going healthy but since 2024, idk why bt he started being more bz as he is top notch businessman....even ive halt some events just to be with him but its been 11 months now i cant beg anymore abt sm1s attention or couples spend tym with each other nd its a common thing ryt, meanwhile i would have to say multiple tyms literally like come come or else im coming to u blah blah but upto when.....even last month ive cried like a mad for the first tym in front of him bt i think he didnt care abt that situation like why did i it bcz i wanted a quality tym with him? is it wrong? my colleagues r so much selfish that they literally live on their money not on their parents.....nd i didnt do this lowly thing with him. but ig todays boys love a girl with slefish nature who will destroy them......

so on the day of breakup i was soo fed up to beg abt the tym so what i did was i just copied nd pasted his dialogue on him that im bz i cant be with u.....if it was other way around then i would ask literally infinte tyms as i was always wht i get in response was OKAY BYE!

i mean what.....ive literally did every single thing to be with him meanwhile he literally didnt ask me why or why not i mean when ppl do this to me its okay for them bt when i did the a bad person? im bad bcz i want every1s well being? or bcz i want sm attention that i didnt get? wht i know too a human not an animal🥲 #help #Trauma

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am i enough?

hey everyone....rn im filled with suicidal thoughts once again cant understand how to overcome those memories which i dont deserve. even this thing has made my immune health i was that girl whom ever1 saw as a bully puppet, in the 12 yrs of my whole lyf where children play with their frnds celebrate their bdays with their frnds meanwhile me who've spent her whole lyf sitting by herself at the last desk just bcz nobody wanted to sit with me, my daily routine upto 12th was reached the classroom, sat ony my desk nd keeping a hope that sm1 will sit with me, but my mates would have already made plans to not to sith with me even if theres any emergency then they would put the bag b/w us so that they couldnt touched with me accidentally. nd at the lunch tym....ive eaten my breakfast by myself by looking out of the windows where my classmates play. and after 6hrs of crying internally in the skul when i came back home....the homies had such a beautiful rltn that ive never witnessed how it is feel to have those parents who love each other. till the nyt the whole house witnessed only rage,anger and crying voice as i m the youngest nd non manipulative i was the target to beat the crap outta me as i wasnt an idle daughter who doesnt obey their narcissistic behaviour.

came to the clg....same thing happened i live in the hostel so ive tried to be with every single person in a hope that sm1 will be my frnd but my luck had other plans haha. i didnt 9 this thing until 2nd yr that with whom im living.....they do backbiting passing racial slurs about me same as the skul as per my physique. im still a human how much can i pretend smtyms i cant ctrl my emotions nd starts weeping. then i met my bf....though he had similar childhood too so i thought that finally ive got sm1 bt silly me i 4got that every1 leaves me after 1 or less than 1 year lol.....our rltn was going healthy but since 2024, idk why bt he started being more bz as he is top notch businessman....even ive halt some events just to be with him but its been 11 months now i cant beg anymore abt sm1s attention or couples spend tym with each other nd its a common thing ryt, meanwhile i would have to say multiple tyms literally like come come or else im coming to u blah blah but upto when.....even last month ive cried like a mad for the first tym in front of him bt i think he didnt care abt that situation like why did i it bcz i wanted a quality tym with him? is it wrong? my colleagues r so much selfish that they literally live on their money not on their parents.....nd i didnt do this lowly thing with him. but ig todays boys love a girl with slefish nature who will destroy them......

so on the day of breakup i was soo fed up to beg abt the tym so what i did was i just copied nd pasted his dialogue on him that im bz i cant be with u.....if it was other way around then i would ask literally infinte tyms as i was always wht i get in response was OKAY BYE!

i mean what.....ive literally did every single thing to be with him meanwhile he literally didnt ask me why or why not i mean when ppl do this to me its okay for them bt when i did the a bad person? im bad bcz i want every1s well being? or bcz i want sm attention that i didnt get? wht i know too a human not an animal🥲

ps - english isnt my first language #help #Advice #Trauma

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Loosing my FP #BPD #Fp #Loss #Splitting #help

Can anyone help with the process of loosing your FP? I have finally split enough on my partner that he is leaving me. And I know he needs to but I feel like I am dying. I used to be a strong independent woman but after he moved in I progressively made this person my entire world. It has been 6 years of essentially verbal abusing him and I only recently discovered why. I didn't know about FPs and I didn't know about splitting. Now that I do know and I am seeking help, it is too late. He has already decided its not worth staying to work through. That kills me. The fact that he is leaving with all the scars I've made fills me with so much regret I feel like my body is going to explode. He has quit his job and will be moving 16 hours away in less than a week but I need help to get through the week. It is happening and there is nothing I can do or say to stop him.
I have been told that the future is a future my BPD mind has made up and that I'm just loosing an idea that my brain created. That isn't the truth though. I am actually loosing this person. He will not be here when I go to sleep or wake up or walk in the door after work anymore. There will be no more concerts or dinners. A scenario of the future may be gone but so is the actual person. I don't know how to handle this gracefully. Please help.

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This is my first post in here. It’s going to be a long one. Hope someone reads it. I’m struggling right now. Bad. I’m at my wits end. With this disorder. With my others. With mental illness in general. With my psychiatrist. But I’m stuck. I have no insurance so I can’t find another one right now. Medicines aren’t working anymore and I was just put on a new one and taken right off after a month after having bad side effects. Still no resolve to my issues. Psychiatrist has no ideas about what to do next other than putting me BACK ON that medication but on half the dosage and hope I don’t have the same reaction. I’m so aggravated. I’m wanting to give up. I’ve tried almost all of the medicines. I also have Borderline, severe anxiety, PTSD and ADHD. Does anyone have any recommendations or encouragement? I’ve been wanting to try DBT handbooks but don’t know which ones are good. Does anyone know? Should I go a different route?
#BipolarDisorder #ADHD # hopeless #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #help

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CPS: Crimes, Chaos & Corruption Medical kidnapping

Do you know of anyone who has been falsely accused of abuse or neglect by CPS, had records falsified and your child taken illegally. It's called Medical kidnapping. It is real and is happening in our states. Imagine as a parent what your mental health State is when your child is missing. When you reach out for #help and your denied help. #MentalHealth matters but when the #Legal components don't align up those who are supposed to help, fail where do you turn to for help. Politicians have been contacted, Gov Wes Moore office notified. Brandi Stocksdale, Dept of Social Services refuses to investigate the case. #Anxiety, #Panic, #Pain, #emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. We have to do better for our children. I am one #Voice amplified to help families find peace in their storm. Let me know if your a victim or know some one who has become a victim. Send a message with your state and brief message of your situation. #oneisonetoomany #medicalkidnapping is a crime and talking about the subject helps parents and providers explore what their options are. Look forward to your stories of #Hope and #Healing

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#jobless Again

Hello Everyone. The past two jobs I recently had are #gone now. I feel like I cannot keep a #Job more than 6 months to a year these days. I am #embarassed beyond belief. A lot of times these events that lead up to my #termination of employment are because of the stupid events that happen. These past two jobs and why I left were actually not my #fault this time. Well, maybe. One of them said I was unable to #learn the material in such a short amount of time. The other is that I was acting #emotional in the workplace. This time.. I wasn't!

Now... I am #struggling I could really use some #encouragement

Please #help me.

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Any really helpful APPS?

I see so many ads for apps that look great. I have subscribed to a few and am 90% disappointed and cancel them. Lots of wasted money. Any suggestions? Forestall health, positive thinking, meditation I guess, yoga? #Apps #help

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People having mental health issues are not aliens!!

“I wish people could understand that the brain is the most important organ of our body. Just because you can’t see mental illness like you could see a broken bone, doesn’t mean it’s not as detrimental or devastating to a family or an individual.”…. Demi Lovato

I personally always try to keep in mind, try to help, try to understand the problems faced by those who are fighting with mental health issues. l, myself, dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and depression so I can say that I understand these conditions better than other mental health issues.

I’m not debating here or exaggerating the fact which is worse mental health issues or physical health issues, but the ground reality, we all know that , stigma related to physical health issues is less than that related to mental illnesses.

Its my personal observation, experience and perspective that mostly family and friends avoid those who are dealing with mental illness, reason is ‘coz of stigma attached to it , that such people are always in negative zone and funny part is they think mental illness is contagious too. If they keep in touch with such people during their low levels, they get infected too, by negativity and toxicity.

Nobody wants that, though its not practically possible for anyone to be in zone full of positivity and optimism, but ‘coz being positive, optimistic are so much overrated concepts these days and yes, its part of social status too, the ‘in thing’ to talk/show in so called intellectual lobbies of society. But,everyone of YOU, who avoid us don’t know that ” We, who suffer from mental illness are stronger than you think. We fight to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends and act ‘normal’ while battling unimaginable pain”.

Even in cases, where we are being neglected, leave us alone…most of us, are there for people around us ,’coz we believe that everyone is fighting their own battles, we respect it even if we are not able to understand it and above all, we know better than others that whether its being asked or not, we all need someone by our side. We believe its not okay to leave someone alone in their negative phase of life just ‘coz we want to safeguard our so called positivity!!

We don’t need much from you, What we need is your little understanding and acceptance that people dealing with mental health issues are not faking it, we have no intentions to drag you in our negativity or toxicity zone , we just need you by our side during our low phase, sometimes a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, hands who hold ours to give warmth, love, feeling and assurance that we are not alone. What we need is your empathy and not sympathy.

And in case, if you can’t do this much, its a humble request that, please leave from our lives, it will be less painful than the dealing with situations where you stay with us during positive times and vanish during low phases…. pratyaya singh#MentalHealth #Stigmas #Love #Acceptance #help #Anxiety #Beingalone #mentalwellbeing

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You're gonna wanna be here for this

If y'all have seen any of my posts, you know some of my ups and downs. I know I haven't been as active, but that's because I've had a LOT of mental legwork to do. Ain't nothing wrong with taking care of your needs! So, I did 😊

Made a post on facebook this morning and thought maybe it might #help someone out there. Either way, posting this to look back on for myself isn't a bad thing either. With that being said, here is my post (also take note of the picture of me from 5 years ago to today. Just the difference in the smile is wild to me 💜:

BLANKET #triggerwarning :

I'm going to share a LOT in one post (especially for so very early 😅). It's going to get deep and it's going to get a bit long winded, but please stick with me and feel free to share. I'm making this public in hopes it might help someone, anyone, even if it's just my future self to remember. I'm also a pretty open book so feel free to ask questions of you'd like 💜 fr let's talk about it!

The "me" in the top photo is NOT the me I am today. Even looking at, to me at least, the difference is striking. If only I could have known just how far I'd be, just mentally, that I'd be, just to let me know I'd be more okay than I could have EVER hoped to be just 5 years later. At the time, 5 years would have felt like forever to the me who couldn't see past moment by moment.

To the me then:

Oh, how I wish I could have assured me that I'd one day have an ounce of love for myself. How the situations I was in wouldn't last forever and that sooner than later, I'd actually be happy with the life within me. That one day, the heavy cloud over my head would dissipate. That one day, all the "faking it till I make it" wouldn't have to be faked anymore. All of the med changes, mental hospital stays, moving, losing my tangible things, losing sight of myself, would one day bring me to actual peace, happiness, protection of my peace, understanding of self. I'd tell me then just how proud of me I am for doing anything and everything to be honest with my support system the best i could so that I could make it another minute, hour, day, because all of the just "surviving" the moment to moment would lead me to today. That, no matter how you quantify or measure the distance of a single step forward, that moving forward is still progress. I'd let me know that one day, I'd look at myself more kindness and love than I ever have and that one day I'd learn just ow valuable my peace is and how one day I'd actually take steps to protect it and that boundaries aren't as scary as I thought they once were.

Oh, little me, how I'd love to let you know so much. There's so much I wish I didn't go through, if for no other reason than because now I know that I made a lot of lessons a lot harder than they had to be. That one day I'd be writing a post about me with the kindness, understanding, and compassion that I've spent so long giving to others.

I think I would have laughed. I wouldn't have believed it. Even if I could have stood in front of myself like a mirror reflection come to life, the me who couldn't see a future, who thought I wouldn't be alive to have any of what I have now (mentally, physically or otherwise), wouldn't know what to do with the information I have today.

And that's okay.

Oh little me, I'm so proud that we lived to see another day. This day. Because it's all we ever wanted and hoped we could get to.

Bad days will come. Ups and downs happen, I know. However, may the me I am today never forget the me I was, lest I lose the raw appreciation for just how far I've came.

FOR ANYONE WHO MADE IT THIS FAR IN MY POST: please know, as long as there is breath within you. As long as you're here to see tomorrow, there's always hope for an even better day after. In spite of the hiccups, the unfortunate, the unforseen and unplanned, there is always room for a better tomorrow....but ya gotta be here for it to see it 💜 PLEASE NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE HONEST WITH YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM!!!!! THIS INCLUDES YOUR DR/THERAPIST/COUNSELOR!!! I used to be terrified to until I realized that you can not be involuntary committed unless you are actively planning to hurt yourself or someone else! Please, don't be so afraid that you don't get the help you know you may need.

-2x in a mental hospital voluntary committed
-years of therapy
-years of med changes till where I think we finally got it the closest to right I've EVER been
-dv/sa survivor
-"sewer slider" attempt/and ideation survivor

There is hope
Ya just have to be here to see all the hard leg work you've done, even if it does take years.

Remember, a painting up close seems chaotic. Every brush stroke looks imperfect and messy, but a step or so back, when you're actually able to look at the bigger picture more and more, I promise it's so beautiful and so very worth it. 💜

You're gonna wanna be here for this 💜


The previous 988 Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) will always remain available to people in emotional distress or crisis.

The 988 Lifeline’s network of over 200 crisis centers has been in operation since 2005 and has been proven to be effective. Trained crisis counselors listen, provide support, and connect callers to resources when appropriate.

Callers who follow the “press 1” prompt are connected to the Veterans Crisis Line. A Spanish Language line is available by pressing 2, and more than 240 languages are supported through a Tele-Interpreters service. Callers now also have the option of following a “press 3” prompt to be connected to a crisiS counselor specifically trained in supporting LGBTQI+ callers.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: The Lifeline and 988

#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Selfharm #Addiction #Loneliness

The Lifeline and 988

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by…
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Struggling today sorry guys #Takingcontrol #MentalHealth #help

This post may not be liked by some people because of triggers so i’m going to try to explain to you guys why iv reached out to my local provider to section 5 me.

Why on earth, i think many people would say to me on other networks, so why?

My husband of 20 years deserves to have his wife back,
My eldest child can come off annual leave and get stronger again so he can get back into work as my mania is chronic at the moment.
My middle child 27, is desperately trying to sleep for work and he can’t focus in work because im really bad late at night and just snap. He never interrupts but im ashamed and it’s affecting our relationship and his own mental health.

My third child is struggling because she absorbs all this pressure. She does intervene and it ends up even worse, that’s not fair to her.

When your child tells you they don’t remember who mum was and they want her back is soul destroying to hear, but painfully true.

Today may not be a good day, the past 9 months have blended into a complete crisis and cycle of panic, mania, anger, sometimes delusional thoughts i’m shouting them all over the house!

I’m tired, they tired and as a family we have decided that having a 28 day release from the house, will really help me, get me seen by the professionals i clearly need and my family will no longer have to take on this horrendous pressure.

I am waiting on a telephone call, it’s not going to happen overnight and it’s bank holiday weekend, as soon as i can get some help, we will all benefit.

I’m 53 my blood pressure is dangerously high and i am constantly worried about having a stroke, or something bad is going to happen.

#MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

I’m lucky i have my family to support me, sometimes that’s not possible for people, Samaritans are there night or day and all volunteer lead, would be my first port of call other than my family 🗣️💪✨

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