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What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

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April 21st, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Same as before;
physical pain and mental pain.

Though the physical pain seemed to be prominent in the way I walk as it hurts my left knee so much to just get up off the bed and go the bathroom.

Walking hurts but resting also hurts,

As I’m typing this my left knee is just throbbing even though all I’m doing is just laying down and resting.

It’s constant but lately is getting worse at night compared to how it usually hurts or has been hurting.

I’d rate it a 7.5 on the (chronic) pain scale at the moment.

I’m sure a lot of you can relate to your pain scale being different to an average person’s pain scale!

Not to say their pain is invalid, I just feel like after living with chronic pain for years you’re pain scale is different.

What does your pain scale look like to you?

#MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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April 18th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Just sort of drained,
I am still very tired from seeing a professional for an evaluation of a condition that I might have but also might not have.

It’s been back and forth wether I have this condition or not but hopefully this will provide the answers finally.

Whatever the result will be I will be happy with just knowing so it can put an end to this back and forth situation.

Aside from that,
I’m still losing weight though I don’t try to. I suspected it was my Crohn’s disease but turns out my Crohn’s is under control.

Is it possible to have the losing weight symptom while in remission?

It’s something I’ve never asked before as it never crossed my mind if you can be in remission but still feel symptoms.

My stomach pain comes and goes but is manageable while fatigue is and has been terrible, my lack of appetite is severe;

I never feel hungry and when I try to eat I still feel nauseous; I had been taking medicine for gastritis, the medicine has run it’s course but the symptoms haven’t improved still and it’s not my Crohn’s.

I don’t know why it is lasting so long.

My mental health is fine in a way; on one hand my depression is mild but on the other hand my anxiety is moderate to severe.

I know it’s from trauma as a result over a certain event; I feel it has been so bad due to appointments about my mental health as it revolves around mental health.

Unfortunately I have no solutions as I am having another appointment tomorrow that has to be in person and will likely be about the trauma.

I will hope I will be able to manage it but it gives me so much anxiety I don’t want to talk about the issue at all.

#MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease

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April 16th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Took my medicine on time!
I usually struggle with that as I have to take them early in the morning and I feel I can’t get out of bed early.

I’m just normally far too fatigued to try and get up early enough as even though I make effort I still feel chained to my bed with no energy even though I had gotten some good rest.

But then again this fatigue doesn’t go away with just sleeping a normal amount of hours.

Likely going to be no post tomorrow as I have to get up really early to go see a mental health professional and it’s probably going to drain me as I have horrible fatigue during the mornings where I have to build energy just to get out of bed.

In fortunate news,
I had a full meal and was able to enjoy it or at least half of it. Still not getting hungry though, but I ate because I knew I had to eat something. It’s something I’m working on as it barely improved at all but it still improved some and that is progress!

For a win for the day; I took a few minutes of time outside for a short break to relax some with the nature and sunlight although it was a bit cloudy, I spent the time outside with my husky despite being in some pain! 🦋

#MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

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April 14th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

How is everyone doing? Hopefully you all are doing well despite the circumstances you’re dealing with,
Wether that be physical health or mental health or both.
I’m proud of you all for making it through this day!

As you all could likely tell I’m in a good mood at the moment though all isn’t exactly well as events are overwhelming a bit but I have been able to maintain a sense of peace and calmness despite my physical issues and mental health issues.

It’s uncommon for me to be this peaceful and feel serene for even just a few moments and I feel oddly proud of myself for being able to be so calm and taking steps to improve my health!

Journaling and other helpful coping mechanisms have really helped me throughout this day that was a bit difficult for me emotionally and physically.

I’m trying to enjoy this positive feeling for as long it lasts!

I was still fatigued pretty badly but the mornings are always so heavy as I struggled to get out of bed just to get some food so I’m not starving;

But the odd thing is that I’m never hungry when I should be, I’ve mentioned this in later post before but I was assuming it was going to go away soon but it has still processed.

I did make sure to have a decent meal despite how nauseous and sick it makes me feel.

But I also got out of my room for a bit longer than normal despite my painful left knee.

Trying to find the little things that I can be grateful towards!

#MentalHealth #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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Loony Tunes of Suffering by Melanie R.

Loony Tunes of Suffering

Warner Bros. created years of laughter through their characters on a seemingly unattainable chase. I just never would’ve expected these childhood cartoons would’ve given a foreboding, and biblical representation on what was to come later in life; as chronic pain/rare chronic illness, and my spiritual growth were broadcasted on the television of my adult life.

As children, as soon as we heard the symphonic xylophone intro of Merrie Melodies, our heads bobbed along, and we stared wide eyed at the zoomed in faces featuring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Yosemite Sam.

The music was our cue to gather round on the living room floor, and get ready to watch the show! Thinking back, more than just running in circles, maybe these characters had a story to tell other than their famous taglines.
Were they all actually trying to tell a vision?

Eh- what’s up doc?

Like Bugs Bunny, inquisitively I have asked this question to the many physicians I have seen over the years after my full immersion into this Technicolor world of chronic illness and invisible disability. Like me, I am not sure if Bugs received a satisfying answer to that question either.

“Suffering succotash!” Mel Blanc served up suffering succotash to Sylvester‘s famous catchphrase to Tweety Bird.
Although Sylvester never actually caught Tweety, he never gave up on his pursuit.
An example to continue on in advocating and persevering all these years later through the lunacy of medical complexities.
I was certain Sylvester was attempting to free Tweety from his cage so that they could play together.
Suffering succotash has numerous dictionary translations, and surprisingly, one meaning suffering savior. This bringing to mind how I would humbly and diligently call upon the Savior Jesus to free me from the cage of suffering.
Daffy duck was also known to call out for suffering succotash when he was perplexed with life.
Arriba translated as encouragement.
While running from his adversary, Speedy Gonzales called out, “Arriba Arriba. Andale, andale!”, as a cloud of dust covered ensnarements.
It was another telling sign to be quick to call for encouragement!

One of the most memorable characters was the red bearded, gunslinger Yosemite Sam, and how he loved to harass Bugs Bunny. What was Bugs’ his reaction to Yosemite Sam’s temper tantrums?
He had no fear, and he stood tall while continue to munch on his carrot!
Yosemite Sam could have had a unwritten Christian background, because he told Bugs Bunny to say his prayers!
So many prayers are needed to endure long-suffering, and Yosemite Sam had sound advice.
Rare chronic illness/chronic pain can feel as heavy as the grand piano falling from the sky out of nowhere every day. Sometimes in suffering, it seems the only downy soft commercial break is the time spent in connection to God.
As we spend our time in prayer, the word of God comforts us just like the fluffy towels the downy bear bounced on.
Back then I didn’t know the role these catchphrase subliminal messages would have had on my adult life and suffering, but looking back, they were in some ways pixelating God’s love on a Saturday morning rerun of Looney Tunes.

#MitochondrialDisease #SjogrensSyndrome #RareDisease #Disability #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

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April 11th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Today was rough and got progressively worse throughout the day unfortunately.
I was exhausted and felt like I couldn’t even have the strength to move when I woke up,
It’s partly my fault as I pushed myself too hard yesterday.
So the start of my day was met with immediate exhaustion even after sleeping but not like a morning tiredness,
This fatigue had a strength to it that was rather more severe than normal but it seems my fatigue is getting worse but periodically as I go to sleep and wonder how much energy I will have when I wake up.
If I even have the strength to get out bed on time.
It’ll happen without a direct reason at times as well.
Besides my fatigue my day got a little better as I was in an okay and a good mood when I finally got out of bed which was really late.
I was feeling alright and was going to do something fun.
But then a wave of sadness and anxiety washed over me after my traumatic stress got triggered by loud noises again that sounded very similar to what I heard when experiencing the traumatic event.
My mood immediately shifted as I recoiled back from my happy mood to some place else.
Sad, anxious, and alone.
I managed to calm myself before I could have a panic attack using coping skills but this sadness was so heavy it absorbed all my happiness like a sponge.
I was anxious as I then isolated myself away from others because of the heavy sadness and the uneasy feeling I was experiencing.
This flashback was a bit different than the others as the others are more intense and very vivid with what I start to see.
But for this flashback my surroundings were a little seen as the environment of the traumatic event but not nearly as heavy as what I would call an emotional flashback.
Feeling the same emotions and hurt I experienced like I was reliving it.
It was more the emotions I relived and not the sight or sounds.
It just really ruined my attempt of trying to make my day enjoyable.
So for the rest of the day I just isolated myself; still feeling those emotions.
But then my stomach starts hurting really bad and I was feeling nauseous and a bit lightheaded out of nowhere as I sweated a bit.
It came and went about three times lasting 30 minutes each before I finally got some peace.
As I’m typing this my energy is just really low and I can’t type anymore.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 🦋
#MentalHealth #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

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