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Food, Just Imagine….

Imagine having the flu 24 hours a day 7 days a week.....

Imagine never feeling hungry or a salivating mouth or appetite......

Imagine you have just eaten a 3 course meal and you feel so full all the time that you have to vomit to realease some pressure.......

Imagine having intolerable pain in your stomach like someone has repetitively punched you in the stomach and it feels bruised.....

Imagine living off a diet of soup, meal replacement drinks and water, because anything solid will make you feel like you have eaten razor blades....

Imagine being a lab rat and the Drs test drugs in you, just in the slight hope it will relieve your intense pain, but it only makes your symptoms worse….

Imagine telling everyone that you are really sick and no one believes you or tells you it's all in your head….

Imagine being told you are depressed or suffering from anxiety, you are accused of having an eating disorder as the weight falls off your body and reveals the bare bones of you, or even the complete opposite and you mysteriously to some gain weight but what they don’t realize is it comes from the food collecting in your stomach for weeks…..

Imagine being told you have an illness that they can't fix or cure and you might feel like this forever..............

#Gastroparesis #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Pain #ChronicFatigue #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #ParkinsonsDisease #Fibromyalgia #Endometriosis #MultipleHealthChallenges

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Do you find people don’t believe, respect or honor your disability? Have you lost friends because of this?

The problem with having severe mental illness and trauma, or really any disability for that matter...

If you don't act "disabled enough" in public, people assume you're fine and should be functioning just like everyone else... If you're able to hold a conversation, or go to a social event, or work a job, or go to the grocery store, or clean your house, even part of the time, people assume you're absolutely fine and faking/exaggerating your symptoms. Even if I can do the task once and fail the next ten times, people think because I did it once I'm 100% fine.

But if you act "too disabled" people think you're "crazy" and a burden and want nothing to do with you. If you're suicidal, out of control, crying, self-harming, having flashbacks, getting angry for "no reason", canceling plans, unable to work, can't keep up with responsibilities, can't go out in public, can't clean, or can't socialize, people get tired of you, ignore you, get mad at you, blame you for your symptoms, and don't want to be around you.

This also applies to physical and intellectual disabilities and chronic illness. For example, being able to walk. If a person in a wheelchair walks once in a while, they aren't "cured" or faking it or not trying hard enough, they're still disabled! Disabilities don't present in the same way every day. Some days I can go to an appointment and then clean for six hours and be absolutely fine, and some days, like today, simply opening an incorrect bill will trigger a severe and disabling meltdown for several hours. We have good days and bad days. We are trying harder than you can imagine. Please understand and be patient with us.

Nobody is faking their trauma or disability. Nobody is exaggerating their symptoms. Nobody is pretending as an excuse to avoid responsibility. We are doing the best we can. We need compassion and understanding from those around us. We're trying so hard. Every day is hard for us and we're doing our best. Please try to understand.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and/or experiences with us. We are here to support one another and lift each other up.

Thank you all!

#MultipleHealthChallenges #invisableillness #Depression #Anxiety #youarenotalone #mighty contributor #warriors #Fybromyalgia #Gastroparesis @moshe222mhc

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Insomnia, Painsomnia…. morphing into a vampire 🥱 ?

Arghhhhhh, it’s 4:31 am and I’m sitting here watching mindless tv. Law and Order SVU to be exact. Trying to summons those sheep that you apparently were told to count. Does anyone remember that? What was that all about? Lol, hope everyone else was able to sleep. FYI I am completely jealous if that is the case 😮 #Insomnia #Painsomnia #MultipleHealthChallenges #Gastroparesis #mightycontributor

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A big hello to all our Multiple Health Challenges members!

Sometimes we all get into a slump, a downward spiral of a ride called life that tries to grab a hold of us and not let go. It happens to us all. I myself am no stranger to this. So, with the support of an incredible friend I have made just by originally joining this group has helped me break free and shake that hold it’s had on me. I am wishing everyone a great week and more to come this week. Virtual hugs to all ! #MultipleHealthChallenges #mightycontributor

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Happy Valentine’s Day

I could make an excuse for my late Happy V Day but to be honest, I always have set things to accomplish in a day and when whichever Your multiple health challenge is at the moment sends your train of thought right off the rails

Hope everyone enjoyed their day however anyone does and I am wishing and sending everyone virtual hugs for V Day.
#MultipleHealthChallenges #mightycontributor . #virtualhugs #gastropaersis #Fybromyalgia #Depression #Anxiety #MightyPets #tobytyler #blessedtobeamember .

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🔸Happy Holidays🔸

I would like to wish everyone here, near and far, with us on earth or up above a wonderful Happy Holidays ☀️🌙💫 #MultipleHealthChallenges

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When hydrotherapy takes you into a 6 hour E.R. visit! Yep, no more therapy in heated water.

So, my hydrotherapy that I wanted so long turned out to be a bit of a physical nightmare. I think I had 6 sessions so far. Five in the heated tank and one I pushed them for when the heat wasn’t working (cold) water. Yes, the cold was the best for my body as I thought it would be. Out of six sessions. Fifty percent of them I went in on a rollator/cane and came out the same way. Fifty percent of them left me unable to walk at all and required a wheelchair to leave. Two times while in the tank my body went into major immediate symptoms that required the tank to be drained and getting me out right now. Last week, my session ended abruptly requiring the therapist to call for help and a wheelchair to get me to the emergency room immediately. Six hours later I was on my way home.

The bad news: Each hydrotherapy session in heated water quite literally felt like it tortured my body. Not just for the session but for the rest of the day and two to three days afterwards. Then, it was time to go again and do it all over. I’ve been telling my neurologist for the entire time that my body is suffering immensely with heat/humidity!! I KNOW. I know because I live in a home without a/c or central air, and the summer’s that I’ve lived for my whole life are now intolerable in every way. Why is my voice not heard?

The good news: I don’t have a brain tumor (they did a ct scan), not that I thought I did. I didn’t have a stroke.

The e.r. Dept wants the doc to continue looking at ms and autoimmune illnesses. She also said that the spine stimulator in my body that I’m currently not using NEEDS to be removed. I’ve nobody to do that and who’s going to pay for it?

Now, the therapy department informed me that they will not allow me to continue hydrotherapy at all. They believe that something is attacking my nerves. Umm 🤔 yes, I believe that as well! I feel like my doc does not listen to me at all.

It’s all ground or machine therapy from here on out. This will be so challenging as well seeing how my body can only walk 15-20 minutes max before my feet fold under, the numbness, pain and burning take over 2/3 of my body and I become unable to walk no matter if I’m using a rollator or not. I keep having vision episodes, facial numbing, head tingling and on and in it goes, along with limbs full of numbness and weakness the pain is severe and it is daily.

Today, I’ve therapy in the afternoon, then it’s my sleep deprived eeg in the morning. Wow, what fun I’m going to have in the next 24 hours (my body), NOT! How I’m going to stay awake is the question of the day? Oh hell. 😬 Wish me luck you beautiful people!💕
#MightyTogether #Undiagnosed #CheckInWithMe #MultipleHealthChallenges

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I tried AGAIN to explain my situation to my brother! #MultipleHealthChallenges #Anxiety

I have several well-known diagnosis' and one rare, myotonia congenita. I believe that my brother has myotonia congenita also but refuses to get genetic tests. We share some of the symptoms.

Some of the more common diagnosis' we do not share. When I try to explain how debilitating fibromyalgia, essential tremors and osteoarthritis are for me. He, as usual, says he has pain too but has no choice but suck it up and push through it. I can't seem to convince him that our pain levels or types can vary wildly. I'm not sure what to say to him at this point.

He and I are in a position now where our parents are requiring more at home care. Each have different stages of dementia. This is a delicate matter for the four of us. So I need to do my part in their care. Especially our mother who struggles if I'm not with her several times a week. During the current discussion between my brother and I he told me that he needs me to step up more. He thinks I don't know that?! I feel guilty enough for not doing what I think is enough.

Our parents live in his basement apartment and I live 10 minutes away. He now has a lake house as well. He wants to pick up and go whenever he wants without notifying me until the night before. Which means I have to pick up the slack so to speak. I wish it was easy for me to just get ready and leave my house. We all know that it's not that easy or simple. My parents have a spare bedroom but he and his wife don't want me to live with our parents. Just come over 3-4 times a week for a few hours he says. I struggle showering or even cooking for myself daily. I'm at a position where I need extra care myself. But I'm at a loss at what more I can say to him. It's a no win situation for all of us. Thank you so much for listening to me vent. Have a great day! 🙏 #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Paresthesia #Neuropathy #formication #MyotoniaCongenita #EssentialTremors #RareDisease #Osteoarthritis

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Today, my friends and community, I’m doing a rare thing and asking for you to lift me up with your support for me today. #ChronicIllness #Pain

My doctor (PCP) laughed in my face at my treatment-resistant major depressive disorder disabilities last night at my appointment - it was a joke to him! He ridiculed me, demeaned me, and it’s not the first time he or other doctors were not a proper medical professional when I went to them for professional care.

This one last night did this all while throwing out new physical illnesses names at me that I probably have but needs to be confirmed by bloodwork taken last night.

So, I’m much sicker Physically now and once again I cannot go back to this doctor and I haven’t yet, in all these many years, been able to find one who is a compassionate human, let alone a professional who knows what they are doing.

It should go without saying that we deserve to be treated so much better and many of us just are not, and it shatters me for all of us.

This shouldn’t be in our hands alone to Warrior through because of disgraceful doctors that show us that they are numb and apathetic to what they took a professional oath to do and that they chose to go through many vigorous years of schooling to help us, not make us worse and actually hurt us.

We shouldn’t have to keep picking up our shattered pieces of ourselves and putting ourselves back together time and again because there are way too many people, including medical professionals, who do not have a moral compass. #MightyTogether #ChronicPain #Insomnia #ChronicFatigue #MultipleHealthChallenges #PTSD #Trauma #warrior #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealthAwareness #MadeVisible #Support #Depression #ChronicDepression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #TreatmentresistantDepression #Anxiety #MyCondition #MajorDepression #MedicalProfessionals #MedicalPtsd